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30 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Public service announcement: This is a reminder that if you encounter a terrible post, you can block someone by hovering over their username and clicking "ignore user".

Not all of us...

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5 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

Oh so you’ve been around to see if I’ve coughed or sneezed in a store? Lol ok bud. LIS, I practice my safe social distancing measures of 6 ft, so I’m not breathing on anyone, and I haven’t coughed or sneezed in any store I’ve been in. So yeah, it was a freak out over nothing 🤷🏻‍♂️

That's my point though, you obviously don't know what you are even talking about. The virus can stay in the air for an extended period of time. So you breathing in the air causes problems. And it's great that you magically know that you won't sneeze or cough in a store before even going it to it because that would cause a lot more issues than just breathing would. SO you basically cause your social distancing measures to be a complete waste of time and you put everyone you come into contact with to be at risk because you can't be bothered. You can keep your teenage girl emoji's to yourself next time. You obviously have everything figured out. 

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

not minimizing them at all, but that’s not 90% of the group who’s marching to state’s capitol buildings with rifles.

Oh I agree with you there, I dont think I would get along with 90% of those people either.  Some of them are probably having a very hard time for one reason or another but I agree that's not the main motivation of many of these protesters.  Most people's reaction to emotional trauma is not to go stand outside the governors house and hold up signs and chant political slogans. 

5 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I mean, not to sound callous but the pandemic isn’t beating her arse.  Maybe men should stop beating women instead of us looking for ways to blame their poor behavior on something other than the individual.

Look this is just one example but that attitude isn't going to help the woman who is being abused or her children.  The lockdown is taking away resources and options from people who are dealing with domestic abuse and also making it much easier for abusers to hide their abuse.  Its a real thing.  Between kids not going to school, fewer regular doctors appointments, many people not going out in public at all, hotels and many shelters being closed, friends and families often far away and unable to visit this is a HUGE problem. 

Same can be said for people with underlying mental health conditions.  No, the lockdown didn't cause someone to be prone to depression or anxiety.  Coronavirus didn't cause someone to be fat and diabetic and old.  But that's cold comfort when your loved one is on a ventilator in a medically induced coma because they had a bad outcome from COVID in part due to diabetes and weight and age.  

These aren't hypotheticals, these are real things that are happening to people in my life and I wouldn't say I have a much bigger social circle than most, not to mention I come from an upper middle class background, so I can imagine they are problems that are somewhat wide spread and even more so for those who are less fortunate. 

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16 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

awful, but people survive bankruptcy.  Some survive many of them and still manage to become president even...


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9 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

That's my point though, you obviously don't know what you are even talking about. The virus can stay in the air for an extended period of time. So you breathing in the air causes problems. And it's great that you magically know that you won't sneeze or cough in a store before even going it to it because that would cause a lot more issues than just breathing would. SO you basically cause your social distancing measures to be a complete waste of time and you put everyone you come into contact with to be at risk because you can't be bothered. You can keep your teenage girl emoji's to yourself next time. You obviously have everything figured out. 

Yeah except the problem in your scenario is that I don’t come in contact with anyone lol.

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Here's a review with commentary on round 1 of data from Moderna and their vaccine development


It’s way too early to get excited about Moderna’s mRNA vaccine to prevent COVID-19, concluded Evercore ISI analyst Umer Raffat after analyzing the company’s data. He explained his reasoning in a 78-page slide deck he sent to clients.

The biggest strength in the data that Moderna released Monday pertained to “binding” antibodies, which are antibodies that attach to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, Raffat said. Problem is, what’s really important for an effective vaccine is its ability to generate “neutralizing” antibodies that actually prevent the virus from infecting healthy cells. And there Moderna’s data is lacking so far, Raffat concluded.

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6 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

Here's a review with commentary on round 1 of data from Moderna and their vaccine development


It’s way too early to get excited about Moderna’s mRNA vaccine to prevent COVID-19, concluded Evercore ISI analyst Umer Raffat after analyzing the company’s data. He explained his reasoning in a 78-page slide deck he sent to clients.

The biggest strength in the data that Moderna released Monday pertained to “binding” antibodies, which are antibodies that attach to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, Raffat said. Problem is, what’s really important for an effective vaccine is its ability to generate “neutralizing” antibodies that actually prevent the virus from infecting healthy cells. And there Moderna’s data is lacking so far, Raffat concluded.

