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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Mafia Game Thread: Game Over - Slytherin Wins


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Game Over:

I'm Voldemort.

No, Dome is.

Wait what?

You heard me, Voldy.


No, no.  I am Voldemort, and I am here to help.  I assure you.

What about that guy?  His sensor is clearly fake.  If it were real, I would be scum, and he's voting for literally anyone else?

Shut up, nerd.

So, how about the true Voldemort, Dome?

Right after I find the incantation to reverse the engorgement charm that Dome's story cast upon my crotch region.

Yeah, me too.

The crowd gathered around Dome and began to jeer at him more than usual.  He was used to it, a frequent object of bullying.  The crowd took their time, toying with him, as they cast a variety of jinxes and hexes that extended Dome's agony.  Dome writhed in pain until he was suddenly silent.

Dome is dead.  He was Neville Longbottom, The Village Idiot, Hogwarts-Aligned.

Standing over the body of novel, smiles formed on the faces on three members of the crowd.  Looking up from Dome's to survey the crowd, Hobo set his eyes upon bcb who met his eyes and squawked.  Bcb attempted to take flight to flee, but was hit with a jet of green light. 

Bcb is dead.  He was Hedwig, Trusted Messenger, Hogwarts-Aligned.

At this time, ET and tk3, elated to finally see an ally in the open set their sights upon Forge.  The two attempted to subdue Forge, and may have succeeded, but for some reason all of their spells seems to sail wide of their mark, and with a simple flick of his wand, both were incapacitated.  Forge sneered at the students and told them to get to bed, and that he would not be so lenient next time.

Forge survived!  But, the castle being overrun, Forge decided it would be in his own self-interest to vacate the castle.

Forge flees the castle.  He was Severus Snape, The Potions Master, Hogwarts-Aligned.

Congratulations to Slytherin-Aligned, Hobo, and Dome for achieving one or more of their win conditions.

Post-game post later today.

@Counselor @Dome @HoboRocket @bcb1213 @ET80 @Forge @Tk3 

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On 6/6/2020 at 7:07 PM, Counselor said:

I am pretty sure Matts was janitored. Can you think of another reasons Matts was not allowed to replace me?

Because Malf is a wussy and blocked it from happening?

Edited by Matts4313
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  On 6/4/2020 at 7:23 PM, Matts4313 said:

After N1, my short list is:




God damned I am amazing at this game.

  On 6/4/2020 at 7:34 PM, Matts4313 said:

I will give everyone 10 minutes to move their votes. At the end of that, I will claim if I am still the leading vote getter. 

Asking for a little trust here. Go Hobo

Watch for the repeat by forge.

  On 6/4/2020 at 7:51 PM, Forge said:

Of course you are. Shocking

If you are, you are. But that is rife with just asking for a cc



  On 6/4/2020 at 7:51 PM, Matts4313 said:

This is me reading all of you right now:


You all are stupid.

  On 6/4/2020 at 7:54 PM, Matts4313 said:

@SwAg I nominate co-LVPs. 

Little logic. Check

Not helping. Check

Focused on killing people who claim. Check

Building cases on the bases of nothing at all. Check


Hopefully one of you or @Counselor are scum. Because this is an abject failure. 

Holy sheet. Im on fire with the predictions.

  On 6/4/2020 at 7:57 PM, Matts4313 said:

@JoshstraDaymus @bcb1213 @bigbadbuff @Dome @11sanchez11 

Move to Hobo. Quickly please. 

Look at all the non-scum people I thought would be correct.

  On 6/4/2020 at 7:59 PM, Forge said:

Yep, on everyone else

Turns out I was right.

  On 6/4/2020 at 8:12 PM, Malfatron said:

My bones tell me that harry is a fine young lad who wouldnt be tricked by the wiles of this evil one


  On 6/4/2020 at 8:20 PM, Forge said:

Yep, I mean, I did the whole attempted game solving thing, provided insight as to where the votes should go and why, but I'm not helping at all lol. 

You were one of the best scum this game. And yes, I know you were "town"

  On 6/4/2020 at 8:21 PM, Matts4313 said:

Your game solving led to you voting me. So no, you are not helping. 

bingo. This guy is smart.

