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Josh McDaniels Decides to Stay with New England


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3 minutes ago, childofpudding said:

It's a perfectly reasonable comparison considering the faux outrage going on here about assistant coaches needing to "uproot their families."

Cool so that's one parallel between the two (although less so considered coaches are generally older and therefore have more roots, school-age children etc).

How about my other points and the examples @Darth Pees posted? You have no case. It's not the same thing.

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4 minutes ago, lancerman said:

So while it sucks and the Colts are very sympathetic here, they are not blameless in their predicament. 

True, in a way. Is what the Colts did considered relatively standard practice, or something at least common enough? I.e. signing assistant coaches before your HC candidate puts ink to paper. If that's the case, they still carry some blame on their shoulder (especially with McDaniel's documented past behavior), but less so.

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1 minute ago, Darth Pees said:

There's really no way you can make this into a comparison about NFL teams signing/cutting players at will. If you tried, it would have to be in the perspective of the player, who just gave a verbal agreement to a team that he'd sign there, and the team agreed to bring in that player and 3 of his teammates from the previous organization.

Those teammates all move there and sign their contracts, only to have the original player then back out of the deal. Except this player was going to be their franchise QB and by this time all the other franchise QB's on the market have been signed, and the other players were the WR's and RB he specifically wanted in his scheme for his plays. The more I try to go down this trail, the more I realize it doesn't work because there's no way to compare a head coach backing out of a verbal agreement after months of negotiation and communication with an organization, and after several assistant coaches had already moved and signed contracts expecting him to be the head coach - to a player getting cut shortly after signing with a team. It's a very lazy comparison, IMO.

But, regardless, this was probably better off for the Colts anyways. McDaniels established this reputation in Denver, and he's done nothing to change it.

There's no evidence that the assistant coaches have actually made the physical move yet, only that they've been in the team building. And if they really wanted out of their contracts, I'm pretty sure the Colts would grant them that. If they didn't, they'd be holding the coaches hostage and that would be a pretty slimy move.

"The guy just absolutely left a handful of assistant coaches and their families out to dry."  Your fake outrage is amusing, however misguided.

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2 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Cool so that's one parallel between the two (although less so considered coaches are generally older and therefore have more roots, school-age children etc).

How about my other points and the examples @Darth Pees posted? You have no case. It's not the same thing.

I didn't say it was the same thing. Things don't have to be the exact same for them to be comparable, and they are indeed comparable. There's no evidence that any assistant coach has already uprooted his family, and teams do that to players all the time anyway. The NFL is a business. I'm sure the coaches are big boys and can handle it.

I already said that what McDaniels did was kind of slimy, OK? Not sure what else you want. I'll burn an effigy of him in my backyard later, sound good? LOL.

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1 minute ago, childofpudding said:

"The guy just absolutely left a handful of assistant coaches and their families out to dry."  Your fake outrage is amusing, however misguided.

You confuse 'pointing something out' with outrage. I doubt anybody here is outraged unless you're a Colts fan. 


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1 minute ago, childofpudding said:

I didn't say it was the same thing. Things don't have to be the exact same for them to be comparable, and they are indeed comparable.

Yeah and human DNA is comparable to a lobster's.

They're not in the same arena and you know it. There'd be dozens of instances of this happening. There aren't.

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5 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Yeah and human DNA is comparable to a lobster's.

They're not in the same arena and you know it. There'd be dozens of instances of this happening. There aren't.

Thanks for trying to read my mind. 0 for 1, try again later.

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2 hours ago, cddolphin said:

Taking a better offer before you sign your contract is a reasonable thing to do.

Misleading three other coaches, letting them sign contracts, making them move their families to Indy for what will likely be just one year (I'm sure the new HC will want his own guys sooner rather than later), not informing Indy you weren't taking the job after all, letting them announce the hiring.. this isn't a mid-level manager at Best Buy. You are 1 of 32 qualified individuals, and you waited until all the other positions had been filled before backing out like a puss.

Anybody defending this guy is either 1) biased or 2) an immoral person

The bolded/italicized is the bit I won’t defend on McDaniels part. Out of everything that transpired, this was the only thing he should’ve done differently.

1 of the 32 qualified candidates. Wrong. Constant flux of coaches, in and out. Who’s actually qualified to maintain a HC position is different that who’s qualified to be given an opportunity. There are still names out there, albeit the cupboard is a little drier at this point. But still. There are coaches from two SB teams that are just now made available. DeFillippo, Philly’s OC. Hell Jim Schwartz is probably just as qualified a HC as McDaniels. The “new and hot” candidates are for the most part gone, but Josh McD is just another retread with a new paint job. 

Are you really going to pretend that moving and working under different supervision/in an unexpected staff doesn’t happen? That people don’t move for new job opportunities and upon arrival, the world flips and they’re forced to adjust? That their families aren’t apart of the move and don’t equally have as much to adjust to? Reactions are amplified because it’s on a stage for us to criticize, but just because they’re on the damn stage doesn’t mean they aren’t people like us.

They’re under contracts that you say should be honored for at least a year. Oh no.. people that only have work for a year. How tragic! Were they expecting to be mainstays at Indy for the rest of their careers? If they performed, could they not be realistically looking to move up for another organization? Abandoning their contracts for their betterment? And if they’re released from Indy, what is to be made of your precious loyalty then on the Colts behalf? Cause organizations are loyal to everyone right. We should all just shut our mouths and play within the system. 

