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Lets Discuss All Things Wrestling - Even The T-Shirt Company AEW!


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Smackdown doesn't air on the west coast for another 2 hours, but I'm positing something based off of last week's Smackdown that I think fits some logic pegs for where they appear to be taking the Bloodline story.

When Tama came confronted Heyman after Heyman was asked the status of Jimmy - after Tama and Solo attacked Jimmy - Tama said, from what I heard that it was, "By order of the Tribal Chief."

Roman's claim to the Tribal Chief title was that he was the one who kept the family (and also the whole Federation) fed well... because he was the tippy-top champion and he had the actionable position to make demands and dictates to the company.  Roman lost the championship to Cody and now the one who is in the position that he's providing the actionable position for the Bloodline because he is the company (or at least part of the Board of Directors) is Rocky.  But Rocky's, conveniently but also practically because he's shooting another movie, not on TV and the same with Roman, so everyone is going to assume that Solo seized the throne for himself or went rogue, and really I think you've got fantastic groundwork laid for a great scene when Roman does return and confronts Solo, and Roman throws up the single finger and Solo starts to throw his up then uses it to point to the tron or the staging area (depending on whether they can get Rock live or have to do a tape-over) to reveal Rock as the one who was behind the (logical) power grab.  You can even have Solo do a throwback to his father's line back in the day of, "I did it for the Rock."

I do get the feeling that they're going to build to a Bloodline v Bloodline War Games, I just hope because it does fit organically to the story and is also incredibly practical because anything to keep Rock from getting injured and screwing up a penultimate Mania match with Roman is a good thing, that they borrow a bit from Gangs of New York and have (preferrably Roman) make the stipulation, "No weapons.  We do this old school."  It's a cool throwback to both the way WarGames originally used to be in NWA/WCW where the cage was the only weapon and also it's an Easter egg type callback to one of Rock's lines in Hobbs and Shaw, which is one of the ones he executive produced in order to get made.

But you can basically bring the storyline nearly-full-circle and have Roman, both Uso's, and Sami against Rock, Solo, Tama, and Jacob Fatu in War Games and have Rock's team cheat to win... or rather bend the rules because Rock's on the board so he "makes the rules," and this is where you debut Zilla (Umaga's son) and have him scale the cage from the outside and give the edge to Team Rock for the win.

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Absolutely. Ospreay vs. Danielson was tremendous stuff. The Tag Team Title Match was great with Perrys return. Okada vs. PAC was great. Stong vs. KOR was very good and Cole can walk again. Swerve vs. Joe was very good. Joe had a great run. I'm excited to see Swerve as World Champion. I also loved Toni Storm vs. Thunder Rosa. House of Black vs. Copeland, Kingston & Briscoe was also a good match. The rest wasn't to bad either. The TBS Championship match was a bit short, probably due to Julias injury. So that's fine. Jericho vs. HOOK was solid. The crowd helped that match, although it wasn't the best reaction for Jericho. But it was entertaining. Overall the crowd was great.

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2 hours ago, Edge said:

Absolutely. Ospreay vs. Danielson was tremendous stuff. The Tag Team Title Match was great with Perrys return. Okada vs. PAC was great. Stong vs. KOR was very good and Cole can walk again. Swerve vs. Joe was very good. Joe had a great run. I'm excited to see Swerve as World Champion. I also loved Toni Storm vs. Thunder Rosa. House of Black vs. Copeland, Kingston & Briscoe was also a good match. The rest wasn't to bad either. The TBS Championship match was a bit short, probably due to Julias injury. So that's fine. Jericho vs. HOOK was solid. The crowd helped that match, although it wasn't the best reaction for Jericho. But it was entertaining. Overall the crowd was great.

Ospreay is on another level than anyone else in the world in-ring. He's unbelievable.

I'm glad he retired the Storm Driver 91 though. It was great against Kenny and Take****a, but he doesn't need to be doing that move to guy like Bryan even though that's clearly story. If he wants to make it his "punt" ala Orton, that's fine, but he should not be using that move regularly.

