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Just got home, ate and got the kids to bed. We lost 41 to 33. Just couldn't stop them on defense. Ben had a great game. Threw for 2 TDs, ran for 2. Idk the yards but the first was a 63 yard TD pass on a bootleg. He had to combine for 250 yards easy, I wouldn't be shocked if he got 300. Threw 1 INT when his hand slipped and the ball only went like 15 feet. It was raining and chilly so no one was surprised. Other QB had like 5 or 6 ducks and we couldn't get any of them. He almost recovered a fumble but got pushed when he started to try and jump on it. They kept it and scored on that drive too. We missed 2 fumbles and dropped the one duck we had a chance for. Our former QB is a WR now and fumbled late after a catch. Ben and another kid picked him up tried to console him but that poor kid just was a wreck. Hurt to see him down but seeing Ben snap at one of his teammates and push him towarsa the sideline and then go pick the kid up was by far my proudest moment as a coach.  Kid was so upset he threw up in the parking lot. Blames himself but he had a hell of a game. He just takes losing as hard as I did. I could tell by his eyes he was crying in the shower before bed. Wouldn't cry in front of his team but pretty sure he did the whole hour drove home. 

They just had us scouted. They saw where our best 3 or 4 were and attacked anywhere else.  Ben at safety so they ran wide. Move Ben and Tyrone to CB for outside containment and they throw it to the TE and slot over the middle, or QB draw up the middle. Switch it up play by play and they go at two of our weaker high effort kids. They avoided our best kids for most of the game. Really just a stellar game by their coaches. We've had some weak points and use our best guys next to help keep them from being exposed and they attacked the kids. Our team fought like hell though. 

Opposing coach asked me to call him during school hours. They're a private Christian Academy and actually get paid to coach. They play like it too. Kids block well, use their hands to fight blockers, and just have the look of a real team. Said he loved seeing a young man pick his team up like he did when they were down and how he kept fighting. Even said he would like to have a leader like him on the team next year. I doubt we will go, tuition is like $10K per year and Ben loves being with these kids. Hell of a compliment though. 

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15 minutes ago, CBears019 said:

Nagy tested positive for COVID and has to pass two tests within 48 hours until he can rejoin the team.  STC Tabor is taking the reigns until Nagy returns.

Not to diminish the effect of COVID, but….there could be some silver lining here.  


Come out and score 40 points while he's gone. I would never stop laughing.

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1 hour ago, CBears019 said:

Nagy tested positive for COVID and has to pass two tests within 48 hours until he can rejoin the team.  STC Tabor is taking the reigns until Nagy returns.

Not to diminish the effect of COVID, but….there could be some silver lining here.  


Oooo Good Lord 😂

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11 hours ago, CBears019 said:

Nagy tested positive for COVID and has to pass two tests within 48 hours until he can rejoin the team.  STC Tabor is taking the reigns until Nagy returns.

Not to diminish the effect of COVID, but….there could be some silver lining here.  


Of all the dudes to step up, our underachieving STC was definitely my favorite. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So today was my 12 year anniversary. Went to the YMCA and lifted with the kids then played basketball, watched a bit of football, kids cooked lunch with my wife supervising (actually pretty good), read for a bit, and then I cooked dinner for the family. Been a damn solid day since the Pack is losing and Bears didn't!

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10 minutes ago, Bfan said:

Sounds like a good day. Add to that Love doesn't look like the second   coming either.

*third coming 

I’m glad Love sucked and chiefs won but I still wouldn’t touch Mahomes with a 10 foot pole. Trubisky was the champion of that draft. NVP. NVP. NVP. 

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Sorry I can't stand the "Quarantine Edition" titled thread.  Time to move on from that nightmare.


 I guess that foul hurt, because he went over board is in retaliation.   

Not why I posted though, it was really funny to me that #14 was going to do something after the  retaliatory hit and then immediately thought better of it. 

I don't watch NBA, but this Jokic guy is a rather large man.  Not sure I blame him.  

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