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Falcons vs Saints Rd 2. Penalty or no Penalty?


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11 minutes ago, scar988 said:

It wasn't horrid though. The Saints were extremely undisciplined in both games. They just got caught for it in the first game. That's the honest to gods truth. It was called consistently for both sides. The Saints just committed more penalties for what those refs were looking for. that's just how some games go.

This game, the Falcons played less disciplined, but the game wasn't called down the middle. Specifically the two calls on Devonta Freeman for unneccessary roughness and the facemask, and then the non-call of two egregious DPIs, including one where Lattimore literally pushed Julio down and the missed TD call. They all had effect on the game. And the game was called egregiously in favor of the Saints.

Literally the exact can be said of the Falcons except they were caught for it the 2nd game.

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2 minutes ago, scar988 said:

No, the one where Julio got pushed down, he literally got thrown to the ground. It wasn't hand battling, it was Julio got pushed to the ground. I've gone back and watched that play 10 times already. It's ridiculous. And Lattimore just isn't that good. The Rankins RTP was due to the timing between the throw and the hit. It actually did fit the rule and I agreed at the time that it was a bad call. 


But this idea that Julio flopped... oy.

Lattimore just isn't that good?  Seriously?


Also the Rankins RTP only fits the rule if you slow it down to 1/10th of live speed and use that as the time.


Did you not see Julio?  He was mid stride and pulled his legs even and dropped to his knees like a Nun getting a message from god.

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5 minutes ago, scar988 said:

No, the one where Julio got pushed down, he literally got thrown to the ground. It wasn't hand battling, it was Julio got pushed to the ground. I've gone back and watched that play 10 times already. It's ridiculous. And Lattimore just isn't that good. The Rankins RTP was due to the timing between the throw and the hit. It actually did fit the rule and I agreed at the time that it was a bad call. 


But this idea that Julio flopped... oy. Let's put it this way, Julio's never "flopped" in a game before. He's never really been thrown to the ground like that in a game before. So him "flopping" is ridiculous.

HAHAHA that is wonderful. He does have several passes defensed and 2 interceptions against you guys the past 2 games. He also is putting together one of the best rookie CB seasons in years..

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2 minutes ago, Raves said:

Lattimore just isn't that good?  Seriously?


Also the Rankins RTP only fits the rule if you slow it down to 1/10th of live speed and use that as the time.


Did you not see Julio?  He was mid stride and pulled his legs even and dropped to his knees like a Nun getting a message from god.

I did. He didn't flop.

Lattimore pulled up even to Julio, wrapped his arms around him, then pushed him down. It's clear as day. If you can't see that, you're being a true Homer here.


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2 hours ago, scar988 said:

And Lattimore just isn't that good.

Nothing you say can be taken seriously if you think Lattimore “just isn’t that good.”

If you think he’s overrated cause he’s a rookie, fine. If you think he needs longevity before we try to rank him, that’s fine too. But not that good? What? 

What are you basing that on? Care to give some examples of why you feel that way?

How many Saints games have you watched this year?

edit: rereading this, I’m coming off too hot. My apologies. But this is truly the first time I’ve heard anything close to this opinion on Lattimore, so I’d like an explanation or some clarification on what you mean.

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This is the GB now, I guess, a thread every week to complain about officiating because the calls didn't go exactly your way. Some Falcons fans were also complaining about officiating after the SB last year, with one whining that Chris Hogan didn't get called for OPI. Chris Hogan! As if Jones and Sanu aren't physical receivers who push off to create space.

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On 12/26/2017 at 5:01 AM, freeman+coleman said:

Look the Falcons got some ticky tacky calls in the first one, but you could argue that they were genuine penalties. This was probably the most bias game I have ever seen in my life regarding a Falcons vs Saints game. It was beyond ridiculous. 

Dude...I would say that your opinion is a bit bias. The Falcons vs Saints episode 1 was the worst officiated game I’ve seen in my 15 years of seriously watching football. The fact that you made your own thread to whine and cry is laughable. 

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1 hour ago, domepatrol91 said:

Nothing you say can be taken seriously if you think Lattimore “just isn’t that good.”

If you think he’s overrated cause he’s a rookie, fine. If you think he needs longevity before we try to rank him, that’s fine too. But not that good? What? 

What are you basing that on? Care to give some examples of why you feel that way?

How many Saints games have you watched this year?

edit: rereading this, I’m coming off too hot. My apologies. But this is truly the first time I’ve heard anything close to this opinion on Lattimore, so I’d like an explanation or some clarification on what you mean.

You’re not coming off too hot. The guy has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. 

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26 minutes ago, SWATcha said:

LOL. It's Falcons. It's Saints. Those are Love Salts you're detecting. :x

No, it's bath salts. 

Both fanbases do them, then we try to rip each others face off with our teeth. 

If we play in the playoffs... boooooy howy. It'll get UGLY. 

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3 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

Nothing you say can be taken seriously if you think Lattimore “just isn’t that good.”

If you think he’s overrated cause he’s a rookie, fine. If you think he needs longevity before we try to rank him, that’s fine too. But not that good? What? 

What are you basing that on? Care to give some examples of why you feel that way?

How many Saints games have you watched this year?

edit: rereading this, I’m coming off too hot. My apologies. But this is truly the first time I’ve heard anything close to this opinion on Lattimore, so I’d like an explanation or some clarification on what you mean.

I mean his tell whether he's in man or zone is way too obvious. It's literally the depth he plays at. He lets the whole opposing team know what coverage they are seeing. And much like Robert Alford early in Rocky's career, he's easy to beat in a one-on-one situation and gets way too grabby as he's playing. He doesn't get called nearly as much as Rocky did, but he's way more grabby as a corner than Rocky was as a rookie. That will hurt him in the long run. Especially as DPI gets re-defined this coming offseason.

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2 minutes ago, scar988 said:

I mean his tell whether he's in man or zone is way too obvious. It's literally the depth he plays at. He lets the whole opposing team know what coverage they are seeing. And much like Robert Alford early in Rocky's career, he's easy to beat in a one-on-one situation and gets way too grabby as he's playing. He doesn't get called nearly as much as Rocky did, but he's way more grabby as a corner than Rocky was as a rookie. That will hurt him in the long run. Especially as DPI gets re-defined this coming offseason.

And that makes him just not that good? I understand criticism of certain aspects of his game, but how many games have you watched this year? I don't know how you could come away from the season he's had and say he's not that good.

If you're judging him based on 2 games against one of the best players in the NFL (one of those games he was coming back from 3 weeks off due to an ankle injury), well, that's just a poor assessment on a limited and unique sample size. 

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