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58 minutes ago, malagabears said:

Can you do a bit more analysis on Spain? 😁😁

I'm liking your number today tbh 

Its always hard to tell because idk when exactly they release the updates, but usually if you're this low this close to midnight GMT its a damn good sign

mission is praying he will be in Madrid or Barcelona in a few short months and things will be well

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

Do you trust them that a tiger has covid-19 though?

I dont know what to trust anymore 

Except the MoL scores

Its the only thing that keeps me going... waiting to see those scores and see how the world is doing... its the only thing we can trust in these times

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4/5/2020 MoL Scores:

"Trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall." - Taylor Swift 

Slowly, steadily, we are getting there tbh

Tier 1: Outbreak under control, safe to begin relaxing social distancing measures

China: 1.4 

South Korea: 2.1

Tier 2: New case growth is minimal suggesting social distancing is working, likely a few weeks away from breaking into tier 1

Austria: 4.2 (knock knock knocking on smugness door)

Australia: 4.5 (@Shady Slim and the MoL will be getting bottle service in a club down under in the very near future, let me tell you, until #seasonality strikes and ya booms them again in a few weeks)

Italy: 6.0 (we said Italy needed to show downward trend in new case numbers to avoid stalling out, and they did today, lets hope they keep it up!)

Hong Kong: 6.0 (Hong Kong is doing just fine)

Switzerland: 6.3 

Netherlands: 9.3 

Iran: 10.1 

Germany: 10.3 (FYI there was a calculation error yesterday, MoL has fired one of our minions for it, last 3 days MoL trend shoudl be 10.9-11.1-10.3)

Tier 3: Countries in this group that are showing increased MoLs have the potential to go deep into the danger zones, but countries with falling MoLs may only be a couple of days from tier 2 status and may have already peaked in gross # of new casesIreland: 10.1

Spain: 10.5 (@malagabears I think you are a day away from jumping into the next tier tbh)

Portugal: 10.6

Sweden: 11.3 (I mean, its not not working, tbh)

Philippines: 11.9 (seasonality, what did I tell you people)

Israel: 12.0

Global (NEW): 13.1 (big movement downard, tbh)

Belgium: 13.3 (not a great trend tbh)

USA: 16.7 (numbers have really slowed the last few days, impossible to ignore that, there does seem to be a trend for lower numbers over the weekend tho se we'll see what the next few days bring... hopeful no new hot spots develop)

Japan (NEW): 17.4 (consistent movement in the wrong direction... not great... @Malfatron)

Tier 4: Aggressive growth, still likely have not peaked in single day cases, and likely a week or two minimum from peak in deaths (however many of these countries are still slowing down)

Canada: 19.0 (mission's favorite country is showing some signs of progress, @JBURGE we're praying for ya)

UK: 19.5 (bad day in the UK between numbers and their prime minister getting sent to the hospital, lets all hope for the best)

Brazil: 20.5 (headed in the right direction...)

Turkey: 20.7

France: 20.8 (like we said yesterday, MoL expects them back in Tier 3 in the very near future) 

India: 46.7 (lets hope their MoL has truly peaked and not just a temporary plateau)


The MoL would like to thank everyone for their contributions to this important work including @ET80 @acowboys62 @dtait93 @Dome @naptownskinsfan @kingseanjohn @Malfatron @Shady Slim @malagabears @daboyle250and the others who love us so much


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cases are slowing down in the US but reported cases still rising 20-30k each day. Dont understand.

rise compared to yesterday is right in line with the average so far.

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