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45 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

I hope Milwaukee wins it all.

Me too. The NBA climate in recent memory has just made me always root for the small and/or undesirable market when possible. Seeing them win gives me hope for the Pels. Zion/BI doesn't hurt either. 

It was cool to see Toronto win last year (they're a big market but no free agent ever wanted to go there, they were entirely built through trades or home grown talent) and if Milwaukee wins this year that's back to back champs from """undesirable""" markets. I love it. 

I would also be okay with Denver but I think they're one more year of MPJ development and/or a big trade acquisition away. Bucks are the only real hope vs the LA teams without the Sixers or Rockets getting their ish together, and even then I'd way rather the Bucks.

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3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Lol that's not how professional sports work thus why NTC's are involved in contract discussions. 

It wasn't a problem when Philly shipped him off to Denver or when Denver sent him to GS but it's a problem now? Yeah, no, sorry. Not buying that privileged bull****. 

I've always thought the notion of trades was outdated. I mentioned earlier that I feel these "ownership" aspects of players are relics. Yes that is how professional sports work because for some reason people have decided since they make money basic notions of freedom don't apply. Players shouldn't have to give up money to get that.

And what about not wanting to play for a team you didn't contract with is "privileged"?

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55 minutes ago, mse326 said:

I've always thought the notion of trades was outdated. I mentioned earlier that I feel these "ownership" aspects of players are relics. Yes that is how professional sports work because for some reason people have decided since they make money basic notions of freedom don't apply. Players shouldn't have to give up money to get that.

And what about not wanting to play for a team you didn't contract with is "privileged"?

This isn't the real world, you can't equate it as such. These dudes know the business and even state as such during deadline time. 

Oh poor Iggy. He got traded to poor old Memphis because the championship level team he was on wanted someone else. Maybe he can blow his nose and wipe his tears in a few hundred of that $17 Million. Sorry, but you won't see anyone shed a tear for someone making that much money getting dealt somewhere they don't want to be. Take that up with the team you signed with trading you there against your wishes. 

LIS, this isn't the real world. Players know how it works. You want the liberties that come with the paycheck but don't want the blowback? Yeah, nah. If you don't want to be traded somewhere either sign a deal with a NTC or we make the contracts non-guaranteed so they can be cut at any time with little setback to your cap. Players can't have their cake and eat it too.

LOL players sign the contract, nobody "owns" them. They also negotiate the CBA. You don't want to get dealt? Negotiate a NTC. It's really that simple. It's not our faults that players want to make every little penny they can instead of having the security of knowing where they'll play out the deal. 

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With Iggys fragile body at this point in his career, he’s perfectly within his right and understandable to not wanna play for Memphis. Especially given the Grizz didn’t intend to play him and have no issues with not showing up. Just the players feeling slighted. Good for them 

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2 hours ago, Kip Smithers said:

With Iggys fragile body at this point in his career, he’s perfectly within his right and understandable to not wanna play for Memphis. Especially given the Grizz didn’t intend to play him and have no issues with not showing up. Just the players feeling slighted. Good for them 

This is the part I just don't believe.

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15 hours ago, mse326 said:

I can not overstate how much I hate this argument with a passion. Since when did earning a lot of money mean you are no longer a person or deserving of the same standards as everyone else? Why do billionaire owners get a pass when they demand a person who never contracted with them work for them? Your argument pure bunk.

Its a standard of the employment that he chose to take and he is well compensated for any of the issues that arise from his employment. It would be like complaining that your in the military but you don't want to be sent overseas because my brother Jeff the accountant never has to go overseas. Its a fairly equal comparison because neither get to really choose when and where they are  sent. Its a stupid argument even taking the amount he is getting paid out of it. Everyone who joins the NBA and signs on the dotted line knows or should know there is a possibility of being traded. If you want to sit in one city and not move ever there are millions of jobs that allow that. 

You will never see me defend a billionaire but this is just the way the NBA works as a job. If you don't like it find a new job or make it clear in contract negotiations/use the union to change how the job operates. 


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