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2021-2022 NBA GDT Thread: Wolf Pit Assemble


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8 hours ago, agarcia34 said:

Also I want to fee a little bad for LeBron but his fingerprints is all over the roster and well this is the what he wanted. Main reason why I never took the Lakers serious is because of Westbrook. You ain’t winning with him. He puts up empty stats that mean nothing. Smaller Andre Drummond. Plus his defense sucks especially his off ball defense where he is lost 50 percent of the time. Stick a fork in the Lakers… it ain’t gonna get much better for them 

He asked for it. Literally.

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On 12/25/2021 at 9:58 PM, agarcia34 said:

Also I want to fee a little bad for LeBron but his fingerprints is all over the roster and well this is the what he wanted. Main reason why I never took the Lakers serious is because of Westbrook. You ain’t winning with him. He puts up empty stats that mean nothing. Smaller Andre Drummond. Plus his defense sucks especially his off ball defense where he is lost 50 percent of the time. Stick a fork in the Lakers… it ain’t gonna get much better for them 

  • lakers need to stop playing all these older guys that don't play defense and play slow. Melo, Lebron, Russ is enough old guys 
  • they need to play their young players that have length and play fast. Reaves, Monk, Stanley Johnson 
  • sadly picking THT over Caruso was a mistake. THT has been a letdown, give him a few more weeks or he will lose minutes to Kendrick Nunn when he finally gets back 
  • lakers desperately need another big or two with AD out. Melo and Lebron playing 5 is just asking for too much. Dwight and DJ seem like they are washed. Melo has been a nice surprise for the bench but he isn't a defensive anchor 

Warriors smart to surround their aging core with youth. It's not looking great for Lakers but they need to make these moves and get healthy. then maybe their might be a chance to contend 


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