Jack's return got a huge pop. Swerve winning was necessary, etc.

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59 minutes ago, Mox said:

Ospreay is on another level than anyone else in the world in-ring. He's unbelievable.

I'm glad he retired the Storm Driver 91 though. It was great against Kenny and Take****a, but he doesn't need to be doing that move to guy like Bryan even though that's clearly story. If he wants to make it his "punt" ala Orton, that's fine, but he should not be using that move regularly.

Jack's return got a huge pop. Swerve winning was necessary, etc.

I'm sure he's going to use it again, once he turns heel, which is probably 1 or 2 years away from now.

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11 hours ago, Mox said:

AEW PPVs always deliver. Awesome show

Having been in the building last night, it was an amazing show. But... as many have said forever now, its just too damn long. The crowd was into just about everything, but you could feel they werent able to get back up to a 10 for Swerve's win, and thats a shame. It was also probably hurt by Osprey/Danielson going on 3rd to last, and there was no matching what they did in the ring (WMX8 issue). But at the same time, the ending they did (im assuming its part of the work based on how Bryce jumped ontop of BD after the TD91 too quickly for it to be real plus how BD got out of the ring after the lights went down) but that absolutely sapped all energy out of the arena, you could hear a pin drop and no one was in their seat. Obviously that was the intention. but it was a weird move with 2 more big matches to go


For a pre-show, they put on some great stuff. First, unlike old-WWE, them giving Sydal the pop at home was great. No one expects him to win but its great to see him, plus it was a good way to set up/further the Best Friends stuff. The Orange/Shibata was the perfect type of pre-show match, and made sure it gave everyone time to get in their seats for the first real match of the night. Which Im glad they are unifying these belts (I just dont know what to do with RoH anymore, neither do they) and IM very glad they gave it to BCG, they needed it. Get Caster and Bowen back into the Tag division, I love Billy so much, but its getting rough watchin him do the same sequence every night. Leave him as Mentor/Muscle

Okada/Pac was a great match. Fun the whole time, and man did Okada really cement the heel status with the hezzy to the Rainmaker pose , and just dropping the finger to everyone. Good stuff, just dont care about the Continental Belt, maybe I will eventually?

The House of Black v Copeland/Kingston/Briscoe was a fine match, but it just did not belong at all. This right here, is the difference in a great promotion, and one still trying to find their footing. This was a Maine Event for Dynamite or Collision. Or at most a filler match on a PPV card that you only have like 4 matches for. So obviously it was not needed here at Dynasty. Honestly this should have just been a cool down segment that HoB was out there for Julia or something, and thats when this whole thing boiled over in some quick brawl, setting up Copeland/Black for a later date. It should have been 6 minutes, not 18.

The Willow/Julia match was also solid, but wasnt really PPV worthy, and it became very clear that this was just a reason to get Mercedes to walk out there on a PPV. Seems weird, everyone is already at this show/bought the PPV for other reasons, didnt really need to have her there? And the weird fakeout from Statlander and Stokely before the CEO's interruption just felt misplayed. Im happy for Willow, she deserves the belt and I still think shes going to be huge very soon. But why is Mone going after the tbs belt again? (the letters are literally lowercase on the belt, it feels so secondary and beneath her)

Strong and O'Riley gave the exact match that youd expect them to, which was darn good, but also felt like a Collision Main Event with how straight forward the match was. I guess the real payoff was Cole walking down the ramp post match? And then hinting at him v Wardlow? Seemed weird, seemed like a segment they should have done instead of a full match, but Ill never complain about those two going at it (although it did feel lesser with the other amazing wrestling already on the card) 

We have had a lot of the Chris Jereicho conversations around here, but it is BAD. He is the first person I have seen in a while live that has undeniable Go Away Heat. Nothing he did was the least bit enjoyable and the entire crowd was screaming one liners at him. And the fact that he has inserted himself here to win the FTW title off Hook made it even worse. People werent mad he won, they were annoyed we had to sit through this for 15 min.

