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5 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

All votes are in.  I'll read the votes.

First vote: Hockey

Second vote: Hockey

Third vote: Sanchez

Two votes Hockey, one vote Sanchez. 

Assuming the first vote was from Sanchez, I accept this brow shot from the other anonymous member of our team and will strive to be more sensual in all things.

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1 hour ago, utley4568 said:


1 hour ago, HorizontoZenith said:

FJ and Flux
Dome and Mookie
Swoosh and ET
Whicker and Shady
Ted and Mathman
Touch and Ragnarok
Jfin and Mission
Utley and Hockey

We have 8 pairs.  Need 3 more pairs. 

Dwight, Gopher, BCB, LTBF, TyTy, Nazgul and Bucs are not yet paired up. 

Looks like Jeff decides who accepts who in the game of life....Utley, don't make me regret you.

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