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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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On 11/4/2019 at 6:58 PM, Forge said:

oh, and I'm rolling with the ET vote. 


On 11/4/2019 at 7:10 PM, Forge said:

so @ET80...you just killed someone...


On 11/4/2019 at 7:30 PM, Malfatron said:

methinks @ET80 should explain himself here

Above 3 posts both have Forge and Malf looking at ET for an explanation for the N1 kills.

On 11/4/2019 at 7:37 PM, ET80 said:

Nothing I can explain. Host chose to use my name for the write-up, not sure why.


On 11/4/2019 at 7:41 PM, Forge said:

I've heard better explanations....buuuut...

It has a ring of truth to it and you have an honest face


Forge drops his vote off ET pretty quickly.

On 11/4/2019 at 7:58 PM, Malfatron said:

that was my first instinct.

would seem weird if the hitter was revealed

if forge blocked night, why were there hit(s)?



On 11/4/2019 at 8:54 PM, Malfatron said:

ooh ooh roast et80 next.

Malf looking for gopher to push ET (this is while Gopher was pushing hard at Forge)

On 11/4/2019 at 9:02 PM, Malfatron said:



Then a switch to voting Ted.   Ted was then a focus on Malf as a possible alternate wagon.


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Day 3, Part 1:

So, what do we do without SwAg here to guide us?

Let's all circle jerk! fap fap fap

Why don't we lynch someone random




I refuse to vote anyone other than my first read.

I refuse to read anyone other than voting.


Midway through the rampant stupidity, sirens blared through the street.  Four FBI Agents burst onto the scene and seized @Dome.

Stop right there criminal scum!  You've broken the law!

but but but... I haven't done anything!

We don't care!  You're coming with us to answer some questions, or else.

You can't threat-

Dome was caught off as he began to speak by them bashing his head into the back of their vehicle.

Save it for the judge!

@Dome has been arrested.  He may not post or vote for the remainder of the Day.

Did he just copy paste the first write-up where Dome was abducted?


**** host.

Nah, it fits the theme for sure.

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6 hours ago, squire12 said:








This interaction with malf and gopher has me thinking that there could be a scum protector....fits the theme for a Drump body guard type role.


I said that. Counselor said he was a protector so either there are  2civ protectors or counselor is a scum protector

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What are peoples thoughts on the following players?

Counselor -- claimed protector, says he protected Malf, then backtracks that after Malf posts his Seinfeld Gif.  This is on page 80

ET -- in the write up after N1 on the 2 kills.  Forge and Malf both ask some questions, then drop things pretty quick as Forge begins to take more heat from others.  Forge said as much that he wanted to draw as much attention

Ted -- Malf made a string of posts that was pointing at Ted for involvement and then drops that as well.  

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9 minutes ago, squire12 said:

What are peoples thoughts on the following players?

Counselor -- claimed protector, says he protected Malf, then backtracks that after Malf posts his Seinfeld Gif.  This is on page 80

ET -- in the write up after N1 on the 2 kills.  Forge and Malf both ask some questions, then drop things pretty quick as Forge begins to take more heat from others.  Forge said as much that he wanted to draw as much attention

Ted -- Malf made a string of posts that was pointing at Ted for involvement and then drops that as well.  

Counselor - took over for ksj whom I had as scum from d1 and then ksj refused to just let swag kill him...

Et- Malf locked himself to forge already, so bringing in et to me seems way to reckless even for them.

Ted - same as et.  

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4 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Can someone give me a slight recap of what happened today? I honestly don’t have time this time tonight to go thru the whole thing like I did the other night. I’ll try but a recap would honestly be nice. Or just some key thoughts, or important post that you find interesting

@gopherwrestler  where did you leave off?  There has not been a lot thus far for D3.  

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3 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Can someone give me a slight recap of what happened today? I honestly don’t have time this time tonight to go thru the whole thing like I did the other night. I’ll try but a recap would honestly be nice. Or just some key thoughts, or important post that you find interesting

Its 20 pages. Start here

On 11/5/2019 at 4:50 PM, SwAg said:

Day 2:

Well, that was weird.

How about we lynch Forge?  He basically admitted to being Mafia.

I did it.


I did it.  

Oh okay, but if the theme is any indication, open criminality is expected and likely has no influence on the game... but  Forge




The votes rained down on Forge, which gave him some happy memories of being peed on my Russian hookers, but he knew that all of these angry people wanted a speech.

Wow.  I did it.  First of all, I just want to take this time to say: I definitely did it.  I fired James Comet because of Russia, and I withheld aid because of Boe Biden, and based on the Witch Hunt Mauller Report, I fulfilled four-out-of-five elements of conspiracy without even trying.  You know, my lawyers tell me I would have fulfilled the fifth if I tried.  But they said, no.  You're doing so well, let's not try.  I wanted to try, but they didn't want to.  I said I'll interview, and they said no, you'll definitely fulfill the fifth if you open your mouth, you have nothing to prove.  And they were right, I did it.  I just wanted Big Jim Mauller to have a taste of what winning is like, so I didn't try.  Anyway, onto the important issue here, which is jobs.  Jobs like all those who voted for me have and want.  Look at that.  Can you believe it?  11 people voted for me, maybe the greatest voting result ever.  At least the second greatest voting result ever.  I won the popular vote, and the election.  Second-Place Malfatron lost, making him a big loser, like Rosie O'Donnell.  I won, everybody loves me, it's why they keep voting for me.  You know, I have a poll.  A great poll, it shows that people love me.  80% of Republicans adore me, and 62% said nothing I could do would change their mind.  It's just amazing to have such tremendous, tremendous support.  And I know what you're thinking: oh this is one of those online polls that doesn't count, but really it's not.  Believe me, I was shocked too.  Almost as shocked as when people thought I didn't lose the debates.  And with your continued support,  I will fight SISI and make our so-called allies pay their fair share, even if what I'm saying makes no sense.  Remember that time I slapped that Pretty Boy Canadian Prince Charming with a tariff and he got so upset, but who's laughing now, Adidon?  The War of 1812 ain't so long ago now.  No that's Kanye's kid, or Drake's kid, or something, they all look the same.  I meant Aladdin, which is at least going to be around until I end terrorism once and for all and I destroy Iran.  Yeah, Iran.  They're going to produce a nuclear bomb, and I tell everyone we already have our forces there, and Iran is close, so why not invade?  Why not?  They don't have any good answers.  This is why they should listen.  I point it out on the map, and you know, I know about maps.  I'm rich and I've gone to lots of countries.  I see them all.  I remember dancing with the Saudis while wielding a saber, and I was like wow, do you have any hookers to pee on me?  And...

Everyone was so transfixed and dumbfounded by this bizarre spectacle that everyone seemed to go in-and-out of consciousness, and eventually they realized Forge stopped talking and he was off housing a dozen overcooked hamburgers with at least four bottles of ketchup.  No one knew what to make of the situation, but look at the time!  It's nighttime!  Thanks Ben Franklin.

Forge survived.

It is now Night 2.  You have until 9:00 a.m. EST on 11/6/19 to submit PMs.

@theuntouchable, @rackcs, @bcb1213@The Orca, @Dome, @TedLavie, @Hockey5djh, @Pickle Rick, @ET80, @Forge, @squire12, @gopherwrestler, @Malfatron, @Counselor

Basically dome got arrested 

No one can agree on who to lynch 

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