They’ve got a year to prove their worth. Not an ideal circumstance, but a lot of these assistants are competing on a year-to-year basis. No one is safe. You earn your work like anyone else. I don’t know what’s led you to believe that they would be safe under the all seeing eye of McDaniels.

I’d like to point out that no one is saying McDaniels is completely in the right, but from a legal standpoint, he’s acting within his rights and the Colts have even gone out to say that they prepared for it, as any organization should. From a personal standpoint, it’s understandable and it’s not his responsibility to fix the entirety of the fallout. He’s a coward for not apologizing or contacting all the pieces he put in place. He’s not a good person based off his actions but thoroughly good people are hard to come by. But not going about things in the ideal manner doesn’t make you a trash human being without redeemable qualities. He’s married and got his own family, and we’re defaming him on an online forum because we feel like we know his whole story based off what you’ve seen from media platforms? And not only that, you go on to make blanket statements about the people that are trying to shed a different light upon this echo chamber of ignorance and judgment. Who here is truly acting out of bias and not taking a long hard look at their own past or the parallels to the common man?

If any of you is a sterling, constant example of goodness and morality at your job and in your home, then good on you. If you’ve never made a decision that’s spurned or negatively affected others, great. You may be one of the few that has a right to hold others accountable. But the fact that you’re so quick to defend a crowd of pure judgement and scrutiny leads me to believe otherwise. Also why take shots at the quality of character of people who are suggesting to calm down and not go out and hang someone on a stake? How often are the unbiased, objective opinions the popular ones amongst the masses? So we’re in the wrong for defending someone, for not agreeing with his actions but still displaying empathy and hope that there’s still good in a guy. Get out of here ? 

All I’m really saying: chill out. We’ve got an act of selfishness and cowardice. It sucks but a person making a selfish decision is a common occurrence. He’s not beating/prostituting kids or stealing from employees. 


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2 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

He's got two likes on his comment because he actually provided a comment worth reading and worth typing.  You aren't going to get any likes because nobody likes what you have to say even when you say something.  Actually, three likes because I just liked it because that one comment of his showed more thought than anything you've provided on this site. 

Well, considering the kind of sleaziness he's had to put up with from his club: getting caught in two cheating scandals, their HC benching players from the biggest game of the year for petty reasons, and refs getting caught celebrating with his team after rigging calls in their favor with a trip to the SB on the line, further tarnishing the integrity of the game in the process, I doubt his OC trollbaiting several coaches into making life-altering decisions for their future and family means much to him.

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As a Denver fan who got watch first-hand as McDaniels drove the Broncos car right off the cliff, this really doesn't surprise me at all. The guy is a sewer rat with absolutely no class and is a gutless coward who has failed spectacularly in his two attempts (Denver as HC, St Louis as OC) when he hasn't daddy Belichick and big brother Brady with him. 

Indy is much, much better off looking elsewhere. It just sucks for them they had to wait five weeks for McDaniels to show his true colors. Hang in there, Colts fans, your team just dodged a bullet. 

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24 minutes ago, One Punch Man said:

But the fact that you’re so quick to defend a crowd of pure judgement and scrutiny leads me to believe otherwise. Also why take shots at the quality of character people who are suggesting to calm down and not go out and hang someone on a stake? How often are the unbiased, objective opinions the popular ones amongst the masses? So we’re in the wrong for defending someone

Not if the defense is "it happens all the time" when it so clearly does not.

24 minutes ago, One Punch Man said:

1 of the 32 qualified candidates. Wrong. Constant flux of coaches, in and out. Who’s actually qualified to maintain a HC position is different that who’s qualified to be given an opportunity.

Fair enough. Fact remains the pool of available talent available is one of the most limited in the world, and much of the new coaching staffs around the league have already been established. Point being is due to McDaniel's timing there will be a supply shortage.

24 minutes ago, One Punch Man said:

Are you really going to pretend that moving and working under different supervision/in an unexpected staff doesn’t happen?

I am going to pretend it doesn't happen? Of course not. Nor did I. I also won't pretend it's not a huge d-bag move to your associates and one that's close to unprecedented in the NFL.

24 minutes ago, One Punch Man said:

We should all just shut our mouths and play within the system. 

Again yes but because the game is harsh, doesn't mean the deception by McDaniels was merited due to that fact. It's duplicitous behavior we haven't seen in 18 years and it was gross.

24 minutes ago, One Punch Man said:

But not going about things in the ideal manner doesn’t make you a trash human being without redeemable qualities. He’s married and got his own family, and we’re defaming him on an online forum because we feel like we know his whole story based off what you’ve seen from media platforms?

None of the bolded applies to me but I didn't read the whole thread so maybe I missed something

24 minutes ago, One Punch Man said:

If you’re a sterling, constant example of goodness and morality at your job and in your home, then good on you. If you’ve never made a decision that’s spurned or negatively affected others, great. You may be one of the few that has a right to hold others accountable.

If the internet operated on a "he who is without sin may cast the first stone" principle nobody would be allowed to post anything. I don't know why this fallacy always springs up that you can't point out a flaw in someone if you have blemishes yourself.

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10 minutes ago, August4th said:


Campbell would be a poor choice. If he's hired, it's because nobody else wanted limited staff options and he gets a one-year shot.

I don't know a thing about Reich. Maybe he's the next McVay and it turns out he's propping up Pederson ^_^

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