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Browns to trade for QB Deshaun Watson; Agree to new contract (5yr 230M Fully GTD)


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26 minutes ago, KingOfNewYork said:

So yeah we don’t know and most are going to assume one way or the other. It’s best to just keep that internal because I don’t think anyone on either side or on the fence or who couldn’t care less wants to keep debating it or see it debated. 

No…I think people who know that it’s really messed up but don’t want to admit it don’t want to discuss it. 

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7 minutes ago, sammymvpknight said:

No…I think people who know that it’s really messed up but don’t want to admit it don’t want to discuss it. 

You think people are not admitting that the situation is Roethlisberger or Kobe bad? We all get that. The people without pitchforks get that too. What we don't need is an actual protest on this message board. This message board can't do anything to Watson.

In the best case scenario (of course without omniscience) he pulled a Robert Kraft and he was also inappropriate or inconsiderate in how he interacted with these women. I don't know of anyone who thinks he is a 100% blameless hero in this.

We have rules here about keeping it to football and 'discussing it' is like discussing the Nike QB or the  guy that tried to buy the Patriots and had a USFL team.

None of us are in a position to admit anything but when all 3 investigations are complete (2 are left) then at least we have that to go on. The one investigation was ruled in Watson's favor. I'm pretty sure Watson is against non-disclosure agreements so we might get articles on SI or some books. Why do we have to randomly admit something while all of us are wallowing in ignorance on the issue?


You should make a domestic violence / workplace assault thread. See how fast it gets shut down. If that's the case then why should it be OK here?

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1 hour ago, sammymvpknight said:

There will never be anything that comes from this. Just he said versus 22+ she said. I say 22+ because there are more than 22, but some that didn’t want to come forth for obvious reasons. So you have at least one woman who said the same exact thing happened to them…but isn’t trying to get money from him. Another dropped their claim…which of course doesn’t mean that something inappropriate didn’t happen. You have Watsons lawyer saying that one case was consensual…which is code for, there is evidence in text messages that something happened. People are going to believe what they want to believe…and I believe Watson is sick. I don’t know if he did all of what is claimed, but I personally think it’s illogical to think that at least some of its not true. 

The 22+ women you just mentioned all admit that it was consensual, their claim centers around they felt pressured due to a power discrepancy (not an actual legal thing) and would qualify as sexual harassment, not sexual assault.  The grand jury concluded there was not enough evidence to bring charges of sexual assault.  The one woman who claimed that it was not consensual was both in a relationship with Watson and Watson's lawyer had evidence of her attempting to extort Watson.  

This is why we have due process.  Furthermore after the NFL investigated the initial claims last year, they stated they do not have evidence to support placing him on the exempt list.  People should get used to the idea that there in fact may be no suspension.  After the grand jury didn't indict, if the civil cases are settled with an NDA, the NFL would not be able to gather any more evidence than what they already have and on the basis that they didn't have enough evidence last year it would be difficult to justify a suspension this year.

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1 hour ago, sammymvpknight said:

No…I think people who know that it’s really messed up but don’t want to admit it don’t want to discuss it. 

What do you mean people who know? No one knows anything. We know what he’s accusers say might have happened and we have him denying it. We know that a grand jury decided that criminal charges will not be brought against Watson, which only sheds light to there be little to no sufficient evidence but again still not confirming anything one way or the other.

So calling him a predator or rapist or guilty is ridiculous at this point, same as saying he’s innocent of all accusations. 

You feel how you feel, take that up on your time and deal with it however you need to but we don’t need it said every page of every thread about him. 

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5 hours ago, Ozzy said:

Allegedly?  There are 22 active civil suits still against him, so all these women decided to gang up on Watson to extort money from him and all lie about being sexually assaulted?  I seriously doubt that, sure if it was just one random lady but it is not.    Fact is he will get suspended for half the season if not more this up coming year, and he will most likely pay under the table and out of the media spotlight millions to end the civil suits.


The dude did exactly what he is accused of doing in my view, not sure how he did not get into some type of paid prostitution case criminally because that is what he basically did, paid these women to sexually favor him.  Either way the dude is a gamble and mentally if what he did actually occurred, mentally he must be an absolute wreck.  


He is now what the highest paid player in NFL history in many ways?  Biggest guaranteed deal ever?  Good luck with all that, and I doubt the public will just welcome him openly but people are stupid, short sighted and forget easily so maybe they will.  


Still could say no one in the history of the NFL has done what that dude did, but maybe it did happen the women just never came forward.   Still if what he is accused of is true, wow that is some Bill Cosby **** there, awful.  Sociopathic a bit, especially if it occurred, he paid them and said shut up and be quiet, then he went ahead and did it to someone else.  How is that not habitual abuse?  


That link is for you, your view means literally nothing when it comes to facts and justice. You cannot state opinion and claim fact, I don't care what generation you're a part of and what sort of relative truth you subscribe, there is absolute truth and until proven otherwise DW is an innocent man.

Do I believe he did nothing wrong? Nope, we all do wrong, every single day of our lives. Do I know if DW did anything with any of these women? Nope, but I can presume there was ample opportunity at minimum. Do I believe it's equally as likely there was a consensually sexual act that was paid for thus making it illegal as another me too movement happening? Yep, absolutely I do.

If the facts are that DW did engage in illegal activity then he should be punished. Equally as someone who isn't a multi-millionaire and suspensions / bans should be put in place that suit the crime. If not, then shame on the women who are harming other victims who need proper justice for the crimes that have been inflicted on them by lying and trying to get in on a cash grab.

