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5 hours ago, Sugashane said:

I know it is overprescribed at times but I am a 100% believer in treating actual ADHD whenever possible. My kids have a quality of life they would have zero chance of without these meds. Hopefully it offers some of the same boosts for you too. 

The stereotype that it's for lazy, inattentive parents who have children behaving wildly because they "can't control their energy" and need to be sedated has done a ton of damage.

Next time someone says that, respond "then why is adderall a stimulant?" and try not to giggle as you watch the gears in their brain short circuit.

20 hours ago, D82 said:

My boys are on it as they also have ADHD. They had some extra (pharmacy made a mistake an refilled early), so I tried one...and holy **** - my brain was actually quiet for the first time in I don't remember how long. Not overthinking every little thing made a huge difference in my mood that day and my kids told me they liked that I was happy (that one hurt). 

I can't wait to get on a consistent regiment. 

I'm glad this has worked out for you, but I have to be that guy.

Do not try other people's medication. Some ADHD patients can develop tolerance to commonly prescribed stimulants over time, which means they may be prescribed a dose that at healthy person may not respond well to, even with the body weight difference between you and your kid. In addition, these drugs can interact with other medications for things you may be taking like depression, blood pressure (adderall is a stimulant and therefore will increase heart rate and blood pressure), etc.

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I'm glad this has worked out for you, but I have to be that guy.

Do not try other people's medication. Some ADHD patients can develop tolerance to commonly prescribed stimulants over time, which means they may be prescribed a dose that at healthy person may not respond well to, even with the body weight difference between you and your kid. In addition, these drugs can interact with other medications for things you may be taking like depression, blood pressure (adderall is a stimulant and therefore will increase heart rate and blood pressure), etc.

Trust me - I get it, and it was a one time thing.

My psychologist has me on a half-dose of a anxiety med right now, and is going to work in the ADHD med soon. She was worried about heart interactions too as my BP and pulse rate have been high in the past (I'm actually on a heart med right now, but it was to help with the anxiety - so far, it's helped) and I even had a full cardiac eval done by a cardiologist (stress test, echocardiogram, whole nine yards) - but she still wanted to ease me into everything. 

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

The stereotype that it's for lazy, inattentive parents who have children behaving wildly because they "can't control their energy" and need to be sedated has done a ton of damage.

I specified "at times" precisely because, like with everything, the loudest fools get the most attention, and their stories get exaggerated and parroted.

1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Next time someone says that, respond "then why is adderall a stimulant?" and try not to giggle as you watch the gears in their brain short circuit.


I'm actually annoyed that I haven't thought of flipping it on them like this. lol

1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Do not try other people's medication.

Someone's parents obviously didn't teach them to share...  😁

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39 minutes ago, D82 said:

Trust me - I get it, and it was a one time thing.

No harm, no foul, but I wanted to explain why it was dangerous in case someone else wants to try it without seeing someone about it first. As you can attest to, it's not that simple and it's worth doing the right way.

41 minutes ago, D82 said:

My psychologist has me on a half-dose of a anxiety med right now, and is going to work in the ADHD med soon. She was worried about heart interactions too as my BP and pulse rate have been high in the past (I'm actually on a heart med right now, but it was to help with the anxiety - so far, it's helped) and I even had a full cardiac eval done by a cardiologist (stress test, echocardiogram, whole nine yards) - but she still wanted to ease me into everything. 

This is the right way. Nicely done man.

23 minutes ago, Sugashane said:

I specified "at times" precisely because, like with everything, the loudest fools get the most attention, and their stories get exaggerated and parroted.

Yeah more and more people are getting better, but it sucks that there still has to be qualifiers like "I think it's over-prescribed but I promise my kids really need it" when they day/night nature of their symptoms should make it obvious to anyone with eyes, ears, and half a brain that this is a positive.

And I honestly go back and forth on the over-prescribed qualifier.

On one hand, it's absolutely prescribed to kids who are burned out emotionally due to home issues. On the other hand, this thread is full of people going "yeah I didn't fall over and die at 15 but this sounds like me and it may have dramatically changed my life over time". And we expect a lot out of kids today. So if you added up all the people who quietly dealt with it and developed coping mechanisms versus the people who were prescribed inappropriately, which group is larger? I don't know.

34 minutes ago, Sugashane said:

Someone's parents obviously didn't teach them to share...  😁

Ya'll have read enough of my posts to know I wasn't letting that go 😄

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11 hours ago, Sugashane said:

My son has a bad case of ADHD and my oldest daughter has a smaller issue with hers. Youngest seems to have none thankfully. But my son was nicknamed Taz growing up and struggled BAD in pre-K, K, and most of 1st grade. I didn't want to put him on anything but knew he was a major issue for others in class and we eventually went and he was diagnosed. They put him on Vyvanse and it was almost within the hour the kid was just at ease. The "homework" we did use to cause fits and he just couldn't get the math down, he use to cry and fight because he couldn't do it. All of a sudden he could keep the numbers straight and kid is a math whiz at 13. Already doing the same math I was doing in high school, and my daughter's reading comprehension scores skyrocketed. 