And what is worse than Jericho's Go Away Heat? The utter Apathy toward Thunder Rosa. How is she back in the Women's Title Picture? The only cheers were from the few young people in the crowd and the ladies who were clearly dong the "playing along with the Faces" act all night. Rosa should be in the tbs division at this point, and Mone should have been there to stare down Storm. 

Any words I would type out about Osprey/Danielson would not do it justice. Im just glad I was able to be there to see it. Again, the ending was odd, and really zapped the crowd, so strange choice. And honestly I dont know how they didnt see this should have been a Main Event for a PPV all itself.

Ladder match was pretty good. Some wild spots. Its always weird to see the wobbly ladders in person, youre much more worried than when you watch on TV. The Bucks win, and Jack Perry run in were all expected, but sometimes the obvious thing is the right thing. The full sell job by the security team jumping into the ring was great, even though every person in the building knew who it was. Also good sent up, bringing Bucks/FTR all square at 2-2

And finally, the Main Event was a very solid match, and huge moment for Swerve. Happy for him, but the crowd was not only completely warn out, but was all itching to head tp the exits. It was 5 hours without even the slightest break in action. And then when Swerve got the big Black Panther entrance, I thought they were going to let Joe sneak another one out top prolong this. But then immediately after that, it was spoiled for anyone in the building paying attention. The AEW crew was not the least bit subtle in rolling out the Confetti Cannons, and even worse, with like 5 min left in the match, they rolled them up next to the crowd at ringside. Feels like theres a better way to do that.


Again, amazing show, crowd was hot nearly the entire time, but its always surprising that AEW is making the same Missteps in their PPVs, especially as they try to set up double digits events going forward.

Edited by StLunatic88
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43 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

Having been in the building last night, it was an amazing show. But... as many have said forever now, its just too damn long. The crowd was into just about everything, but you could feel they werent able to get back up to a 10 for Swerve's win, and thats a shame. It was also probably hurt by Osprey/Danielson going on 3rd to last, and there was no matching what they did in the ring (WMX8 issue). But at the same time, the ending they did (im assuming its part of the work based on how Bryce jumped ontop of BD after the TD91 too quickly for it to be real plus how BD got out of the ring after the lights went down) but that absolutely sapped all energy out of the arena, you could hear a pin drop and no one was in their seat. Obviously that was the intention. but it was a weird move with 2 more big matches to go


For a pre-show, they put on some great stuff. First, unlike old-WWE, them giving Sydal the pop at home was great. No one expects him to win but its great to see him, plus it was a good way to set up/further the Best Friends stuff. The Orange/Shibata was the perfect type of pre-show match, and made sure it gave everyone time to get in their seats for the first real match of the night. Which Im glad they are unifying these belts (I just dont know what to do with RoH anymore, neither do they) and IM very glad they gave it to BCG, they needed it. Get Caster and Bowen back into the Tag division, I love Billy so much, but its getting rough watchin him do the same sequence every night. Leave him as Mentor/Muscle

Okada/Pac was a great match. Fun the whole time, and man did Okada really cement the heel status with the hezzy to the Rainmaker pose , and just dropping the finger to everyone. Good stuff, just dont care about the Continental Belt, maybe I will eventually?

The House of Black v Copeland/Kingston/Briscoe was a fine match, but it just did not belong at all. This right here, is the difference in a great promotion, and one still trying to find their footing. This was a Maine Event for Dynamite or Collision. Or at most a filler match on a PPV card that you only have like 4 matches for. So obviously it was not needed here at Dynasty. Honestly this should have just been a cool down segment that HoB was out there for Julia or something, and thats when this whole thing boiled over in some quick brawl, setting up Copeland/Black for a later date. It should have been 6 minutes, not 18.

