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What movie are you watching?


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9 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Yeah, you need to get out more. None of this makes any sense lol. Blaming TikTok is a "get off my lawn" level type of nonsense.

Film is dying because there's no money in the old structure. That's really all there is to it and they haven't been able to adapt and apparently, neither have you.

It's really not as far off as you think it is. There is more and more a general lack of interest in film, and attention spans are getting lower and lower.

What the guy above me just said is exactly true. Sitcoms are still doing fine. People can sit and binge 20 minute episodes for three hours, but they can't sit and hold their own attention on a two hour movie as easily anymore.

Why do you think Quibi came around? Before you say it failed, I know it failed. It failed because its material sucked, but not because they're not onto this unfortunate trend.



It is this. This isn't from me alone, this is... Literally everybody is saying it. Martin Scorsese, Gary Oldman, Steven Spielberg... Those three have commented on it, more people have commented on it...

Content is also the single greatest crippling factor. Execs and studios are on a "Content is King" kick. They see people who can sit and watch TikTok and YouTube for 5 hours straight and they think it's not the quality of your content, but the amount of your content.

Get on Netflix and look through all its original programming. It's 97% absolute irredeemable crap. They make one tentpole project for every 40 projects that are pure crap.


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But is it the ability for people to hold their attention or the abundance of options for things to do or watch?

There's significantly more things to view between countless streaming sources, with smaller budget shows that cater to different tastes and styles, you still have some live TV and sports happening, you have people watching streamers on Twitch and developing para-social relationships, and you have independent content creators making stuff on youtube. I'm not talking about 1-5 minute clips, I regularly watch a hour long(or longer) video essays.

Not only is there that abundance of choice, but I think a lot of people working additional hours to make ends meet or have other things in their life to do and just don't have the time to sit and watch a two to three hour movie, uninterrupted. 

I think you're partially right, in that the short form content is a factor, but it's not nearly as much of one as you're implying it is. 

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'The Black Phone' is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 

Nothing like watching a kid kind of try to escape from a room for 1 1/2 hours. Acting is awful all the way around. Classic terrible dialogue between the children because the writer was no doubt an introvert that didn't actually experience an active childhood, thus crippling his ability to portray it accurately. All the tropes are hit in the least entertaining way possible. Ethan Hawke is laughable as the film's 'evil'. Everything is bad.

It's essentially a horrifically paced children's movie, but with cursing and a sprinkle of PG-13/R violence. An awful combination, and utter waste of time. 

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2 hours ago, DreamKid said:

'The Black Phone' is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 

Nothing like watching a kid kind of try to escape from a room for 1 1/2 hours. Acting is awful all the way around. Classic terrible dialogue between the children because the writer was no doubt an introvert that didn't actually experience an active childhood, thus crippling his ability to portray it accurately. All the tropes are hit in the least entertaining way possible. Ethan Hawke is laughable as the film's 'evil'. Everything is bad.

It's essentially a horrifically paced children's movie, but with cursing and a sprinkle of PG-13/R violence. An awful combination, and utter waste of time. 

Scott Derickson appeals to a very low form of horror fan.

Sinister is my all-time LEAST favorite horror movie ever. I can at least respect most horror movies, but I have zero respect for that movie, and I loathe it.


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Am I the only one who dislikes 1917?

For a movie about a time sensitive mission, there are way too many times they slow this way TF down.

Like I get he’s exhausted, but half the movie is him listening to someone sing or talking to a French woman.

The movie had no sense of urgency whatsoever.

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49 minutes ago, Ty21 said:

I wonder how different residuals are for streaming 




HBSVOD residuals are “fixed” residuals, like a network rerun or a run on basic cable. This means the amounts are set in the MBA, while revenue-based residuals are percentages of program revenue (e.g., license fees). Because there is a broad range in the number of subscribers to each SVOD service, the formula for calculating HBSVOD residuals incorporates the size of the streaming service by using subscriber tiers. The residuals are paid annually, and the annual amounts decline over time as the program ages. If the SVOD service operates internationally, like Netflix, Amazon and Disney+, there is an additional annual payment for international reuse.

Broadly speaking, the residuals are determined by the length of the program (Residual Base), the size of the service when the program was written (Subscriber Factor), and the exhibition year (Exhibition Year %).



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