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47 minutes ago, theJ said:

HIPPA laws also make it really difficult to gather that data. 

Supposedly certain states also made it so the state contact tracers cannot even ask if potentially infected persons attended certain events. Wtf is the point of asking if there is all this red tape? I get why the government wouldn’t bother, they can’t handle tasks with a road map laid out, sure as hell can’t handle data gathering. 

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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

Is there any data anywhere on how people who have it are getting it?  I’d like to feel safer if the vast majority are getting it after going to packed places.  I know there’s not concrete data on where they get it, but has there been any data such as, “X percent claim to have been to large social gathering” before getting infected?

My grandfather got it in his nursing facility and they didn’t have success at determining the source but it goes without saying it was brought in, they just don’t know internal staff or external staff because most of the workers ended up with it.

ignoring any red tape I’d imagine something with a potentially long incubation period and high infection rate is extremely hard to trace. If I ever find myself with some downtime that would be a great process to understand. 

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All I know is that report of antibodies only lasting up to a couple months sent me right back into panic mode.  I don’t go anywhere or do anything anyway, but now I’m going to AGGRESSIVELY not go anywhere or do anything.  

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8 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

All I know is that report of antibodies only lasting up to a couple months sent me right back into panic mode.  I don’t go anywhere or do anything anyway, but now I’m going to AGGRESSIVELY not go anywhere or do anything.  

I'm ahead of the curve because I've been doing that for years.

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9 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I'd have to go from having zero debt to leveraging tons of debt, I'd have to actively work to fix things or destroy my profit margin by subcontracting to an apartment management service, etc. etc. etc. 

I'll take 7-10% a year to sit on my butt every time tbh.


7-10% of zero is still zero. The whole concept behind wealth building with real estate is that your getting a return on someone else's money.

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Virginia has cancelled football for the fall.  Here are the proposals they are considering for sports: 


Model 1: All sports remain in their current season, with low-contact sports like golf and cross country proceeding as usual. Theater would be allowed, but high-contact sports like field hockey, football, cheer and volleyball wouldn't.

Model 2: Spring and fall sports will switch seasons. Tennis, soccer, baseball and softball would be allowed to play as well as track and field in the fall. But high-contact sports, including spring lacrosse, would be off-limits until spring season resumes around March to allow schools time to figure out more safety precautions and gauge the status of the virus.

Model 3: All sports would be delayed and then resume in three condensed seasons:

  • Winter sports: Dec. 14 - February 20
  • Fall sports: February 15 - May 1
  • Spring sports: April 12 - June 26


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11 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I think it's a slippery political slope, but that's it.  I've been wearing mine, probably more than necessary.  I went to the driving range today and wore mine to and from the car, and unmasked when I was hitting.  I made sure I was far enough away from everyone and outside of the canopy.  

The more anti-mask stuff I am seeing from people right now, the more I have to shake my head.  Someone mentioned earlier today that they have an anti-mask group in their county.  I wouldn't be surprised to see one where I'm at.  Also, I can't imagine our teachers wanting to go back without kids wearing masks.  I work 8 hours a day walking around and doing quite a bit, kids are probably going to have to do the same.  

It shouldn't be though. Why wearing a piece of cloth over your face to limit the transmission of a highly infectious virus is political is beyond me. It doesn't matter which party you side on if you understand how science works (or are smart enough to know that you may not know more than the experts on a given subject). 

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10 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

The anti-mask groups I can understand.  I don't agree with them, but I can understand them.  It's the people who make fun of/chastise/berate people who wear masks that I don't understand.

What’s hard to understand?  People who refuse to listen to science are being willfully ignorant and it puts other people at risk.  

10 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

If you somehow think a mask is harmful because you've chosen to believe bad science, fine, I get that, you're making a decision for yourself.  Kinda like someone trusting a Nigerian prince who picked you instead of 7 billion other people, but whatever.

again, it’s not just a decision for yourself, it’s a decision that can impact other people.

Imagine if 30% of the country didn’t think driving drunk had any impact on their ability to operate a vehicle and continued to do so (without repercussion) on public roads.  Would you not expect people to be upset then? Should we as a society just accept their personal decision?  That’s not how living in a society actually works.

10 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

That's the crux of why this whole thing is so difficult right now.  Just the pure hot rage everywhere.  It's sickening.  Not only this, but other things going on, there's no middle ground.  There's no you do you I'll do me.  It's either with or against, friend or enemy.  And I get that mask people have every right to be upset at anti-mask people.  I do, I get it, but... I don't know.  You're right to hate, but... I don't even know what I'm getting at. 

It’s because there really is no middle ground, either you’re working to help slow the spread of the virus and protect others on your community or you’re pissing in the community pool.

10 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

There's just no discussion at all.  It's inflammatory accusations and insults instead of discussion.  That's not good.  Historically, well, it's frightening.  It all adds up to things worse than a pandemic coming to the country or the world, and I want no part of that and if I win the lottery I'm getting TFO and going to the isolated woods of Maine. 

What discussion do you want?  There’s no data or science that backs anything that anti mask people at all.  Should we be arguing facts with feelings and accepting both as equal and valid?

Our hospitals are filling up, our medical professionals are being stretched thin (and put at increased risk), a hundred and however many thousand people have died and we’ve still got a large percentage of the population who can’t be bother to put a piece of cloth over their face.  At what point is anger acceptable?

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4 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

What’s hard to understand?  People who refuse to listen to science are being willfully ignorant and it puts other people at risk.  

again, it’s not just a decision for yourself, it’s a decision that can impact other people.

Imagine if 30% of the country didn’t think driving drunk had any impact on their ability to operate a vehicle and continued to do so (without repercussion) on public roads.  Would you not expect people to be upset then? Should we as a society just accept their personal decision?  That’s not how living in a society actually works.

It’s because there really is no middle ground, either you’re working to help slow the spread of the virus and protect others on your community or you’re pissing in the community pool.

What discussion do you want?  There’s no data or science that backs anything that anti mask people at all.  Should we be arguing facts with feelings and accepting both as equal and valid?

Our hospitals are filling up, our medical professionals are being stretched thin (and put at increased risk), a hundred and however many thousand people have died and we’ve still got a large percentage of the population who can’t be bother to put a piece of cloth over their face.  At what point is anger acceptable?

There should be a way to double like a post. Agree with this 1000%. 

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Any time you have a clear precedent established that involves an executive leader inserting himself into the legislative process by creating laws, while using Cold War “under attack” legislation to seize power in that regard, this bypassing state and federal constitutions, it’s absolutely a slippery slope politically, even if those decisions are 100% correct.

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6 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Georgia's governor just issued a statewide executive order banning...wait for it...local ordinances that ban masks. Not actual masks. Nope. We're banning people banning masks. This is so stupid he should get a term on the Wisconsin state Supreme Court.

I’m sure history will look back on decisions like this fondly.

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