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On 5/4/2024 at 9:16 PM, Fresh Prince said:

WWE should do more PLE in other countries. From Puerto Rico last year, to France this year. Crowd was amazing 

I mean, five of their first 7 PLE will be in other countries this year.  Not sure what else you want...lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just like Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis, WWE also files memorandum of law to support arbitration In Janel Grant Lawsuit. I don't think that's to surprising, as they could keep the case as quiet as possible and keep the details behind closed doors. We'll see if that's going to be succesful.


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The Malakai Black vs. Kyle O'Reilly match on Dynamite last night was a really cool striking and grappling heavy match. Definitely more of a "realistic" looking fight, heavy on the martial arts/mma influence, than your typical match. If that's your cup of tea it's worth the 10 minutes of your time to check it out. 

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19 minutes ago, beekay414 said:

Priest's run ends in Cleveland

Feels like the right way to do it. Honestly I don’t love Priest as a WHC, I don’t hate it either, but it would probably do well for that belt and Gunther for him to win it pretty convincingly

I could for sure see Drew taking it at Clash, but I think your instincts are right, and Punk ratchets up the rivalry costing Dew again. Those two at SummerSlam makes all the sense (can’t put off Punk feuds for too long with how his body is)


As for King and Queen, I feel like they made good decisions there. There wasn’t one “right” winner when the tournaments started, but the Evil Queen Nia makes a lot of sense. Probably one of the few who could carry a new Royalty gimmick and not be ruined by it. Plus she can either further it with a win at SS to become the Mountain for someone to topple (Jade?) or it’s a great notch for Bailey. I could have seen either Bianca or Jade getting the crown, but that just lights the wick of their eventual breakup, don’t think they want to so quickly.

No one will argue with Gunther as KotR, but just wanted to point out, did you see how intentional he was to never put that crown on his head. Smart move IMO. It’s a great honor, but he doesn’t need to ever be associated to a “King” gimmick. Just keep collecting accolades 

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1 hour ago, beekay414 said:

Priest's run ends in Cleveland

EDIT - lol or it ends in Scotland instead (but Punk will spoil it for Drew again)

Naw, I think they actually put give Drew his flowers in Scotland (it's going to be another arena gate record for them, they'll give the payoff to the crowd and have Punk screw over Drew on the road to SummerSlam to set up their match there - which doesn't need to the title.

That said, I can see them trying to milk this Gunther/Orton match into an extended program to serve as a catalyst for Randy turning heel ahead of facing Cody in Cleveland.  And yes, Hunter is old school enough to understand that you don't want to do babyface vs babyface with your crown jewel guy (Hogan/Warrior is the exception to the rule and VKSatan was trying to forcible transition the mantle from Hulk to Warrior).  Randy's so over people are singing his theme music to him - you don't put that up against your top babyface and split the crowd 60/40 or 70/30 against him when you're trying to build up the event to be a 2-night event in subsequent years.

Also, call me nuts, but smart money - to me at least - says that you put Drew over Punk in Cleveland and save Punk's "getting-his-back" for another of the quarterly "big ones."

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Also, just spitballing/trying to read the tealeaves and make educated guesses, but with MITB in early July my best guesses for who they give the case to:

AJ (storyline-wise it makes a lot of sense with what they're telling right now and it'd be a new twist that instead of everyone expecting the case to rocket someone to the main event scene if it were to represent a wrestler's potential/likely last shot at a world title; i.e. it adds drama and up the suspense),
LA Knight (we'll find out how Hunter feels about him come July),
Solo (it kind of makes sense, but also seems a shade premature unless they were going to have Rock swoop in and cuck Solo and take the case)

Notes: I just think that Gunther getting his world title shot via winning KOTR gives some room to play around with MITB not needing to fulfill it's traditional role as a main event rocket for the men this year, so it has potential to be used as a drama-creating chit to create more intrigue in developing long-term storylines.  Plus I think we're a year away from them giving the case to Bron and so keeping the powder dry on it as an "elevation tool" makes that payoff more meaningful.

Tiffany Stratton (I think she's probably most people's favorites, but I could actually see them swerving that some),
Blair Davenport (This is definitely my dark horse because they've been devoting a lot of hype reels stuff to her, which never mattered much when VKSatan was the guy in charge, but in Black and Gold it was typically a signal of someone who was going to get the rocket strapped to their butt),
Chelsea Green (I don't actually think she's going to get it, but you can get a solid 4-6 months of entertaining TV out of this alone - the failed cash-in's, the complaints to management that other people ruined her cash-in, etc)

Notes: I feel like, unless Rhea is ahead of schedule and returns at MITB as a surprise entrant to win it ("Mami in the Bank" does have a decent ring to it), the case is going to someone on Smackdown because the long-term storytelling right now is the strap stays on Liv until Rhea comes back with a vengeance and as a babyface to destroy - and then what would seem like the Mania 41 match they're headed towards is Rhea/Bianca (though they would need to turn Bianca for this - though doable as soon as they feel Jade can swim on her own).

Edited by Dr LBC
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1 hour ago, StLunatic88 said:

As for King and Queen, I feel like they made good decisions there. There wasn’t one “right” winner when the tournaments started, but the Evil Queen Nia makes a lot of sense. Probably one of the few who could carry a new Royalty gimmick and not be ruined by it.

It actually give Nia a character that isn't "big girl" for the first time in forever and - if she opts to use it - some character references.  I'm not saying she should outright rip the character off, but she can take notes from a Queen of Hearts type character and it also gives her a bit more gravitas beyond just her size to return to the bully character she had back the she and Alexa were doing the whole best friends-turned-bully/bullied story arc.

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12 hours ago, Dr LBC said:

It actually give Nia a character that isn't "big girl" for the first time in forever and - if she opts to use it - some character references.  I'm not saying she should outright rip the character off, but she can take notes from a Queen of Hearts type character and it also gives her a bit more gravitas beyond just her size to return to the bully character she had back the she and Alexa were doing the whole best friends-turned-bully/bullied story arc.

Yore right. It for sure give her something that she is usually missing. And if you’re really going to lean into the Queen stuff for her, you could even do some sort of “court” or whatever. Maybe a couple of henchwomen, no one in mind, but there’s always some women in WWE who are being underutilized

Heck, you could even give her a “King” like Booker had Sharmell (probably not, but there are options)

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