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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

....I don't know how to do that fancy multi quote thing. 

Hit enter a couple times where you want the quote to split.  

2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

I know because my wife, prescribes it, and it is being used at all of her hospitals and rehabs with more frequency than remdesivir, no article, just my daily "what is going on updates"

they’re trialing it (and other drugs) to determine efficacy.  The article @mistakey liked shows the data complied from multiple prescribers and compares that data to other treatment options.  As of now it’s not show to be effective.

Dont let anecdotal evidence skew your view.

2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

The social distancing thing...and its funny, because my life is like 95% normal in this current environment and yet I am still frustrated.  A lot of that stems from knowing family/friends are directly impacted and there is not a damn thing I can do. 

Same for me.  I work at home normally, as does my wife.  The kids being home is just like any day during summer break.

And I’m absolutely crawling out of my skin.

2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

I should have been clearer in my comment, I did not mean it to be specifically about hydroxychloroquine or the effectiveness or uselessness of the drug, more so just general speak and that just happened to be the post I quoted. 

That’s fair.

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5 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

On a completely unrelated note to censorship, Kim Jong Un may have had a bad surgery and be on his deathbed. Waiting on NK to confirm...

South Korea doesn't support this notion BTW. Probably the most aware nation of NK's going on's. 

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3 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

The absolute last thing Earth needs right now is a succession of power in North Korea.

Anything coming from US intelligence about NK should be taken with a grain of salt. The last time this happened, it turned out Kim was recovering from ankle surgery. SK definitely has a better information channel with NK than the US.

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Those who fail to learn from history...

There were 3 different waves of illness during the pandemic, starting in March 1918 and subsiding by summer of  1919. The pandemic peaked in the U.S. during the second wave, in the fall of 1918. This highly fatal second wave was responsible for most of the U.S. deaths attributed to the pandemic.”



Some food for thought.

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3 hours ago, theJ said:

You bring up a lot of good points.  And for now, yea, we're talking about some minor to moderate economic issues.

My post is geared toward the comment that we must wait another 12-18 months in isolation while we wait on a vaccine.  1% of the population dying would kind, compared to the consequences of that non-action.  There absolutely has to be a middle ground that allows us to go back to work in some capacity.  A different capacity for sure, but some capacity none-the-less.

The government issuing money to people is nice in the short term.  But it doesn't actually make anything useful.  The people still need to produce goods and services for that money to buy.  In other words, what good is $1000 if there isn't a loaf of bread to buy with it?

I can’t disagree with anything you’ve said. My fear though is some will jump the gun before hospitals are at normal usage, restocked etc. Before adequate testing is completed with sufficient stockpiles to continue high test numbers. Basically we need a commitment to those that get sick they will have medical care. 

Medical staff in many areas have been working long hours for a month now. They as well as other essential workers need a break. 

The money is still used to buy necessities of which we haven’t experienced shortfalls except for initial stockpiling. Our meat supply will be threatened in the near future but given the price drops recently that might not be a bad thing. The only people experiencing shortages are those forced to use food banks. 

Sorry, rambling, my point is simply how tragic is will be if we jump the gun.


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1 hour ago, theJ said:

The truth is going to be in the middle. 

Option A - wait 12-18 months for vaccine, and the world goes to crap

Option B - give up on current practices, and accept millions of deaths in consequence.

Option C - neither A or B, because they both really suck.

For the record, I think people should look at these 3 options and imagine how we'd react if the mortality rate was 10% instead. This pandemic has outlined some serious, serious flaws in our economy/society.

We can't ever be as poorly prepared for the next pandemic as we were for this one.

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1 hour ago, theJ said:

EDIT: I'm calm now.  I'll leave the post as is.  sorry for firing back - we're good.

Thanks and what I posted was intended to make people really stop and think. I had some inkling of the incendiary nature of it, but you and I know enough about each other on the internet to have these discussions. I used this line to communicate the respect I have for you and your opinions:

"Knowing what I know about you, I'm guessing that shortly after you hand-deliver the 1st letter, you'll have an epiphany"

I fully believe that your intent wasn't to kill a bunch of people just for Wall Street, but I am pushing back hard on this idea of letting faceless and nameless people die for the benefit of others. Who decides ? When you put a name and a face on it, it looks very different - and that was the intent of my post.

We are good, because you are good people and I enjoy our civil discourse here, even if we see things differently. There are already an immense number of casualties due to corona and more are coming. Today, I read about all the people who are dying for lack of organ transplants - both because of over-taxed healthcare facilities and because organ donors are infected and those organs can't be transplanted.

There's going to be a lot more pain before this is all over and I'm aiming for empathy for everyone - including the newly homeless, jobless and hopeless you listed in your response. 

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Those who fail to learn from history...

There were 3 different waves of illness during the pandemic, starting in March 1918 and subsiding by summer of  1919. The pandemic peaked in the U.S. during the second wave, in the fall of 1918. This highly fatal second wave was responsible for most of the U.S. deaths attributed to the pandemic.”



Some food for thought.

I thought the second phase was due to soldiers returning home from WW1 and all of the mutations from wartime movements 

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