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Nic Cage BatShiii Crazy Mafia: GAME OVER. MAFIA (Pickle, Matts, Dome, Slappy) WIN! Blahman also WINS!


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5 minutes ago, Dome said:
11 minutes ago, The Orca said:

2. My point was mafia/scum are generally inactive with high degrees of not following even in chatty...so Pickle's statements and reasoning are legit imo

This generalization has so many exceptions I’m tempted to call it completely useless as a general rule, I’ll hold off for now 

Its a terrible premise. Some posters are generally more active than others. Sometimes they are scum together. Sometimes they arent. 

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

1. I thought you had a better point than that originally. "Scum reads thread" is not exactly groundbreaking


Apparently it is for orca


2. The only thing you could provide would be meta. Specifically I am interested in Counselors.... questionable.. posting. Why was he never replaced?

(My first comment is in this quote box)

Counselor was never replaced because he was still in chat every day and his team didn’t want orca or naz


after passing on orca or naz, they couldn’t get a d3 replacement or it would be obvious what happened, swag had already called it (swag said counselor didn’t get replaced because his teammates didn’t want orca or naz, and that’s exacty what happened so they didn’t want to go back for a former townie on D3)

Edited by Dome
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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Its a terrible premise. Some posters are generally more active than others. Sometimes they are scum together. Sometimes they arent. 

Which is why I thought it was humorous that orca and squire were playing cat and mouse about it

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

(My first comment is in this quote box)

Counselor was never replaced because he was still in chat every day and his team didn’t want orca or naz


after passing on orca or naz, they couldn’t get a d3 replacement or it would be obvious what happened, swag had already called it (swag said counselor didn’t get replaced because his teammates didn’t want orca or naz, and that’s exacty what happened so they didn’t want to go back for a former townie on D3)

Yes and so while I wasn’t very active I wasn’t just going to give up on them. My situation I was dealing with was true and some class acts like Matts tried to make fun of it saying my mom falling and breaking her ******* hip sounded like a life alert commercial. 

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2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I was reading the thread catching up while watching the game. Clown


2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Why is last game being brought into this game? What does it have to do with anything 

Last game you only magically appeared any time someone questioned your motives. Swag Caught it. I caught it. Im sure others did. 

You are doing it again. 

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Just now, Counselor said:

Yes and so while I wasn’t very active I wasn’t just going to give up on them. My situation I was dealing with was true and some class acts like Matts tried to make fun of it saying my mom falling and breaking her ******* hip sounded like a life alert commercial. 

Did you ever tell your mom I‘d like to apologize about her hip?

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Just now, Matts4313 said:


Last game you only magically appeared any time someone questioned your motives. Swag Caught it. I caught it. Im sure others did. 

You are doing it again. 

I don’t think this is fair either. 

counseor engaged with me earlier and we bantered for a bit. I wasn’t questioning or pushing him when that happened 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:


Last game you only magically appeared any time someone questioned your motives. Swag Caught it. I caught it. Im sure others did. 

You are doing it again. 

Lmao I just recently said did anyone miss me and asked Orca for a recap... once again you are a clown

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