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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 hour ago, cddolphin said:

Blackwater would've been a big fat L if Tywin didn't show up with the Lannister army.

They were wildly out numbered though, it's not like they had equal numbers and he was going to lose.  It was something like a 10 or 20 to 1 ratio.  That's like saying the guys at the Alamo screwed up because they didn't defeat Santa Anna's 5000 troops.

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17 hours ago, DavidatMIZZOU said:

It also bugged me that the Iron Bank of Bravos was in to slavery.  Bravos was a city founded by escaped slaves.  They wouldn't do that.

Eh, not like Bank of Braavos has a board of directors, or shareholders or any sort of ethical oversight committee. As Cersi said, they're gamblers, and they back whichever horse is going to yield coin. Up until Dany, the horse of choice in Slavers Bay were - well, slavers.

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3 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I just read ALL the spoilers for this season.  Do not read the spoilers for this season.  I will not spoil anything for anyone, and I won't even post them in white. 

To anybody that's curious, yes, there are legitimate spoilers out there.  Yes, they are major.  Don't look for them. 

Yeah, I Think the entire plot largely leaked out by some random reddit user earlier this year and I believe from what I heard it's been pretty accurate thus far, so it looks like it was legit. 

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2 hours ago, Forge said:

Yeah, I Think the entire plot largely leaked out by some random reddit user earlier this year and I believe from what I heard it's been pretty accurate thus far, so it looks like it was legit. 

It's legit.  There's no way it's not legit. 

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On 7/31/2017 at 11:10 PM, DavidatMIZZOU said:

It also bugged me that the Iron Bank of Bravos was in to slavery.  Bravos was a city founded by escaped slaves.  They wouldn't do that.

I think theres a Schindler's List type twist to it.

Guy in Quarth. His vault was empty.

Yunkai, they had a history of using unsullied and having a city defense force. Yet they hired 2000 sell swords? To defend against 8k. Using slaves as soldiers inside the walls. I think they were broke.

There were a few in Meereen with money. But it was the ones without, trying to put on a show that they did have, that made all the fuss out of desperation. When Meereen and Yunkai united for an attack, they only had a few dozen ships, And like 50 guys out at the front gate. If they had money, theyd of had troops.

Volantis was free at one time I believe. And switched back. Theyve lost so much money over the disputed lands. That a tiny little islands like Lys and Tyrosh can afford troops enough to dispute the territory.

Myr is also flat busted broke.

The Iron Bank has all the power. They have so much over all these broke places now, that they can institute their own currency, backing it with their gold. So in helping with the trade, they are gathering gold, and destroying these nations. And Dany actually helped them. Cause like it was said, the bank can push and install anyone they want to rule over a land. And with counties going broke, and it showing how broke they are. They can start pushing who they want with a force, and have the slaves help.

Id love to see one of the pilot series be about the iron bank like that.


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Another thing. Where were all the troops loyal to The Reach and the Tyrells? The Reach should have about 50k troops. If she went home to gather them for a siege of Kings Landing. Why were the only ones there to defend Highgarden the ones assigned too?

Army large as what Jaime brought, would of been noticed as soon as they crossed the border into The Reach. Then the siege, which takes time, and still no troops. Surely Tarly didnt persuade every house in The Reach to go against the Tyrells.

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17 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Another thing. Where were all the troops loyal to The Reach and the Tyrells? The Reach should have about 50k troops. If she went home to gather them for a siege of Kings Landing. Why were the only ones there to defend Highgarden the ones assigned too?

Army large as what Jaime brought, would of been noticed as soon as they crossed the border into The Reach. Then the siege, which takes time, and still no troops. Surely Tarly didnt persuade every house in The Reach to go against the Tyrells.

I think some of them must have been taken out in the attack by Euron.  Some died defending.  Some defected to the Crown.  But yeah, there are some missing numbers.


This show is also making castles laughably ineffective.  Funnily enough, the most effectively defended castle was Castle Black, which doesn't have any defenses from the South, but held off the Wildlings anyway.

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44 minutes ago, texans_uk said:

There's some major plot holes with the battles so far.

Numbers and also recon. 

And yeah apparently castles are just there for show. 

It also bugs me that every fight now wipes out an entire army and house basically. I understand why they do it at that way but it's kind of ridiculous with these massive armies, no one has more than one defensive position? 

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23 minutes ago, 1ForTheThumb said:

Anyone think that Sam's going to find out the truth about Jon in those scripts?

I think he finds out about the 13th Lord Commander. The books look very old, pre-Robert's Rebellion...

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