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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, skywindO2 said:

Oh man what an episode. So cool to see the shows depiction of Casterly Rock and High Garden. Was excited when I saw Jerome Flynn in the opening credits, but it was only nothing. Cool to see Bronn and Jaime are still a team though I guess.

Was it a writing gaffe for Dany to mention that Jon has lost 2 brothers? Even she was assuming that Bran was still alive? 

I don't think so.  Varys and Tyrion both were still in King's Landing when Ramsey (remember, the Boltons were still allied with the Lannisters and the Crown) and Roose took Winterfell.  And, if we assume that Theon didn't spill the beans when Ramsey was torturing him that it wasn't Bran and Rickon that he had burned alive, then there were a number of other ways the Boltons could have discovered that Rickon was alive and thus would safely assume that Bran was too, just somewhere else.

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21 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

Oh man what an episode. So cool to see the shows depiction of Casterly Rock and High Garden. Was excited when I saw Jerome Flynn in the opening credits, but it was only nothing. Cool to see Bronn and Jaime are still a team though I guess.

Was it a writing gaffe for Dany to mention that Jon has lost 2 brothers? Even she was assuming that Bran was still alive? 

Well, as easy as he is to forget, Rickon was a brother still. Robb would be the obvious other brother.

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11 minutes ago, skywlker32 said:

Well, as easy as he is to forget, Rickon was a brother still. Robb would be the obvious other brother.

I'm talking about how everyone assumes Bran is still alive. It's just awkward to me that all these characters think he's still alive despite last being seen in a castle that was sieged twice. Even if we as viewers know he's alive, you'd think someone would come to terms with the probability that he's dead. 


I'm guessing those scrolls that Sam has to transcribe contain the next piece of the puzzle for defeating the Night King.

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9 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I'm talking about how everyone assumes Bran is still alive. It's just awkward to me that all these characters think he's still alive despite last being seen in a castle that was sieged twice. Even if we as viewers know he's alive, you'd think someone would come to terms with the probability that he's dead. 


I'm guessing those scrolls that Sam has to transcribe contain the next piece of the puzzle for defeating the Night King.

Yeah i thought it was weird that it is just assumed Bran is alive. Like oh a 14 year old kid that can't walk kid has to be a survivor right?

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Yes, until last week at the wall, and this week at Winterfell, only Reek and Ramsay know that Bran is alive.  Or wasn't killed by them, they don't know that he is alive.  For everyone else, Bran is dead.  Jon has 3 brothers.  Robb, Brandon, and Rickon.  Robb was killed at the Red Wedding.  Brandon and Rickon were killed by Theon Greyjoy.  If we allow that Rickon resurfaced, he still was killed by Ramsay Bolton.  That is the story.  It was a script writing error.



I liked this episode.  The biggest gripe I have is that NOBODY SENDS SCOUTS!  This is a problem that has happened many, many times in the show.  At least when Robb ambushed Jaime, they explain that they took out the scouts to lure Jaime into a trap.  But the last two seasons...  Ramsay doesn't have anyone that can notice the entire Vale army marching on his position.  The Iron Fleet, an armada, sneak attacks Dany's navy twice in probably 3 weeks or a month.  Nobody saw the entire Lannister and Tarly army marching to Highgarden.  Come on man!

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1 hour ago, DavidatMIZZOU said:

Yes, until last week at the wall, and this week at Winterfell, only Reek and Ramsay know that Bran is alive.  Or wasn't killed by them, they don't know that he is alive.  For everyone else, Bran is dead.  Jon has 3 brothers.  Robb, Brandon, and Rickon.  Robb was killed at the Red Wedding.  Brandon and Rickon were killed by Theon Greyjoy.  If we allow that Rickon resurfaced, he still was killed by Ramsay Bolton.  That is the story.  It was a script writing error.



I liked this episode.  The biggest gripe I have is that NOBODY SENDS SCOUTS!  This is a problem that has happened many, many times in the show.  At least when Robb ambushed Jaime, they explain that they took out the scouts to lure Jaime into a trap.  But the last two seasons...  Ramsay doesn't have anyone that can notice the entire Vale army marching on his position.  The Iron Fleet, an armada, sneak attacks Dany's navy twice in probably 3 weeks or a month.  Nobody saw the entire Lannister and Tarly army marching to Highgarden.  Come on man!

The funny thing is Danny literally wanted to go scouting/hunting for Euron with her dragons....  It's annoying but if the show tried to be realistic to that degree it'd get super boring.

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Bran was super awkward and awful. Like...this is a reunion with your sister. I get that you're the Three Eyed Raven or whatever, but why be so distant and have your first conversation with your sister be about her rape after years of not seeing each other? That really pissed me off and threw me off. Literally no one would act like that.


Dany is hurting. She's going to lose a dragon trying to exact quick revenge. Hopefully not, though.


If anyone had real, actual conversations with each other then a lot more good would happen. Jon and Dany, needing Tyrion as a middle man, is completely ridiculous. Just talk to each other! And not in short, prideful sentences proving you are taking a stand.


High Garden and Dorne became irrelevant way too easily. Hopefully Dorne has some more juice in them, otherwise that entire storyline could have been completely cut from the show and no one would know the difference.

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53 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

Bran was super awkward and awful. Like...this is a reunion with your sister. I get that you're the Three Eyed Raven or whatever, but why be so distant and have your first conversation with your sister be about her rape after years of not seeing each other? That really pissed me off and threw me off. Literally no one would act like that.


Dany is hurting. She's going to lose a dragon trying to exact quick revenge. Hopefully not, though.


