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Zach Wilson


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16 hours ago, CP3MVP said:

Teams are so desperate to miss out on the “next Mahomes” that any guy with a big arm who can make cool “off platform throws” is getting over-drafted 

I said this in the QB Prospect thread talking about Will Levis, but I think this is a big part of the problem.  Teams are looking for the guy that can be guy X, and that's just a terrible way to approach QB evaluation IMO.  Great QBs tend to have pretty unique skillsets, even the elites are extremely different from one another.

But the best, in my mind, example to illustrate why that's terrible is Peyton Manning.  Where was the next Peyton Manning in the last nearly twenty five years since he's been drafted?  There hasn't been one.

Mahomes and Allen are exceptions to the general rule.  Mahomes was an air raid QB with good physical tools.  IIRC, no air raid QB had ever been successful in the NFL.  Allen was your standard big armed, low accuracy QB that gets drafted every few years, but more athletic than usual.  There have been tons of those guys trying to be Favre so long, and they've all busted, that I assumed it was a foregone conclusion with Allen.  He also, imo, plays nothing like Favre now.  He's a unique player.

Trying to find some other guy who's gonna be like them is a fool's errand.  It always has been, and it probably always will be, but teams just keep doing it and wondering why they can't find a franchise QB.

All that to say, yeah, you're probably right.

14 hours ago, iknowcool said:

Jake Locker is a good comparison. 

I was a big fan of his admittedly, I didn't think he would flame out as fast as he did.  But if we're talking resume and measurable and whatnot, I think Locker is as good as a comp as you can find.  

Locker without intangibles is just...oof.  Probably a good comp though.

14 hours ago, ET80 said:

Cam Newton, I guess? His one year was a result of stealing a laptop and spending a few years in the JrCC circuit, so maybe not…

Newton had an incredible season, and was cool as a cucumber under pressure.  Highly touted prospect, dominated JCC, then had, still, the best comeback win game I think I've ever seen in college against ******* Alabama.  Dude was next level confident.  And his physical tools were better than like 90% of the guys we describe as having great physical tools.

13 hours ago, ET80 said:

jay cutler GIF by E!

Closest I can think of. Smokin Jay.

There's a good one.  And Cutler at least had the excuse of playing for a completely talent devoid team and was a four year starter.

Maybe Christian Ponder?

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50 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

Football is a team game. Sounds like the entire offense sucked if they only got 2 yds. Can we say that the OL and RB let the defense down as much or more than Wilson?

It was a lazy and confrontational question that no one should be surprised at his answer. Sounds like Mac fielded a much more appropriate question and responded in a better way.

It's a team game and if no QB is ever solely responsible for team success, neither is one solely responsible for "letting down" the defense in a 3-3 game, either.

It as a bad question and an unsurprising response to how it was phrased. Yes, Wilson is a terrible QB who played terribly, but we should also recognize the context and how bad the question was.

" As an offense do you feel like you let the defense down when they only allowed 10 points." How Is that a bad question. Of all the goofy, stupid and leading questions I've seen and heard and read,  watching sports. This one is not bad at all. It's a simply answer. "Yes we didn't do our part today. More specifically I didn't do my  part". We seen alot of qbs answer this similar question. We have seen qbs apologize to the defense. Give props to the defense for keeping in games.  Now I do think he answers was out of frustration but there is nothing wrong with the question..

Edited by dante9876
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49 minutes ago, iknowcool said:

Maybe it depends on how you interpret it, but to me the reporter is asking him about the offense as a whole, not literally just Wilson himself. He starts by saying “as an offense” and then uses a general “you”.

It wouldn’t have hurt for Wilson to say, “yes, the offense was bad.” Does it matter? No, not really… but it ain’t like this is the first example of Wilson not taking accountability. It would be easier for everyone to dismiss the answer if he didn’t already have questions about his maturity. There are multiple reports out there how players and coaches are frustrated with him.

But if you feel like the reporter was specifically asking Wilson if he failed the defense then I can see your point on it being a bad question. He probably should have phrased it better but I do genuinely think he was asking about the offense as a whole hence why he started his question the way he did.

It doesn’t help that Wilson continued to make excuses throughout. 

Again, is it a big deal? No. But what other QB do you know that is blaming the wind and pointing at the other teams passing performance to defend his own? I can speak for my own best but Cam was always accountable even when he didn’t need to be. And at the very least I never saw him point fingers at the other team to defend his own performance. The throwing deep comment doesn’t even make sense considering how many misses he had as a check down. 

So sure Wilson’s response isn’t bad if you look at it by itself and yes it could have been worded better but it cements what people felt about him when you consider context. I think most QBs after that performance would have said yes the offense let the defense down, because they quite clearly did 

Rodgers blames everyone but himself, so I'm used to it. I don't like it, but I'm probably desensitized by a QB not taking accountability. 

I didn't watch the game or see the presser, just the tweet and reaction. It's totally fair for a reporter to ask the QB if the OFFENSE let the defense down (they did). And I do think Wilson is a brat and unlikeable. But I was responding to what I thought appeared to be an unfair question directed at him individually.

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2 hours ago, incognito_man said:

It's a team game and if no QB is ever solely responsible for team success, neither is one solely responsible for "letting down" the defense in a 3-3 game, either.

The reporter asked if the offense let the team down, not Wilson specifically.

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8 hours ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

I've been anti-Wilson since he was a prospect lmao, you can literally look at my posts ON THIS VERY FORUM about one Sam Darnold and how I went to bat for him, and see it has literally nothing to do with the Jets or him being on the Jets, I'm super thankful he is your QB cause he's all time terrible! I disliked the absurd Wilson hype as a prospect and this is simply validating that, I posted mostly because I was bored and over the last 2 months he's been one of the worst quarterbacks ever. Josh Allen was absolutely not in any way comparable, rookie year, year two, not even in the same stratosphere. Wilson is bad, the fawning over him as a prospect was bad, my enjoyment of it is moreso that it vindicates my take that a lot of teams never look beyond tools and that every single talking head so badly misevalutated a guy who was always this.

And yeah nah, the heir to the ******* JetBlue fortune is going to be just fine that a few people are ****ting on him on the internet for like 2 years before he retires to a cushy make work job and never has to be accountable for anything he does for the rest of his adult life. He'll survive.

I’d take Wilson over darnold in a heart beat personally. Everything besides Zach Wilson you’re saying besides the money also was true about Josh Allen. He was drafted strictly off of his rocket arm and ability to get out of the pocket. His production at Wyoming was very subpar. He actually panned out but hindsight is 20/20. He didn’t even throw for 2000 yards in his final year at Wyoming.

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14 minutes ago, Greene N White said:

I’d take Wilson over darnold in a heart beat personally. Everything besides Zach Wilson you’re saying besides the money also was true about Josh Allen. He was drafted strictly off of his rocket arm and ability to get out of the pocket. His production at Wyoming was very subpar. He actually panned out but hindsight is 20/20. He didn’t even throw for 2000 yards in his final year at Wyoming.

Zach Wilson isn’t becoming Josh Allen my dude. It’s time to let it go, he’s probably not even good enough to stick somewhere as a backup.

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