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Alien: Covenant.

Only the second time I’ve watched it. I remember being extremely disappointed in it.

Prometheus I really liked at first, but it’s aged poorly.

Maybe Covenant will be the exact opposite.

Edit: Nope, movie is absolute ****.

If it wasn’t for the total lack of big budget deep space cosmic horror, I’d throw my copy in the trash.

It’s passable for watching once every 5 years when you’re in the mood for a space horror, but otherwise it’s absolute trash and not worthy of Alien/Aliens.

Edited by MacReady
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Couple kids movies we watched this week..


 Leo (Netflix)

Didn't expect much from an Adam Sandler animated kids flick, but this one was surprisingly sweet and we enjoyed it. 2.5/4 




Now this was a steaming pile of crap. One of the most formulaic, cookie cutter kids movies I've seen. Kumail was really good in the lead role, and the other voice actors did well enough.. but every single beat of the movie is very predictable. It doesn't help I dropped a hundred buck to take my son and his friends.. next time it'll be a trip to the arcade instead. 1/4

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On 12/28/2023 at 6:42 PM, MacReady said:

Either Dreamcatcher isn’t as bad as people say it is or it’s a huge guilty pleasure of mine.

They changed some things from the book, but yeah - I don't think it's nearly as bad as some people make it out to be.

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On 12/21/2023 at 10:39 PM, Forge said:

Rebel Moon is basically a jrpg in movie form so far


I still don't even know wtf that thing was.


It felt like the script was entirely AI generated.  Just a a compilation of "i know that reference.gif".  It took a while to set in, but once it did...it was deeply confusing whether it was trying to prove a point against, or in favor of AI generation.

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When Evil Lurks is probably the best foreign horror of 2023.

Could have been so much better though. It set the bar so damn high in the first 30 minutes that it just made it impossible for itself to finish strong.

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