So, I should sell my stock in 'em?

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2 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Not really.

Dumb hillbillies don’t take to time to hear the other side’s perspective and discuss it respectfully, which you do.

We don’t have to agree on everything, but we do have to look at them logically and factually.

To add to this @vikesfan89 you have seemed genuinely interested in learning and have been asking questions. So kudos to you for being open minded to an extent even if you disagree with some stuff. Its good to have these conversations and I hope that the collective brainpower in this thread has helped everyone here learn a few things. 

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2 hours ago, dtait93 said:

Not really, your freaking out over nothing tbh. I’m not coughing, I don’t sneeze, and I practice my social distancing measures so  wearing a mask wouldn’t change anything.

Im not freaking out. Im saying that it is irresponsible and selfish to not wear a mask. 

Do you not realize that the reason this plague has spread to every corner of the world as quickly as it did was because people who are NOT showing symptoms are contagious? That's why everyone needs to wear a mask in public whenever they are within 6 feet of someone else, you could have it, not be sneezing, coughing, or anything else and not only be sick, but be contagious. So the potential to infect others is real, even if you think you are 'fine'. 

Wearing a mask greatly cuts down the transmission risk. It lets people stand within 6 feet of you with a significantly less chance of getting them sick.

If this was simply about whether or not you personally would get sick, I wouldn't have posted the way I did, but because cloth masks basically only prevent the person who is wearing the mask from giving it to others if they are already sick, you are putting other people's lives at risk. 

Its not about just you, its about everyone. If everyone wears mask, then transmission risk is very low. If no one wears masks, then its significantly higher. The more people that have this plague, the longer this crap will continue. We have come so far since march. Lets see this thing through the right way

wear the friggen mask. Don't do it for me. Don't do it for you. Do it for your fellow Americans. I am as patriotic as anyone else, and part of that is doing right by your community. It pains me to see the people who claim to be American first also claiming that this is some scam and we shouldn't do the right thing by the majority of americans. Its backwards as hell


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41 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

Yeah except the problem in your scenario is that I don’t come in contact with anyone lol.

In an enclosed space, without much air movement (like in stores) the air does not dissipate nearly as quickly. If you are standing anywhere for any length of time, you essentially are building up more potential virus in that air space (if you have it). That "cloud" of your own air doesn't then stay magically within 6ft of you, it stays where it was for a decent amount of time after. Without a mask on, the viral load is higher because NONE of the virus was filtered. With a mask on, you are filtering out some of that virus. An increased viral load gives worse symptoms. These are all things that are discussed in this thread, how do you not get it AT ALL? You're foolishness could cause someone to get severely sick or die. How do you feel about that thought?

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3 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Real talk: Tom from Myspace did it right.

Started from nothing, sold it for half a billion dollars, never had to testify before Congress about screwing up an election, and never had a movie about his flea college days made tbh. Good for you Tom.

We also don't even know if Tom is alive, who or where  he is...he's just chilling out in his multi million dollar house with no press coverage, living his life with a bank account balance that looks way too much like someone's phone number with the area code included. Nobody cares, and he's laughing about it sipping his mai tai. 

Tom is my hero. 

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1 hour ago, skywlker32 said:

In an enclosed space, without much air movement (like in stores) the air does not dissipate nearly as quickly. If you are standing anywhere for any length of time, you essentially are building up more potential virus in that air space (if you have it). That "cloud" of your own air doesn't then stay magically within 6ft of you, it stays where it was for a decent amount of time after. Without a mask on, the viral load is higher because NONE of the virus was filtered. With a mask on, you are filtering out some of that virus. An increased viral load gives worse symptoms. These are all things that are discussed in this thread, how do you not get it AT ALL? You're foolishness could cause someone to get severely sick or die. How do you feel about that thought?

He's much smarter than all the scientists and doctors of the world. He has it ALL figured out. If the smartest doctors and scientists from all parts of the world are telling him he should wear a mask and that him literally breathing the virus out of his body is dangerous to others then he obviously has put his personal comfort above the lives of others and that is all I need to know about him. 

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