This is bigger than football it just so happens to involve a football player so it's getting more attention. Women and men who are victims of sex crimes need to be set free and be able to speak their voice and let the truth come out so there can be an end to this. But as long as someone is out there looking for a payday screaming these allegations without being able to back it up, that is selfish and harmful to those who do need and deserve help.

You out here parading as if you know the truth without even the slightest idea of what actually happened on the nights in question, without ever sitting in court and hearing the evidence; makes you part of the problem. Justice isn't played out on internet forums by "White Knights." Justice is handled by the Judicial System. While it doesn't always get it right, at least there are parameters that go beyond your feelings. (which aren't valid when it comes to truth) You're just as irresponsible as these "journalists" who are all just trying to be the first to tweet/post/break a story without thoroughly vetting the scenario and knowing the truth. Reports based on speculation are irresponsible unless noted as such.

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1 hour ago, Rod Johnson said:

Yeah we'll see how the Texans use those 3 first round picks.

I honestly am at the point with my Browns fandom that I couldnt care less about draft picks anymore. They are highly overrated and are only good for managing the cap with cheaper contracts.

I would trade a 1st rounder in a heartbeat for a proven veteran Pro Bowler at any position.

We have about 23 years of evidence that there is only like a 5% chance any draft pick for the Browns is actually going to amount to a long-term starter for us. If we are not picking in the top 5, I would trade every single 1st + 2nd round pick for 1-2 proven starters every single year. Only draft rounds 3-7 every year for depth/cap purposes.

Do that for 5 years and tell me how good the team looks compared to drafting 1-7 every year.

I am officially on the train of '**** Them Picks'. The only teams that care about draft picks are the ones at the bottom lol


Edited by AkronsWitness
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16 minutes ago, iloxygenil said:


That link is for you, your view means literally nothing when it comes to facts and justice. You cannot state opinion and claim fact, I don't care what generation you're a part of and what sort of relative truth you subscribe, there is absolute truth and until proven otherwise DW is an innocent man.

Do I believe he did nothing wrong? Nope, we all do wrong, every single day of our lives. Do I know if DW did anything with any of these women? Nope, but I can presume there was ample opportunity at minimum. Do I believe it's equally as likely there was a consensually sexual act that was paid for thus making it illegal as another me too movement happening? Yep, absolutely I do.

If the facts are that DW did engage in illegal activity then he should be punished. Equally as someone who isn't a multi-millionaire and suspensions / bans should be put in place that suit the crime. If not, then shame on the women who are harming other victims who need proper justice for the crimes that have been inflicted on them by lying and trying to get in on a cash grab.

This is bigger than football it just so happens to involve a football player so it's getting more attention. Women and men who are victims of sex crimes need to be set free and be able to speak their voice and let the truth come out so there can be an end to this. But as long as someone is out there looking for a payday screaming these allegations without being able to back it up, that is selfish and harmful to those who do need and deserve help.

You out here parading as if you know the truth without even the slightest idea of what actually happened on the nights in question, without ever sitting in court and hearing the evidence; makes you part of the problem. Justice isn't played out on internet forums by "White Knights." Justice is handled by the Judicial System. While it doesn't always get it right, at least there are parameters that go beyond your feelings. (which aren't valid when it comes to truth) You're just as irresponsible as these "journalists" who are all just trying to be the first to tweet/post/break a story without thoroughly vetting the scenario and knowing the truth. Reports based on speculation are irresponsible unless noted as such.

True maybe I am too quick to judge, and sure the court ultimately does not really care about this because it will be a win win situation.  Watson will clear his name, the state does not have to house Watson and take up jail space which is not easy to come by, and the women will get compensated for the hurt they received in Civil court no doubt about it.



1 hour ago, Superman(DH23) said:

The 22+ women you just mentioned all admit that it was consensual, their claim centers around they felt pressured due to a power discrepancy (not an actual legal thing) and would qualify as sexual harassment, not sexual assault.  The grand jury concluded there was not enough evidence to bring charges of sexual assault.  The one woman who claimed that it was not consensual was both in a relationship with Watson and Watson's lawyer had evidence of her attempting to extort Watson.  

This is why we have due process.  Furthermore after the NFL investigated the initial claims last year, they stated they do not have evidence to support placing him on the exempt list.  People should get used to the idea that there in fact may be no suspension.  After the grand jury didn't indict, if the civil cases are settled with an NDA, the NFL would not be able to gather any more evidence than what they already have and on the basis that they didn't have enough evidence last year it would be difficult to justify a suspension this year.

Evidence?  Sure but what is the evidence one could get?   Unless one of these women held the dudes sperm for safe keeping, yeah it is he said, she said and that is about it.  They can possibly not even prove they were paid because maybe he paid in cash, and outside of text messages to come over to the house, yeah I doubt they filmed anything....


How are you supposed to get evidence?   If anything and these women are trying to manipulate the situation, well they would ABSOLUTELY have taped him or filmed him or something, wouldn't they?  


So it is an issue of is Watson lying or not?  Are these women lying or not, and again seems odd because 22 is a large number of people that all same a similar thing.  They just all got together to take Watson for all he is worth because they saw the opportunity?  

No it is probably the fact that no one was murdered or physically injured, and Watson will pay them all in Civil court and they are probably fine with that.  No need to put Watson in jail but come on, it is pretty nuts and again is some Bill Cosby ****.  

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29 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

I honestly am at the point with my Browns fandom that I couldn't care less about draft picks anymore. They are highly overrated and are only good for managing the cap with cheaper contracts.


IMHO, draft picks are only as good as the GM using them.

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