I know it is overprescribed at times but I am a 100% believer in treating actual ADHD whenever possible. My kids have a quality of life they would have zero chance of without these meds. Hopefully it offers some of the same boosts for you too. 


Like Jimmy Neutron, I always thought you were a high functioning psychopath. lol 

I’m not on adderall so I’m not reading all this 

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17 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:
On 6/14/2024 at 11:10 AM, Sugashane said:

I know it is overprescribed at times but I am a 100% believer in treating actual ADHD whenever possible. My kids have a quality of life they would have zero chance of without these meds. Hopefully it offers some of the same boosts for you too. 

The stereotype that it's for lazy, inattentive parents who have children behaving wildly because they "can't control their energy" and need to be sedated has done a ton of damage.

Next time someone says that, respond "then why is adderall a stimulant?" and try not to giggle as you watch the gears in their brain short circuit.

I don’t think it’s linear (not saying anyone else does). I think it can be a thing and it’s over diagnosed and prescribed, and that other factors are at play, such as forcing kids to sit still for 7+ hours a day in school and not have other active and creative outlets while jumping immediately to medication. Often it’s a lazy stereotype, and simultaneously often it’s the first thing frustrated teachers and parents jump to in order to “fix the symptoms” the easiest.

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5 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Just got back from vacation and I realize now that I'm not one for the touristy type. Just give me my cabin with a fire pit, good beer, good scenery, good food and some edibles and I'm good to go. 

1000%. A cabin with the outdoors and no people except your people and relaxation is great. But somewhat even better?  I have a good friend who owns property in NY right on the northern part of the Allegheny Reservoir. Ok so I know this goes completely against the norm right now, but there is absolutely no cell service there. I know holy crap how do I adjust. Having no outside influence other than this beautiful earth we’ve been given is just fine with me. Oh yeah seeing bear markings and not being the least bit concerned. 

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On 6/5/2024 at 11:19 AM, minutemancl said:

I think we as humans need to embrace the beauty in liking things that are bad. Like, Miller Lite is not very good. Hot dogs are objectively bad for you and disgusting, when you really consider what they are. Lots of music is made by really bad people. Your favorite athlete is probably a bad person and an *******.  Who cares? We'll still keep consuming that garbage. Embrace it!

You can look into just about every company and find something that you disagree with too.  Way too many people try to find their own echo chamber.  A popular company that I am very ambivalent on (but they have a good product) is one I will always respect for allowing matching charitable contributions, even though they will donate to causes that I do not agree with and would not fund personally.  A large company that does that is solid in my book.  

I don’t understand the whole echo chamber thing because that isn’t how I grew up and was raised, but I guess in the world we live in now, it’s what’s popular.  

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On 6/11/2024 at 10:04 AM, dll2000 said:

I started a new Twitter or X account a few weeks ago for kicks and giggles.  One just to talk about Bears football.

Thought I would actually attempt to build a following since I come on here (Bears forum) and there about 10 to 20x a day anyway throughout my work day.  

I talked to a guy who spends all day doing just that.  Building a following and talking on Twitter.  He was paying for premium to get paid and the algorithm puts you on a lot more peoples feeds. 

 I am like, how much do you really make doing this?  To his credit he was honest.  He's like $20 - $40 a month.   The $40 is if he gets a really popular post within the month.  

I don't care again.   95% of my followers are porn bots.  I'll save my $14 a month.

The only way to do it is to find viral videos.  Download them for yourself and then repost them as yours.  But everyone has figured that out now and everyone is doing it.  I see the same videos posted 50x a day just on my feed.  

What do you think of this young pretty girl doing and saying this stupid thing about men?  

YouTube and Tik Tok do same thing.




It’s sad that this is the state of sports discussion though.  Growing up on forums similar to FF, I really, really hate this.  Twitter/X, and Facebook groups, have sadly taken the place of forums which can still provide some great discussion.  

I always knew about FF, but I never posted here.  However, between forums from 2005 until now, I probably would have close to 200,000 posts if I stayed at the same place.  I owned a couple forums for a time, sports related and sports gaming, but unless you already have an established community like this, it’s a dead genre.  

I still visit/contribute slightly to an Orioles community, and the Commanders official board, and there is some great stuff that is posted at each, but it is becoming harder and harder for these places I am sure.  

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