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5 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I’m no expert, but I think it was not worth the gamble.  Lots of stocks took a hit from this, and lots of stocks are going to match or exceed what they were at when this all started, but working in hospitality... This is going to change travel for a long time.  Especially leisure travel.  I would personally go for stocks that won’t be impacted by fears of another pandemic.  Same mentality of going for things that wouldn’t be effected by terrorism after 9/11.  

I’m planning on doing some intermittent buying with all this, but nowhere near 1,000 at a time, and certainly not all in one stock.  

Not looking for a high return.. I’ll take even just doubling the $1000

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1 minute ago, Fresh Prince said:

Not looking for a high return.. I’ll take even just doubling the $1000

/not looking for high return

/looking for a 100% return


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Just now, Fresh Prince said:

For high return I meant waiting for it to get back to the 35-50 dollar share amount

Just be ready to sit on it for years. If that is no issue then by all means go for it.

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1 hour ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Yes, it's quarterly.  

So, I think if you don't want to miss the chance to buy in, it's ok to go ahead and sign up and put a minimal amount in to start.

But, I expect that you'll still be able to buy in near the bottom in 3 months. So in that respect, waiting till the next quarter probably costs you nothing and keeps your money liquid. 


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If you guys are looking for a logical short term bet that could pay off, I am buying HPQ call options right now with expiration of 5/15. Here is why:

1) HP is a laptop and home printer company. Everyone and their brother is buying printers right now as people are working from home. 

2) they beat earnings estimates when they reported earnings in Feb. Here is what was said at the time (paraphrasing) - "Their lightweight 2-1 laptops are starting to sell better. Their printing business is strong but the long term strength of home printers will diminish over time due to shrinking margins and markets" Obviously I am not betting on the long term viability of the printing business, but rather the short term jump in POs due to the virus. I think its a rather safe bet as far as options trading in this current climate goes.

3) They are going to report earnings sometime between 5/7 and 5/11. I want to have an expiration date beyond this point (5/15) to capture the positive news that will come out because LIS, they are undoubtedly seeing a HUGE influx of purchase orders due to the majority of workers being forced to work from home. The fact they reported positive earnings right before the virus hit is a big plus for me as far as timing goes. We are going to get the full run of the increased orders from now until mid-may in this singular earnings report. I also think by then people will realize that tech is one of the best places to have your money right now because they have tons of cash and can continue to operate a portion of their business. 

I am buying a few different contracts at different strike prices. I just bought some at 14 for $1.87 per share. The current stock price is 13.80 or so. HOPEFULLY by mid may we are starting to get some really good news and then they report very strong printer sales to ride the wave to 16 at least. 


What do you guys think? options trading can be very profitable in times of high volatility. I own a lot of mutual funds as well as a fair amount of long term growth stocks (small mid cap technology companies) but since there are no sports I figured I can use my allocated sports betting money on options trading LOL 

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54 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

my 2 cents:
The profit margin is in the ink more than the printers. As long as HP captures their share of the ink biz, you're on the right track

People have to buy ink for their new printers! 

Strictly speaking I am betting on a higher revenue and eps this quarter than last. If that happens and things in the economy stabilize then I will better capitalize on the increase in share price than by buying <100 shares 

Could also bust and I lose all of it. Its not a company I am buying for the long hold, so I'm cool with that 

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29 minutes ago, mistakey said:

@mission27 thoughts


IMO today was mostly about sending a message to the Senate BUT I'm not sure that's a message they really care about or will get them off their ***.  They will eventually act but it may take a major company falling or laying off tens of thousands of workers to spur that. 

Things will get better in May.  There's no question. 

Our patch-work response here though is kind of the worst of both worlds... we're shutting down our major economic centers but also not enforcing social distancing in other parts of the country and not restricting travel... so inevitably, things probably get better in NY and Washington and LA, but maybe get worse in other areas... I'm not sure our current approach is going to result in this being contained on a NATIONAL level as quickly as it could and yet I think we're already doing 80% of the economic damage of a national lockdown.  And countries in Europe, Canada, Asia, etc. that get this under control are going to be more hesitant to open borders back up if there's an outbreak in Detroit even if the outbreak in New York is over.  

My view is still we are close to a bottom and I'd be comfortable getting back in with the understanding it may be 12-18 months before we get back the 30-35% we lost.  But still probably 2-3 weeks of major volatility ahead.  Italy's trajectory is encouraging.  So is Washington State.  I think New York is 1-2 weeks behind, LA and Boston probably a week behind that (though less bad).  Things get better in May.  

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If there is a rally tomorrow because of Trump's comments though that's misguided.  Reality is he didnt put any of these restrictions in place so there's no restrictions for him to lift.  Its the states and private businesses and they will continue to increase restrictions until we really have this thing under control.  Nobody wants the bad publicity of having under-reacted after what happened over the last month so they will over-react.  And some of the most important restrictions are re international travel which he has very limited control over (shoe is going to be on the other foot very shortly, cant imagine China or Europe or Canada will want us for at least another 1.5-2 months.

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50 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

It's unsettling to me that I agree with you.

Tbh I've been right all along

Paradoxically the coronavirus is going to crater the economy and save it at the same time 

We're going to get the deleveraging of balance sheet at **** companies supported by Powell and Stevie M

Best I've felt about buying stocks in at least 5 years 

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