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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:


Then we agree that if HZ decides that I gave an improper hint in this challenge, I should be evicted.

And a curse be placed upon your bloodline 

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3 minutes ago, jfinley88 said:

it's against the rules to give more than one hint, yes. one hint was changed entirely. 

It was ONE WORD given through the unedited and edited post. That's all the rules specified.

I think you're creating rules in your own head.

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3 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

No argument here that if I and I alone gave an improper hint, I should go.

I don't speak for anyone else's hints though.

I'll follow up on this as well. If ruled as such, I'll walk too.

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5 minutes ago, Tyty said:

You should mod edit all your team's future posts so they get all the right answers on the first try

You're aware that I'm not a Mod in TAST, right?

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5 minutes ago, jfinley88 said:


11 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Y’all ?

@Tyty think he's talking crap man. just a heads up 


Idk to me it looks like it's saying we are all polite and thoughtful and conscious of the environment by throwing our trash into a proper receptacle 

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