  On 6/4/2020 at 8:22 PM, Forge said:

K, well you're doing a bang up job. Keep at it, buddy. 

I couldnt, because you killed me.

  On 6/4/2020 at 8:30 PM, Matts4313 said:

Counselor/Forge first 4:

PML - Hermione

Sanchez - Sorting Hat

Biggio - Pete - Indy

Matts - HP


Matts 4:






Lets see who did better post game. I have a feeling I am going to win this one ;)

@Forge... @Counselor..... Anyone want to tally them up?

  On 6/4/2020 at 8:34 PM, squire12 said:

@Matts4313   I am going to suggest you either read the end of D1 and start of day 2, or re-read them.....no skimming.   You have some time.  

lol. The irony. 

   On 6/4/2020 at 8:35 PM, Counselor said:

Why do you keep lumping Forge with me? I killed those three players it was my doing by switching to Malf. Not Forge’s.


  On 6/4/2020 at 8:39 PM, Matts4313 said:

...... has less to do with that and more to do with general bad play. Though it does have some to do with that. 

........................... lol

  On 6/4/2020 at 8:51 PM, Matts4313 said:

Forge isnt even in my top 4 so I dont know what the you are talking about. My only focus on forge is he is being completely useless right now, not answering simple questions and making baseless acusations. 


  On 6/4/2020 at 8:59 PM, Matts4313 said:

I still dont understand your point. It seems like you are searching for a way to stay lumped in with this ludacris lack of logic.

Person 1 - me - made a mistake on when night was. Singular and correctable. 

Persons 2+ - are refusing to answer simple questions. Making baseless accusations that they refuse to explain. Have no logic behind their voting patterns. Have tunneled w/o accepting the idea that they could be wrong. And they *continue to do it*. That is playing bad, thats not a mistake. 


  On 6/4/2020 at 9:43 PM, Matts4313 said:

Try and fight, no one moves

Pity party, no one moves

No one moves when their heads are in the sand and scum likes the lynch. You know this.

There isnt a case as far as I can tell.

I am harry potter. 


  On 6/4/2020 at 9:47 PM, Malfatron said:

dont believe matts lies.



  On 6/4/2020 at 9:48 PM, Forge said:

I don't, but I've lost the high ground at this point


  On 6/4/2020 at 9:48 PM, Counselor said:

So back to Matts? Because Malf could likely be Harry. 


  On 6/4/2020 at 9:50 PM, Forge said:

I mean, you don't get credit nailing an other as scum. 


  On 6/4/2020 at 9:56 PM, Malfatron said:

I spect i be right and i be dead


  On 6/4/2020 at 9:58 PM, Malfatron said:

iffin i was lying i reckon i would be lynched next


  On 6/4/2020 at 10:01 PM, Matts4313 said:

Once we get into OT - lets kill one of malf/vikes/hobo/ET like I said.


  On 6/4/2020 at 10:03 PM, Matts4313 said:

NM. Well, for the second time. I hope scum smokes these muggles. Bunch of Dursleys in here. 

Everything I said was true. 


  On 6/4/2020 at 10:06 PM, Counselor said:

Sorry Matts. I truly am LVP


  On 6/4/2020 at 10:09 PM, Matts4313 said:

Am not. This role was boring. I want a new one so that I can laugh at you. 

Killed Potter, Hermione and Weasly by the end of D2. Thats a special kind of failure. 


  On 6/4/2020 at 10:12 PM, Malfatron said:

i promise, my good fella, you are on the right side of history


  On 6/4/2020 at 10:19 PM, Counselor said:

I know just let me have my fun


  On 6/4/2020 at 10:46 PM, Forge said:

Not buying it. He was janitored.

I'm going down in flames on this one and digging in!!


  On 6/4/2020 at 11:11 PM, squire12 said:

If Hobo is other, that makes 3.  So it feels like a 4 man scum team would be the max.  

Vikes, Tk3, ET, Malf.    Outside chance of Dome


  On 6/4/2020 at 11:59 PM, Forge said:

I'm rolling with dome. Personally? I think Matts was janitored the other way. 


  On 6/5/2020 at 12:01 AM, Forge said:

I'm doubling down. I should have done it during the night, but I didn't have the guts


  On 6/5/2020 at 12:03 AM, Malfatron said:

Well you see, those evil bastards likely have some inside information on you all.

