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On 8/27/2020 at 10:02 PM, ET80 said:

I mean, this isn't exactly a reputable source of information. It's literally a few real estate agents who felt like making a local page where anyone could submit literally anything - with no validation of th source.

Here, the site even admits it:


The author of your study didn't have his work peer reviewed, or even looked at actual data - he bought a list that should be accurate, but data integrity from origin to source is a continued concern - not just in medical data, but anywhere.

I can't take this article, written by some random person and extrapolate it to what you're trying to extrapolate it to. There is no sort of tangible evidence that is shared, and there's no sort of peer review model to even check if his methodology of interpreting the data is sound. 

In conclusion - we still need to verify your conclusion, because this article isn't worth anything.

The CDC did publish a table of comorbidities of the covid death count last week.  The real interesting thing there is that over 7000 of the 164,000 thru Aug 25, show a comorbidity of intentional or unintentional trauma.  I will acknowledge I cant find a direct source, but 7000 trauma deaths being reported as covid deaths is a helluva lot of smoke towards significant overeporting.


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4 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

The real interesting thing there is that over 7000 of the 164,000 thru Aug 25, show a comorbidity of intentional or unintentional trauma

So, roughly 4%.

That's right at the line of an acceptable margin of error. Data perceived from the 164,000+ is fairly consistent if you can claim a 4% margin of error.

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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

So, roughly 4%.

That's right at the line of an acceptable margin of error. Data perceived from the 164,000+ is fairly consistent if you can claim a 4% margin of error.

That's just the trauma deaths being reported, which the mere fact trau.a deaths are being reported at all should be enough to show theres something fishy in the reporting.  Take a look at the 20K kidney failure deaths, 12k sepsis deaths.  I'm not talking about the under lying conditions that are effected, which we have to assume some number of those are being erroneously reported.  A case can certainly be made that the 25% number is probably not far off.

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4 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Take a look at the 20K kidney failure deaths, 12k sepsis deaths. 

Given what this disease does to your other vital organs, is it too much to think that the virus exasperated a pre-existing condition? 

6 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

I'm not talking about the under lying conditions that are effected, which we have to assume some number of those are being erroneously reported.

How are you choosing to separate this? I personally don't think you can, but that's just my belief. The human body is a complex machine in itself - if this machine has a faulty kidney and then you introduce a foreign contaminant that further faults the kidney to failure, is the issue the faulty kidney, the foreign contaminant... or both?

8 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

A case can certainly be made that the 25% number is probably not far off.

Still not seeing it - especially when you reference organ failure situations that may be accelerated from Covid-19.

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53 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Given what this disease does to your other vital organs, is it too much to think that the virus exasperated a pre-existing condition? 

How are you choosing to separate this? I personally don't think you can, but that's just my belief. The human body is a complex machine in itself - if this machine has a faulty kidney and then you introduce a foreign contaminant that further faults the kidney to failure, is the issue the faulty kidney, the foreign contaminant... or both?

This guy gets it.

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1 hour ago, ET80 said:

Given what this disease does to your other vital organs, is it too much to think that the virus exasperated a pre-existing condition? 

How are you choosing to separate this? I personally don't think you can, but that's just my belief. The human body is a complex machine in itself - if this machine has a faulty kidney and then you introduce a foreign contaminant that further faults the kidney to failure, is the issue the faulty kidney, the foreign contaminant... or both?

Still not seeing it - especially when you reference organ failure situations that may be accelerated from Covid-19.

Sepsis is not organ failure, it is bacterial, now the case could be made for people that have been hospitalized due to covid, that then contract a bacterial infection in the hospital, but did they really die from covid?  Should those people be counted as a covid death.  I guess the only way to really get an answer on what the real number is, is to compare death rates to the underlying conditions pre covid and post to get a real idea how much it's being inflated, but those numbers are not easily accessible to the best of my knowledge.  

I'm surprised that there is not more reaction from this group with regards to trauma deaths being reported as covid deaths, as clearly the death was not caused by covid.  That means unequivocally that deaths not due to covid were in fact included in the covid death totals, including homicides.  Add in the fact that nearly all deaths from covid are at or past life expectancy, again these should be red flags to everyone that something is rotten in Denmark.

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1 hour ago, ET80 said:
1 hour ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Take a look at the 20K kidney failure deaths, 12k sepsis deaths. 

Given what this disease does to your other vital organs, is it too much to think that the virus exasperated a pre-existing condition? 

The Global Sepsis Alliance specifically notes that severe COVID patients are at risk of kidney failure and sepsis, facilitated by COVID.


They also noted that 20% of studied COVID patients that required ICU presented with acute kidney failure. Which means that COVID is taxing organs and causing damage to them. 

But sure, over-reporting. 

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