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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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38 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:
39 minutes ago, Neumatic said:

My guess would be the Marion Prison outbreak. Over 1800 infected and I think 1000 of them were added yesterday.

Ah ok.  I was not loving those numbers considering we’ve been as proactive as any state and was one of the earliest to implement most measures.

That would explain it though.

Yeah new case off the charts the last few days tbh

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Here's ProPublica with their report on the under-reporting across US. ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power.


Coronavirus death counts are based on positive tests and driven by hospital deaths. But data from major metropolitan areas shows a spike in at-home deaths, prompting one expert to say current numbers were just “the tip of the iceberg.”

In recent weeks, residents outside Boston have died at home much more often than usual. In Detroit, authorities are responding to nearly four times the number of reports of dead bodies. And in New York, city officials are recording more than 200 home deaths per day — a nearly sixfold increase from recent years.

New York City was among the first to provide data on at-home deaths. Officials said last week that roughly 200 residents were dying each day outside of hospitals and nursing homes. That’s compared with about 35 per day on average between 2013 and 2017, according to city records.

In Detroit, authorities responded to more than 150 “dead person observed” calls in the first 10 days of April. It was around 40 during the same period for the past three years, according to city 911 call data.... Bureaucratic delays and restrictive laws are also contributing to an incomplete picture. Some state officials told ProPublica it would take weeks to provide complete death numbers because of thin staffing or antiquated computer systems. In California, a Health Department spokesman said a request for detailed figures on statewide deaths would take a month to process and would cost $325. (ProPublica plans to pay for it.)
Hawaii has suspended the processing of public records.


The reason I shared this is because many here are so heavily invested in stating "the death rates for corona are "low", while the data they are leaning on to make those statements is just not anywhere close to complete. It will be many more months or even a year before we have good intel on the denominator of that equation. That's not a corona-specific thing, its true of any disease or catastrophe where the system is stretched beyond it limits.

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16 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

but I thought heat was gonna kill the virus??

Nobody has said it would 'kill' the virus

Thats a ridiculous strawman of what public health officials have been saying, which is that heat and humidity should help to slow transmission 

Singapore is a city-state where 100% of the population lives in extremely dense urban environment, in East Asia, with more per capita travel than almost any other country in the world and has had no lockdowns in place whatsoever and yet didn't have a major explosion of case until over a month after the rest of the developed world

I'd say that's pretty good evidence that heat and humidity slow the spread

There is a huge difference between slower spread and no spread and nobody has said there will be no cases

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And btw, Singapore has 2 deaths per million people

Italy, the US, etc. have hundreds of deaths per million people and maybe above 1,000 deaths per million in the cities that are close to Singapore in density 

So while there have been a few more cases the last few days its ridiculous at this point to point to Singapore as an example of there being no seasonality.  The virus has been there in all likelihood longer than it was in New York City and its been hit about 500x less hard than New York City

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4 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Nobody has said it would 'kill' the virus

Thats a ridiculous strawman of what public health officials have been saying, which is that heat and humidity should help to slow transmission 

I believe the quote was it would 'miraculously go away'. Also a leader said a leader from China told him heat would kill it. It was out there...

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12 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

I believe the quote was it would 'miraculously go away'. Also a leader said a leader from China told him heat would kill it. It was out there...

Nobody on here was saying that

MBTL has constructed a strawman because he was wrong in the first place

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My sister works for Gilead.

As she often says,” we don’t know what we don’t know.”

With Covid 19 there’s a great deal they don’t know.

I have a number of concerns about what I hear being said in the media, by politicians etc.

I also have a huge distrust of any numbers being reported. In many cases they simply don’t make sense. 

Any official information being provided is very preliminary. I watched an interview with a Doctor from Minnesota conducting a vaccine trial. It was presented in a positive light however no where did they discuss the fact it was in the early stages of stage one. Once completed there’s two more stages of trials that have to be completed. No one is even discussing the mutations the virus is making.

Theres lots of obstacles that haven’t even been identified yet. There’s plenty of diseases that they either haven’t been able to create vaccines for, or, have taken a great deal of time to develop. Then there’s problems in roll out. The polio vaccine being a perfect example. Salk is credited with developing the vaccine but he couldn’t figure out a way to apply it safely to humans. That part of the process was developed by Canadian researchers. Once that was done it was rolled out however American trials were cancelled due to contamination. Other countries continued clinical trials.

So we really need far more transparency and data sharing. China is a majority hurdle to that happening.



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