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It Mafia - The Losers have won, Derry is saved!


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Nazgul zoomed down the street on his bike, the wind whipping through his hair. Nothing beat that feeling. He was heading home after a long day of hustling and putting in work. He was tired but he felt good. He always felt good after a hard day's work, especially when his pockets were full of cash.

He looked up to see the full moon shining brightly overhead and thought to himself that he loved sweet summer nights like this. As he continued to look at the moon, he saw a black dot stand out in the glow. He squinted and adjusted his glasses, looking closer. The dot appeared to be getting bigger. As it got closer he began to make out the shape. It looked like a giant bird...and it seemed to be heading right for him. 

Nazgul turned down a side street that went through some heavy woods to try to avoid the bird and pedaled as fast as he could. He heard a screech and turned around to see the bird flying just below the treeline right above the road. The bird was shaped similarly to a crow but its skin was leathery and it had no feathers. Nazgul tried to keep ahead but the bird was too fast. The beast caught up to him and bit down on his right arm, sending him reeling off of his bike.

He tumbled a few times across the ground before coming to a stop. Nazgul groaned and sat up. He looked around him and saw no sign of the bird. He started crawling back towards his bike. He reached his bike and stood up, bring the bike up with him. He was about to mount the bike and ride off when he felt something splatter on his shoulder. He reached over and felt thick saliva covering his shoulder. He looked up to see the monster above him. It lunged down and grabbed him before flying away. Nazgul's bike fell back to the ground as a red balloon floated down the road.

Nazgul is dead. He was Sam LowellLosers-Aligned


Bcb1213 crept silently out the window of the home he just robbed. He felt guilty but he was doing what he needed to do to. He hurried away from the house, worried about being spotted. He was moving so quickly he hadn't even gotten the chance to check out what he stole. Once he felt like he'd put enough distance between himself and the house he stopped to survey his findings.

As he was unzipping his backpack he heard some rustling in the bushes off to the side. 

"Who's there?"

A teenager stepped out of the bushes with a smirk on his face.

"That don't matter. What matters is what you're doing."

Bcb1213 started to blush, embarrassed at the thought that he had been caught. He quickly zipped the backpack back up and slung it over his shoulder.

"None of your business, I'm getting out of here."

"Not so fast bcb1213. I know that stuff ain't yours. Why'd you steal it? Was it for your black friends?"

Bcb1213 went silent. The teenager started walking over towards him.

"I seen you hanging out with them. You know you don't look like them right? You don't belong with them"

By this point the teenager was standing right in front of bcb1213. He suddenly whipped out a switchblade and pressed it to bcb1213's neck.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with them."

The teenager slowly slid the knife across bcb1213's throat. He collapsed to his knees as the blood began to pour from the wound.

Bcb1213 is dead. He was Kevin NewsomeLosers-Aligned


It is now Day 2. With 13 alive and 13 voting, it's 7 to lynch!


@TheKillerNacho, @Counselor, @Matts4313, @Pickle Rick, @Dome, @The Orca, @Malfatron, @squire12, @Forge, @theuntouchable, @Whicker, @Ragnarok@SwAg

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