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Kawhi Leonard's ALL TIME STATUS??

resilient part 2

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I don't think we have to wait for the finals to end or the offseason to start for me to ask this one. But with the way KL has been playing in these playoffs and posting numbers, leads me to ponder some questions.

such as;

Does KL who is still relatively young, have time/potential, to become a top 10 player? Will he? or no chance?

He, at this time, is one game away, from leading Toronto to a tittle (I expect without KD, this will happen) he has multiple tittles in his resume.(would be potential 4 if that dummy made a single FT) he has always been one of, if not the best 2 way player of this generation or any. He is humble and easy to play with (not including last year with the Spurs perhaps) HE HAS A SIGNATURE GAME WINNER.

He hasn't always been the best player on his team however (Duncan) and certainly didn't enter the league on fire like some other all time greats (Duncan, Jordan, Lebron. Bird, Magic etc..) But like Kobe has gotten better with age. He has been a top 10 player in his era for a good part of his career. I think playing on a championship level team like the Spurs didn't allow him to show what he could/can do as a main top option like he is doing now. (side note: situations matter)

KL has also be pretty clutch (one of my most important criterias) 

KL played game four with 35 points and not a single turnover (I think only one player, one time has ever done that) tells me, while he isn't the greatest "play-maker" he is far better than people thought in that category.

I could say more, but you get my gist. 

So having said all of that, do people think Kawhi Leonard has a legit chance of becoming a top 10 player? Am I just living in the moment and over reacting/reaching on this one? 

I say NO, but lets hear what others think. Speak now of forever keep your peace. GO!

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I think he has a long way to go to get top top 10 discussion and it's probably not gonna happen. He's only had 3 elite seasons and he's already 27. But as far as players at their peak there aren't many more I'd rather have as a building block than this version of Kawhi. Superstar on both ends without the ego that most come with

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Well, he has a chance to be a top 10 player of all time. 


Even if he is just making 7-8 Allstar/All NBA teams, he is a multiple DPOY, one of the best defenders of all time and an elite scorer. He is among the very best 2 way players in the history of basketball.

If his resume is 4 titles, 4 FMVPs, 1-2 MVPs, 2 DPOY that's a strong argument. People have Kobe as a fringe top 10 player and Kawhi is better to me. Obviously he needs to show more in the next 4-5 years but I think an argument can be made if his remaining prime/peak will be elite.

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His pathway to the top was far different than pretty much any player in the history. He doesn't have as many elite seasons as other ATGs at the age of 27 and that's going to hurt him. But if he can put together five more elite seasons with another ring or two? Then he can get in the top 10-15 conversation. 

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It always somewhat bugs me when we get to legacy/all time rank talk in the middle of the prime of someone's career. 

With that being said, he has put up an all time playoff performance this postseason. One of the best in recent years. And if he and the Raptors do finish the job, his resume would be mighty impressive. 2 championships, 2 FMVPs, being the guy who (potentially in the case of the Warriors) ended the two dynasties of the 2010's, 2 DPOYs, multiple all defensive teams, 1 first team All NBA and 1 second team All NBA. And all before he's turned 30. Mighty impressive.

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Well, we need to see what happens with the rest of this series.  They're up 3-1 and look like they're in the drivers seat, but if Durant comes back this series is still not over.  Winning in Toronto is a really big deal, though... and he would have done it in his first year, which is insane and nobody predicted this.  Over the playoffs, his stats are also absolutely bonkers.  HIs points, rebounds, assist are up there in like Jordan/LeBron territory.  And this would be the first time since like 2011 that a 'super team' or a team with like 2-3 all-NBA players didn't win the title.

Plus, he's probably the most likeable guy ever (except for in San Antonio lol).

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Okay I'm glad nobody pranked me my misspelling of Kawhi. LOL. But just for the record Kawhi's resume may not be that of an all-time top 10. But I also believe a player's Peak should be held accountable a little bit more, and Peak Kawhi may be as good as many of the top 10 or 20 players in NBA history.

For example I don't think anyone can argue that Kobe's career will be better than quiet even if choir continues at a certain pace. That won't be an argument. But what might be an argument is KL versus Kobe straight up peak vs. Peak. Quite obviously needs to continue his Peak longer. But again I posed the question, was quite speak held back by being on San Antonio Spurs a team full of all stars and ball movements. I mean did he ever have a chance to be the main guy like he has on Toronto before this? The answer is no what if he puts together three or four more years which he can since he's only 27 years old at this level? Would that not allow him the opportunity to be a top-10 player then?

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The one legacy he’ll have is that more teams will consider the one year rental superstar if they are close.    Normally given the price few teams will consider that without an extension.  

If TOR completes the title run this year will increase the seller price given they can point to TOR 2019.   

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2 hours ago, resilient part 2 said:

Okay I'm glad nobody pranked me my misspelling of Kawhi. LOL. 

I’m surprised no one made fun of you for spelling title(s) as tittle(s).

Ive been a huge Kawhi fan from the time he played at SDSU (my alma mater). It’s been amazing watching him grow as a player from College to SA and now with TOR. I think he could be in the top 10 when it’s all said and done but his quad/leg injuries really make me skeptical that he’ll play elite ball for 3 or more seasons.

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Good chance he’ll be a top 25 player of all time when he retires. He’s currently the best 2-way player this game has seen since, Jordan maybe?

For all the people who got to watch MJ, was he as good of a defender as Kawhi was in his prime?

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11 minutes ago, Tyronnosaurus said:

Good chance he’ll be a top 25 player of all time when he retires. He’s currently the best 2-way player this game has seen since, Jordan maybe?

For all the people who got to watch MJ, was he as good of a defender as Kawhi was in his prime?

Jordan was one of the best perimeter Defenders I've seen But KL's ability and size gives him a far more versatile defensive game. Edge to KL

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