The Willow/Julia match was also solid, but wasnt really PPV worthy, and it became very clear that this was just a reason to get Mercedes to walk out there on a PPV. Seems weird, everyone is already at this show/bought the PPV for other reasons, didnt really need to have her there? And the weird fakeout from Statlander and Stokely before the CEO's interruption just felt misplayed. Im happy for Willow, she deserves the belt and I still think shes going to be huge very soon. But why is Mone going after the tbs belt again? (the letters are literally lowercase on the belt, it feels so secondary and beneath her)

Strong and O'Riley gave the exact match that youd expect them to, which was darn good, but also felt like a Collision Main Event with how straight forward the match was. I guess the real payoff was Cole walking down the ramp post match? And then hinting at him v Wardlow? Seemed weird, seemed like a segment they should have done instead of a full match, but Ill never complain about those two going at it (although it did feel lesser with the other amazing wrestling already on the card) 

We have had a lot of the Chris Jereicho conversations around here, but it is BAD. He is the first person I have seen in a while live that has undeniable Go Away Heat. Nothing he did was the least bit enjoyable and the entire crowd was screaming one liners at him. And the fact that he has inserted himself here to win the FTW title off Hook made it even worse. People werent mad he won, they were annoyed we had to sit through this for 15 min.

And what is worse than Jericho's Go Away Heat? The utter Apathy toward Thunder Rosa. How is she back in the Women's Title Picture? The only cheers were from the few young people in the crowd and the ladies who were clearly dong the "playing along with the Faces" act all night. Rosa should be in the tbs division at this point, and Mone should have been there to stare down Storm. 

Any words I would type out about Osprey/Danielson would not do it justice. Im just glad I was able to be there to see it. Again, the ending was odd, and really zapped the crowd, so strange choice. And honestly I dont know how they didnt see this should have been a Main Event for a PPV all itself.

Ladder match was pretty good. Some wild spots. Its always weird to see the wobbly ladders in person, youre much more worried than when you watch on TV. The Bucks win, and Jack Perry run in were all expected, but sometimes the obvious thing is the right thing. The full sell job by the security team jumping into the ring was great, even though every person in the building knew who it was. Also good sent up, bringing Bucks/FTR all square at 2-2

And finally, the Main Event was a very solid match, and huge moment for Swerve. Happy for him, but the crowd was not only completely warn out, but was all itching to head tp the exits. It was 5 hours without even the slightest break in action. And then when Swerve got the big Black Panther entrance, I thought they were going to let Joe sneak another one out top prolong this. But then immediately after that, it was spoiled for anyone in the building paying attention. The AEW crew was not the least bit subtle in rolling out the Confetti Cannons, and even worse, with like 5 min left in the match, they rolled them up next to the crowd at ringside. Feels like theres a better way to do that.


Again, amazing show, crowd was hot nearly the entire time, but its always surprising that AEW is making the same Missteps in their PPVs, especially as they try to set up double digits events going forward.

It's a lot easier if you don't show up for or watch the pre-show. But AEW could have structured the card better. Having 3/4 best matches of the night to end the show is always tough on a crowd.

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6 minutes ago, Mox said:

It's a lot easier if you don't show up for or watch the pre-show. But AEW could have structured the card better. Having 3/4 best matches of the night to end the show is always tough on a crowd.

It didnt ruin the night or anything. But it absolutely made the end of the Ladder Match and the Main Event feel like a slog for the fans.

Feels like they should have had that Ladder Match to open the night

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If the plan is to get a younger star the belt, then Becky winning is the right call, because beating her for the Championship will be a lot bigger of a moment than happening to win a Battle Royale.  The question now is, who is that younger wrestler to put over?  Stratton?  Cargill?

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56 minutes ago, Fresh Prince said:

Glad it wasn’t Liv who won, she isn’t a believable champion at all. Understand why they put it on Becky, think it should’ve been Nia.

Thats a fine take to have, but if there was ever a situation that the "less believable" fighter to sneak one out, wouldnt the Battle Royal be the spot?

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7 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

If the plan is to get a younger star the belt, then Becky winning is the right call, because beating her for the Championship will be a lot bigger of a moment than happening to win a Battle Royale.  The question now is, who is that younger wrestler to put over?  Stratton?  Cargill?

Zoey Stark.

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