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The Biggest Loser remember when Orca died lol


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Kinda bummed I didn’t have it as 2-4-6-8-10 pound increments where you had a 50-50 chance of gaining the selected weight or losing it but my contest was kinda an experiment to see who would be ballsy by picking the big amount and who would play it safe. Alright working on results now *****es

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I have decided to eliminate @Hockey5djh on grounds of inactivity and add The Orca back into the fold. To keep things moving though, he incurs Hockey’s punishment for inactivity, which means he selects the riskiest option in the contest.

Alright so the results were:

@kingseanjohn/ @ET80 option 1

@SwAg- option 2

@Malfatron/ @theuntouchable- option 3

@skywindO2/ @TedLavie/ @Pickle Rick/ @Dome/ @FinneasGage- option 4

@Whicker/ @Hockey5djh (@The Orca)- option 5


The objective was pretty much to not get greedy, and to only get greedy if you expected other people to get equally greedy or worse. As a result, doofuses ET and KSJ didn’t stand a chance in hell which is funny cause ET is a banker so you’d think he’d be better at this ****. Skywind, Ted, Pickle, Dome, and Fin all scored with the easy option of 4 and Malf with the earlier selection ousted touch to be the lucky 6th man on the scoreboard. Lucky for everyone else that didn’t pick 5, they get no penalty or reward. 

I used a randomizer of 1-100 and anyone that scored over 50 doubles their weight loss for 4. This ended up being just Pickle and Fin. Malf failed his for option 3. 

So the score ends up being:

Skywind/Ted/Dome: -2 lbs

Fin/Pickle/Malf: -4 lbs


and now for the punishment for the goofy dinguses that chose 5. On the same scale of 1-100, any number over 70 will gain 5-15 lbs.

Whicker lucked out and hit an 18. Orca on the other hand hit an 86. If he hits a 1-33, he gains 5, 34-66 gains 10, and 67-100 gains 15. He got a 74. Orca gains 15 pounds. 

The Orca now weighs 308 pounds and has been rekilled lmfao. 

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