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I'm rewatching The Shield for the first time in maybe 10-15 years. It's one of my favorites, and among the pinnacles of golden age prestige TV. For me, the early to mid-00s through the mid-10s gave us the very best that TV has to offer. Just finished the S5 finale which was so good it compelled me to come here and leave this post. If anyone hasn't seen The Shield, I implore you to seek it out.

Oh, and we just started S2 of Succession which I already consider the best show since that aforementioned era. First-time watch, so no spoilers please, but it's fantastic.

Edited by notthatbluestuff
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Last Airbender isn’t bad. The CGI, and fighting sequences are really cool. But they missed on some of the casting, also missing the charm of the animated show. Even the “my cabbages ”  scene wasn’t funny. I’d give at a 7.

Edited by Fresh Prince
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On 2/19/2024 at 7:46 PM, Forge said:

I feel like one of the greatest problems about True Detective this year was that I just didn't care about either case even a little bit. 

Neither did the detectives involved….1 day of actual police work would have solved it. 

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21 hours ago, Pats#1 said:

True Detective Night Country needs to be erased from history….legitimately one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, and everything worse was actually trying to be bad or knew it was bad. 

The reviews raving about it are LOL worthy if you ever need a laugh

Multiple “credible” publications and review sites calling it arguably better than season 1 😂😂

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On 2/16/2024 at 7:05 PM, BobbyPhil1781 said:

The hell did Starlight do to her face between seasons? 

Surgeiary.  Probably.  But honestly i think she looks better after.  There was something about her face that kinda bothered me at first.  Not "The Seven" material imo.


On 2/18/2024 at 9:50 AM, BobbyPhil1781 said:

The Boys is definitely not for everyone but if it's your cup of tea, it's awesome. Great show on so many levels. Can't wait for S4

It's one of those shows that is just like...extremely "medium okay" to me.  Some people seem to love it it.  It's entertaining and i enjoy it, but it's very "take it or leave it" overall.  It's got it's place though for sure.


On 2/18/2024 at 1:07 PM, RaidersAreOne said:

Masters of the Air. Absolutely blitzed the first 5 episodes already. 

Pretty remarkable show. 

Don't you dare tempt me back into signing up for Apple for this after i was kind of assuaged off of doing so.  Is it really that good?


On 2/19/2024 at 2:40 PM, vegas492 said:

Watch Gen V.

Not quite as good, but still fun and it may cross over.....

Gen V is complete *** imo.  I tried to get into it over the holidays because it's what some of my family were watching...but it's just truly terrible.  It takes The Boys...subtracts all the things that made it hilarious and fun, and leaves all the really sloppy other bits.  I get that it's supposed to be filling in some "backstory" but it's completely unnecessary and i hate every single character so much.  It also just completely makes a mockery of the whole thing...which seems hard to do in a show as sarcastic as The Boys.  It could've been a great show, but the way they made it sucks so bad.


On 2/19/2024 at 5:46 PM, Forge said:

I feel like one of the greatest problems about True Detective this year was that I just didn't care about either case even a little bit. 


Yeah.  They wrapped it all up (if you can even call it that) and it's like...what the heck?  I still don't even really care.  It's all just what i thought it was from the very start.



Corrupt Corporations, Scientists out of control, Crooked Cops, Trampling on Indigenous Peoples.    Like where's the twist?  Where's the surprise?  Where's...anything compelling?  Characters just genuinely unlikeable instead of deeply flawed by sympathetic.  It just moved toward the inevitable conclusion with a lot of pointless detours in between.  Really missed the classic True Detective formula for me.  Really lost the "spooky" vibe that made S1 so good too.  They tried way too hard with all the stupid supernatural ****.


On 2/19/2024 at 8:02 PM, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Make sure you watch the BB prequel after you're done with it. Kept the name out of my comment just in case you aren't aware and don't want to be "spoiled" (I guess). I personally thought it was better than BB and I loved that show. It does start slow though but once it gets going, holy hell it's awesome. 

I want to tell you to skip the last season of Dexter so bad lol. The last spinoff season was pretty damn good though. 


The BB Prequel >>> the actual show.  lol.  I never could make it through Breaking Bad, but the prequel is great.


On 2/23/2024 at 4:43 AM, Fresh Prince said:

Rewatched Narcos first 3 seasons.

Great series all around. Season 2 is a step down from 1,3 but mostly has to do with Pablo being in hiding the whole time. Loses some of the flair if you don’t see, then with the extravagant lifestyle.

I can't imagine rewatching Narcos.  I really wanted to like it.  The premise is compelling and it's not like it was really "bad" but good heavens is it slow and ponderous.  You could delete honestly half the footage and it wouldn't change anything in the show whatsoever.

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On 2/25/2024 at 11:16 PM, Tugboat said:

The BB Prequel >>> the actual show.  lol.  I never could make it through Breaking Bad, but the prequel is great.

Yeah, I agree although I would say it's that big of a gap. I still really enjoyed BB. I honestly think it's just the characters that are the deciding factor for me.


Like in BB, Jesse becomes awful towards the end. His constant whining and crying is annoying. Great acting, just not what I like to see. Not to mention the women of the show are absolutely terrible. Skylar and Marie just suck and there's nothing else to say. Meanwhile in BCS, the only real drag of a character is Chuck. Saul and Kim are two of my favorite characters of any show and they play off each other so damn perfectly. Lalo is one of my favorite villains of any show as well.


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Watched the first ep of Shogun last night.  Didn't stay up for the second one though as it ran to 1:00 am and that whole work in the morning thing.


Thought it was a good modernized take on the original, which I started watching a month ago because this was coming out.  But the original was so old (early 80s) that I stopped watching it after a couple of hours.  Ep 1 basically ended in the same spot so looking forward to Ep 2 tonight or tomorrow.

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