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Amazing show by Lucha Underground. Hope all caught it.

Stories and feud building is so rich. Action and pacing was fantastic.

Son of Havoc is reminding me of what DB could be if he didnt work for WWdisnEy. And first time I saw Killshot, I figured just another flippidy-doo gymnast type. But so wrong. Hes been pushing his story as good as any going atm, plus is tremendous in the ring. Working smoothly and gelling with 4 different people in 1 showing.

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On 8/15/2018 at 7:13 PM, PARROTHEAD said:

And first time I saw Killshot, I figured just another flippidy-doo gymnast type. But so wrong. Hes been pushing his story as good as any going atm, plus is tremendous in the ring. Working smoothly and gelling with 4 different people in 1 showing.

You should see him work under his real name (Shane Strickland) in MLW.  In the midst of a feud with Low Ki right now and just had a wicked match with him a couple weeks ago where he sold the crap out of a knee injury.  Also, he comes out to an instrumental version of the theme from Breakin', so you've gotta love anyone that does that.

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6 hours ago, Troy Brown said:

oh come on dude why are you so sour, he's the most fluid promo going 

I’ve been calling him overrated for year. He did nothing for Punk, Axel, and Cesaro. 

His promos are pretty much the same thing as well.

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I guess its time for some Summerslam predictions.

Brock Lesnar over Roman Reigns. Just feels like they are going to do this. Maybe Strowman will cash in, but i am thinking news will break of an extended contract for Lesnar and we will keep on not having a champ on Monday Night Raw

Joe over Styles. Its time to take the belt off of Styles. Joe is one of the more legit guys on the Smackdown Roster, so it makes sense to have him do it now. 

Bliss over Rousey. It probably will be a sketchy finish. I really think they will save a Ronda win for the all woman's pay per view. 

Owens over Strowman. WWE rarely puts the briefcase up for grabs in a singles match. It also makes more sense to have it on a heel like Owens than a guy like Strowman. There are any number of things they could do here. They could have bliss distract Strowman and leave with Owens, that would be an interesting twist. It just feels like the Briefcase is up for grabs so they can make a change. 

Carmella over Lynch and Charlotte Again, I think they save any major happenings for the all woman's Pay per view

The Bludgeon Brothers over The New Day. WWE really needs to get another tag team going on Smackdown to face off with the Bludgeon Brothers. 

Ziggler over Rollins. This could be a set up for an Ambrose heel turn and a feud between them. Maybe they finally work towards a Shield triple threat for the belt at mania. 

Nakamura over Hardy. I dont see them giving the belt back to Hardy. 

Balor over Corbin. Corbin has been on the best things the WWE is doing lately. Hes got that corporate Kane thing going, and I think its great, but they wont let him beat Balor again. 

DB over the Miz. The Miz should win this one, but WWE isn't going to have DB lose to the miz are Summerslam. 

The pre show matches dont really matter much. 

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Prediction time as well for me:

Reigns over Lesnar

Bliss over Rousey

Styles over Joe

Bludgeons over New Day

Owens over Strowman

Ziggler over Rollins

Charlotte over Carmella

Gulak over Alexander

Shinsuke over Hardy

Balor over Corbin

Bryan over Miz

Almas and Vegas over Rusev and Lana

B Team over Revival 

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47 minutes ago, Jeezla said:

Nakamura over Hardy is basically in stone with Jeff dealing with various injuries iirc

And with his feud with Orton. The only way Hardy wins is if it's by DQ from Orton interfering.

The two matches I'm most interested in are AJ vs. Joe and Rollins vs. Ziggler. I'm confident that Ziggler will win, but I want to see if Ambrose turns on Seth. AJ vs. Joe is much harder to predict, but it should be a great match.

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11 hours ago, DawgX said:

And with his feud with Orton. The only way Hardy wins is if it's by DQ from Orton interfering.

The two matches I'm most interested in are AJ vs. Joe and Rollins vs. Ziggler. I'm confident that Ziggler will win, but I want to see if Ambrose turns on Seth. AJ vs. Joe is much harder to predict, but it should be a great match.

I'm curious which Mick Foley-type bump KO will endure this PPV. AJ vs Joe is the main event for me. Really looking forward to that despite no hype.

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