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Week 12 General Discussion Thread


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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I really dont get why the constant religious talk when it comes to the Texans is allowed on this site. It would be one thing if it happened in a random thread, but you cant even mention a player from the Texans without someone who thinks they are clever (they arent) stating some Christianity joke. 


What would happen if one of us started doing that with Judaism? You would get bounced from this site in 10 seconds. Probably the same if you were like "look at the Rams and those damn Atheist!" 


Im all for trolling. And I like jokes. But literally any other protected group gets treated with kid-gloves. Christian bashing is held up on a pedestal. Its just weird to me. 

Its because the Texans are so upfront about it. They talk religion so much that its just making fun of their priorities.

I don't know of another team in the 4 major sports that does this.

Think of it as Pharisees bashing or TV/Radio Preachers who should be football people bashing.


Just my opinion on it.

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7 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I really dont get why the constant religious talk when it comes to the Texans is allowed on this site. It would be one thing if it happened in a random thread, but you cant even mention a player from the Texans without someone who thinks they are clever (they arent) stating some Christianity joke. 


What would happen if one of us started doing that with Judaism? You would get bounced from this site in 10 seconds. Probably the same if you were like "look at the Rams and those damn Atheist!" 


Im all for trolling. And I like jokes. But literally any other protected group gets treated with kid-gloves. But Christian bashing is held up on a pedestal. Its just weird to me. 

When a team is bad, you find reasons to make fun of it. Nobody would be mocking Easterby's Bible studies if his team was 8-2.

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@Matts4313 ET and I are in the Houston market so we hear it on 610 radio often (its owned by the Texans but the hosts are given pretty free reign to be critical)


I may be a subscriber to the particular religion that I am in no way insulting with any of these posts.

I'm personally a big fan of the protections both of and from religion in our Constitution.

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