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1 minute ago, EaglesPeteC said:

As a teacher the conversation of reopening schools feels like I was in this big group project with society and society didn't do it's part and now it's texting me the night before asking how we are going to pass.

It’s what will happen to you guys a week before school opens.


Everybody has a plan until they crap themselves the night before.

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11 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

And I disagree.  He thought the virus was blown out of proportion / a hoax.  Can you not see how information out there is capable of convincing people of that?  The man is dead because he was ignorant, misinformed and stupid.  Teenager of 16 years speeding recklessly down a highway, endangering other drivers... 14 years dumber.  Same amount of warnings of danger.  I would say they’re about equal.

So, I should be hoping that the person has no repercussion for his behavior.  So, he could potentially be asymptomatic and harm countless other innocent people.

You compare it to a teenager driving too fast, it’s more analogous to someone on their third DUI.

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2 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

It’s what will happen to you guys a week before school opens.


Everybody has a plan until they crap themselves the night before.

It's what is happening now. The "plan" we have (at least in North Carolina) is full of holes. It's going to be a hot mess and is going to get the school system and the state sued. 

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Just now, EaglesPeteC said:

It's what is happening now. The "plan" we have (at least in North Carolina) is full of holes. It's going to be a hot mess and is going to get the school system and the state sued. 

Getting sued is why I think schools won’t open. It’s why I guarantee college football doesn’t happen.

The NFL can just have guys sign a waiver. 

Colleges and schools can’t just do that.

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The #1 reason why I predict the NFL happens is the same reason why people are appalled by the league.


They don’t care.


Unless it’s something that actually hurts their bottom line, players are just walking meat sacks to them. 

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4 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

Getting sued is why I think schools won’t open. It’s why I guarantee college football doesn’t happen.

The NFL can just have guys sign a waiver. 

Colleges and schools can’t just do that.

In our county in NC, they have decided to do blending virtual and in person. So students are going to be split into 3 groups and  a group goes 1 week in person, 2 weeks virtual.

If parents don't want to send their kid at all, they can pull then out completely and do a "virtual academy".


So I am a HS the only teacher in my subject in the whole school, so I'm supposed to teach every day, provide virtual content for the kids who are rotated off and for the virtual academy kids.


Plus if one student of any of my classes tests positive, I gotta quarantine and the whole operation stops.

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9 minutes ago, EaglesPeteC said:

In our county in NC, they have decided to do blending virtual and in person. So students are going to be split into 3 groups and  a group goes 1 week in person, 2 weeks virtual.

If parents don't want to send their kid at all, they can pull then out completely and do a "virtual academy".


So I am a HS the only teacher in my subject in the whole school, so I'm supposed to teach every day, provide virtual content for the kids who are rotated off and for the virtual academy kids.


Plus if one student of any of my classes tests positive, I gotta quarantine and the whole operation stops.

I was trying to explain this earlier when some crazy proposal was put forward. Being a teacher is a nightmare right now.

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Everyone is getting into my head apparently 

I had a dream that I got the virus but was still able to work.  I needed a haircut. The girl was nervous when she found out I had coronavirus but she said she'd do it so I put my mask on extra tight.  Obviously I could barely breath and was getting mad at the people saying that it's no big deal to wear a mask. I'm not sure what happened after that but I woke up with some weird feelings after that. I think in the dream I was glad to be getting the virus over with

Am i going to die?

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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

And I disagree.  He thought the virus was blown out of proportion / a hoax.  Can you not see how information out there is capable of convincing people of that?  The man is dead because he was ignorant, misinformed and stupid.  Teenager of 16 years speeding recklessly down a highway, endangering other drivers... 14 years dumber.  Same amount of warnings of danger.  I would say they’re about equal.

But he doesn’t even have the excuse of being a teenager. He’s a full blown adult at 30. Not a kid fresh out of high school or even college to have that level of naivety. Maybe don’t so easily believe in conspiracy theories or misinformation like a teenager or child would. And I say that as someone who is actually sad that this had to happen. The sad reality is that certain people will not accept this until it enters their bubble and becomes reality. I can tell you I enter this thread to vent sometimes because I’m pissed off that we seem to be moving backwards compared to a lot of the rest of the world. And it’s because of sad and unlucky fools like this.

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2 hours ago, SwAg said:

So, I should be hoping that the person has no repercussion for his behavior.  So, he could potentially be asymptomatic and harm countless other innocent people.

You compare it to a teenager driving too fast, it’s more analogous to someone on their third DUI.

Third DUI?  No.  I’ll grant it’s probably more like a first.  No, you shouldn’t be hoping that there were no repercussions.  Can’t get much worse repercussions than death though.  You want to start handing out death penalties for every stupid decision?  

As with a DUI, you’d hope they run into a tree, nearly die and then never do it again for the rest of their life.  With the guy in question, if you can’t find sympathy for him that’s fine, but you have to remember this was a PARTY.  Not one person.  Mob mentality kinda takes part.  If you’ve got a big group of friends all hyping up some gimmick party, it becomes easier to accept and think it’s fun and risk-free.  

I just find the overall attitude in here pretty damn grim.  People cracking jokes about people dying is a little gross to me.  

Like I said before, this whole COVID outbreak has literally made me apolitical.  There’s so much hate and vitriol in the world right now that it’s made me kinda take a step back and reassess some things.  There’s a lot of pure hot rage towards people right now and that’s not a good thing on any topic.  For all anybody knows that 30 something guy could have been a great person.  And we have people secretly taking pleasure in him dying because it fits their narrative.  The right narrative, granted - gotta be careful and not put others at risk right now - but still.

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11 hours ago, EaglesPeteC said:

As a teacher the conversation of reopening schools feels like I was in this big group project with society and society didn't do it's part and now it's texting me the night before asking how we are going to pass.

Fellow teacher here quoting for truth, while political leaders send a text to us immediately reminding us they were sick and absent that one day a few months ago when groups and roles were decided, so as to excuse their lack of doing anything.

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Saying that people are taking pleasure in death is very much projecting. I don’t know how you could read over 600 pages of posts anonymously begging people to wear masks and stay home so that people stop dying, and believe that they secretly enjoy people dying. You are basically accusing folks of being sociopaths.

I wish that guy didn’t die. I wish he didn’t go to the party, and I wish the party didn’t happen. He did, and it did. He’s not a child, he had access to the same information everyone else did and chose not to take it seriously. Unfortunately the stakes are much higher than he anticipated.

I’m not sympathetic because he knowingly and willingly opted to ignore hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of instances of severe illness. I am empathetic about the outcome and do feel remorse/pain that his bad choices forced him to die, probably alone, full of regret.

stop projecting. Most people in this thread are dealing with/processing things in their own way and are lucky to have a community where they feel comfortable doing so.

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12 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

2. This is porn for a lot of you.  Everything I see in here is people pointing out how stupid people are.  You’re enjoying it.

You’re not wrong. But make sure you give a financial disclosure as well, don’t want anyone to lose their life savings. Also live your life the way they do otherwise you’re the devil and want to kill grandma. Also you’re wrong no matter what if you’re opinion goes against the grain. Also god forbid you even talk about the long term economic impacts and how we need to balance that with risk today. Oh and also don’t even point out that the process has been bundled from the beginning, we don’t talk about the beginning. 

Stay home, don’t breath until we are told it’s safe again. 

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