It was but a bluff by matts.

like this when he got lynched as scum last game



  On 6/5/2020 at 12:06 AM, Forge said:

Has been. And I think Matts dropped the nugget about getting janitored as a cute little inside joke because he was. In theory would give them a free malf Lynch the following day. 



  On 6/5/2020 at 12:08 AM, Counselor said:

Okay all makes sense now 


  On 6/5/2020 at 12:17 AM, Counselor said:

Malf promised us Matts was a bad guy


  On 6/5/2020 at 12:17 AM, Counselor said:

And he kept his promise 


  On 6/5/2020 at 1:12 AM, Counselor said:

I guarantee for a fact Matts was Janitored and scum. 


  On 6/5/2020 at 1:18 AM, Counselor said:

This was Clever Swag

The crowd unleashed a barrage of spells upon matts.  He fell to the ground and lied motionless.

Matts is dead.  He was Harry Potter, The Inhibitor, Hogwarts-Aligned.


  On 6/5/2020 at 1:22 AM, Counselor said:

Malf I think if it was pretty clear you were Harry why didn’t Scum hit you? 


  On 6/5/2020 at 1:42 AM, Counselor said:

So Matts asks to be a replacement attempting to look town knowing only town can replace town. Tries to get Harry to CC so they can hit him or janitor Matts so we lynch the other claimed Harry the next day. Matts continues to keep playing as if he is Harry knowing he will be janitored. This is good stuff. Fun fun fun. 


  On 6/5/2020 at 9:04 AM, Counselor said:

Matts was for sure janitored I need you guys to trust me


  On 6/5/2020 at 11:01 AM, Forge said:

My guess is that it's just his feeling, like it is for me, so I think we are going to argue about it. 

Please vote Vikes, I think that is the play today. Same goes for you @JoshstraDaymus. I'm asking for a little trust here. I think he's lock scum based on Josh's results. 

lol... Remember that rewind?

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On 6/2/2020 at 1:15 AM, SwAg said:

Harry Potter, Inhibitor, Hogwarts-Aligned


Ability – You have no active ability, but Hogwarts-Aligned cannot be defeated as long as you are alive.  Also, every Town-on-Town death has a 40% chance to fail as long as you are alive.


You may communicate with no one.


Eliminate all threats to Hogwarts-Aligned.


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On 6/4/2020 at 11:32 PM, Matts4313 said:

My role has 2 parts. And I am ashamed. That said, a family member had just died and I wasnt really focused on this game until today. 

Part 1: No hogwarts member can be defeated while I am alive.

Part 2: Town on Town death has a 40% chance of failure.

To be fair, those are contradictory so I still blame @SwAg


Be easy on mocking me. Its been a long arse week. 

Yeah, but you also misread your Role PM.

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Told you guys that I was other. Also, it's insane that Neville Longbottom's WinCon was for Harry to be dead.

The list of players that I used my move on:

@MWil23 on N1.

@squire12 on N2.

@JoshstraDaymus on N3.

@bigbadbuff on N4.

@bcb1213 on N5. 


My original plan was to use a fake claim that SwAg had given me, but then I decided to stick as closely to my honor code as my role would allow and avoid explicitly lying.

Now, the N1, N2, and N3 hits were more products of poking the bear. I would have left those three alone if they had left me alone. Counselor was the adversary that I was most-worried about because he gets it, so I tried my darndest to make him a friend. It would have A) painted a giant target on my if my top foe was hit and B) I just didn't want to kill him, since he was on-point.

As for the buff and bcb hits, those were just to keep the game interesting and ensure victory. I figured that if Dome was a bad lynch and he ended up being town, then a hit on bcb would end it. If Dome was a correct lynch as Slytherin and the game DIDN'T end, I figured that we could gang up on ET for lynch, and if the game didn't end at that point, I'd hit Tk. Just took Forge's advice and looked to my WinCons first last night and tried to create a scenario where I had leverage and would NOT be the most viable lynch.

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52 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Makes it even more embarrassing for these clowns. I didnt read my role or the time for N2 and I was still better than all of them. 

“I can’t convince anyone I’m worth keeping around, they must all suck!”

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