If anyone had real, actual conversations with each other then a lot more good would happen. Jon and Dany, needing Tyrion as a middle man, is completely ridiculous. Just talk to each other! And not in short, prideful sentences proving you are taking a stand.


High Garden and Dorne became irrelevant way too easily. Hopefully Dorne has some more juice in them, otherwise that entire storyline could have been completely cut from the show and no one would know the difference.

I agree about the Bran part. That was just really odd to watch. I get that he has a destiny and he's the three eyed raven and all...but he was like Creepy RoboBran...I wasn't a fan. It was like he wasn't even human. The emotion was sucked completely out of that scene with him and Sansa and it was just weird. I'm not sure if that was just the actor, or if that's really how they wanted to play that scene out from a direction standpoint, but not something I particularly cared for. Maybe that is what he is now, but if so, I think that's a sudden shift change and a very whiplash like change in the personality department. 

I kinda felt like Dany came off a little worse in the conversation than Jon. I thought the scene sort of exacerbated the less redeeming tendencies of the queen. But admittedly, neither had a sparkling introduction to one another (also, for anyone that listens to binge mode, all I could think when they started spouting off Dany's nickname was Jason doing Master Pycelle and going, "titles titles titles"). But I think that was bound to happen. There was no way that first introduction and chitchat was going to be anything but utterly unsatisfying for both parties.  I think the middle man portion of it was necessary, and it only makes sense that it is Tyrion. He's the person that can make them see a sliver from the other person's perspective and how to best breech that and put a foot forward to a possibly satisfying alliance between the two, and now that they have talked to each other person to person, I think it's going to come easier and more natural in the future and I think that they will get more done. The first conversation was always going to be stilted and weird and awkward because each of the parties is locked in to their own POV, own beliefs and traditions and formalities and personality. 

The Dorne storyline was bungled from the start, and is quite easily the worst part of the show as a whole. I think because the Dornish play such a huge role in the books, they wanted to include it, and never really had a handle on how, and it just got mucked up. But honestly...they could have shelved everything after Oberyn's death with Dorne and the show may have even been the better for it. 


 I think it's more likely that they and Highgarden are done - Cersei had to have the ability to make this an actual challenge, and this has always been headed for a game of three players; the Cersei / Dany / Jon triumvirate. Not only that, but they had to somewhat level the playing field between Jon and Dany - right now it's too lopsided in her favor as well. Though having him as an ally would certainly be nice, it certainly isn't necessary. As her allies disappear, an alliance with the North becomes more pivotal if she hopes to gain the crown without turning everything to ash.

Because the story has to be expedited, we are seeing things happening at a far more breakneak pace, and I think that's what we got with the fall of those two - a need to rush it through to start cleaning up the story and tie up the loose ends. I just don't see how there's enough time left to put them back into the story with any sort of effective arc. 

Edited by Forge
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Re: Bran bringing up Sansa's rape - I think it makes sense that he is like that.

Bran has seemed aloof and distant for a while now - basically since his 3ER training started.  I think something about that transformation has removed some of his humanity and his ability to see things from the perspective of others, as single events and people seem unimportant in the scheme of "everything".

That, and he probably felt he had to pick an event that Sansa knew details about but nobody else should, as to prove that he knew "everything" and her wedding night was just one of those events. 

Also, he hasn't had a whole heap of practice socialising since he was a little kid as he's been on the run with a wildling, a giant who could only say 1 word, the Brynden Rivers (the previous 3ER) and Meera and Jojun - it's not exactly like he was getting lessons in diplomacy or how to speak to people over the last few years.

That is not to say that I think that bringing that up was the nicest or smartest thing to do

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4 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

What do the dead army do? Like if they killed everyone how would they spend their time?

Make their way to Essos, I'd guess. 


1 hour ago, drd23 said:

That, and he probably felt he had to pick an event that Sansa knew details about but nobody else should, as to prove that he knew "everything" and her wedding night was just one of those events. 

My take as well. He knows talking about some other event wouldn't elicit the same response from Sansa - he had to demonstrate his knowledge is closing in on all encompassing. Some trivial encounter with Joffrey, or a conversation with Brienne at a tavern would be dismissed at the least. Bringing up THAT moment in clear detail? It would shake her to the point to where she knew Bran is on a path where his advice and/or premonitions can't be overruled by the likes of LF, or even Jon. 

Bran knows what the true war is, and - unlike everyone else - he pretty much understands his exact role, and the role of everyone else in this war. He can't afford to have people 2nd guess him, and I have a feeling his discussions with Jon and Arya (if Arya makes it) will have similar underpinnings to it.

One of the better episodes to date overall. It's a collision course from here on out.

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49 minutes ago, 1ForTheThumb said:

Savage last words from Grandma. Wouldn't have expected anything less.

Olenna Tyrell is a beast. Army was defeated, her home was gone - what does she do? Ensures he death was going to be painless, then dropped a bomb on her killer.

Tactically, she lost. But her final moment was a walk off W.

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1 hour ago, 1ForTheThumb said:

Savage last words from Grandma. Wouldn't have expected anything less.

I'm going to miss that damn woman, terribly. She is one of the best characters this show has lol. That dialogue... whew......

Overall, another fantastic episode. A lot of furthering of plot lines, still some unexpected twists and it really looks like Cersei has a chance here in this wonderful game. Euron is a arrogant fool but he is proving to be a cunning, legit force. I thought it was for certain that Mrs Martell would be dead by episode's end but now that she's not, I wouldn't be shocked to see her stay alive and rescued at some point. Not sure what purpose she would serve anymore but I could certainly see it happen.

Also, is it just me or does The Mountain seem to grow like, every season?

Those previews for next week also..... is Dany done farting around and going to throw her hand out there? 

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