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Cavaliers Thread: We Somehow Both Don't and Do Suck


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21 hours ago, candyman93 said:

Send Felder, Osman, and Tavares to the d-league.

I agree on Felder and Tavares but not sure on Osman. I would say where Osman has played the past couple years is better than the Dleague and want to see if he can add anything this year. 

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Kinda funny in the James presser and he was talking about Irving and the things he helped Iriving work on before giving him the keys. It just seemed like they were subtle pot shot that the things Irving struggles with like when he said being a floor general, playing defense, and etc lol

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On 7/27/2017 at 9:29 AM, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I really wish they'd have dealt Kyrie by now.

Such a terrible situation, I'm just ready for them to move forward.

Yep, this is where I am too. He's the best available, so I'll take it. He's not a game changer, but he could absolutely play some key minutes in an ECF or Finals.

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It dawned on me, not so long ago, if you would have told me D-Rose, D-Wade, IT, K--Love, LBJ, Korver, RJ, Swish, Shump, TT, Crowder, all on my team I would have lost my mind. I still dig our roster, but what a difference a few years can make. In the same breathe, if you would have told me the Golden State Warriors would be multi time champs just ten years ago, Id have laughed at you.

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1 hour ago, Fatgerman said:

Hope the Browns can pull a Warriors type turnaround. All the years of pain would have been worth it.




Article from last year


This is what I've been saying the Browns are going to become the next Seattle/Warriors or at least that is the goal and the purpose of the plan!

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16 hours ago, bruceb said:

Does Wade come with a wheelchair or a walker?

Hope he does well but I just can't see him matching up well against anyone on the GS squad.

You do not like the vet minimum signing for Wade? Wade at 35 is better than a lot of other players currently on this team. He adds more than he takes away. 

That is all


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We have the depth we missed last season now. Wade, sure people can talk about his age, but the guy is a scorer and an all around solid player still. He isn't gonna need to play 30 minutes per night. He will get plenty of rest. Our team last year had two scorers, LeBron and Kyrie, and everyone else was a shooter. This year, Love is going to get more opportunity to convert back to the scorer he was in Minnesota, IT when he comes back will play the role offensively that Kyrie did. Wade is a guy that can take the ball to the basket and make it with success, or draw contact. We missed that last year. We didn't have that other option to score, and when our shooting went cold, we lost. 

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Interesting article from ESPN: Anthony & George were almost Cavaliers on draft night.




The trade united Anthony with reigning NBA MVP Russell Westbrook and offseason acquisition Paul George. It was the second time Anthony thought he would be paired with the former Indiana Pacers star, saying that draft-night deals would have sent both players to the Cavaliers.

"Actually, it was funny because me and PG was supposed to be in Cleveland on draft night," Anthony said. "We were communicating about that. The deal was actually done and it got called off on draft night, so me and PG stayed connected throughout the course of the [offseason]. We never even talked about OKC, though."


I wonder what the Cavaliers had offered.  I'm guessing Love for Melo & Irving for George possibly??  The thought of having 3/4 of the banana boat with the Cavaliers would have been interesting.


Edited by cortes02
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