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2019 Offseason Trade Rumors & Free Agency Thread

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20 minutes ago, Troy Brown said:

I legitimately lol'd. True dude, this was the year that really showed us Stevens' true colors as a guy who has no idea what he's doing. We won't look at all of those years that Stevens overachieved. Let's not look at how the Celtics floor numbers were better without Kyrie and went 12-2 without him or something. 

Without Kyrie the Celtics was well, the team that was a typical Stevens type team. I would say I want to see how Stevens does when he has a superstar to coach. He didnt have to deal with that at Butler because he wasnt getting #1 prospects. He didnt have to deal with that in Boston before he got Kyrie. I would say look at Heyward but he is a Brad Stevens guy from his Butler days in which is one of the reasons why players look at Boston and see Stevens differently. Again he totally handled the Heyward situation bad and you know it. Heyward was horrible for most of last season yet Stevens kept starting him and playing him heavy minutes when he totally didnt deserve it. Im not saying Stevens cant coach all Im saying is he got exposed last season for how he handled certain situations like the Heyward situation and for the first time in his coaching career he was coaching a superstar in Kyrie. He showed yes for him its easier to win without the superstar Kyrie because he has been doing that since his days at Butler. The special coaches like Doc, Phil, Pop has the ability to coach the superstars like an MJ, Kobe, Shaq, Duncan. We havent seen that with Stevens yet so again people just give Stevens a pass and look at Kyrie for all the Celtics problems. Im certainly not. Im not saying Kyrie doesnt hold some fault because he couldve handle certain things better himself but again its not easy to coach superstars and if we are going to crown Stevens as the next great coach in the NBA he has to do a better job because every time a superstar come through Boston and it doesnt go right what then? Is every superstar going to be blamed for Boston not living up to expectations. If Kemba who is an all-star/all-nba team player doesnt help Boston have a better season than Kyrie is people going to say well Kemba has never been a winner any way in the NBA and still not hold Stevens accountable. Like those are the things Im thinking about about want others to think about as well. 


Edited by stl4life07
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12 hours ago, DoleINGout said:

Not true. He's had double digit assists before in single games. Just because it's not his primary role or strength doesn't mean what he's shown to be capable of is invalid right now. I've seen no look passes in his rookie season. Like I said, I don't think vision is an issue, it's more so immaturity and his role the first two seasons. Rookie year Kuzma developed as a scorer because the Lakers had no one. Sophomore year Kuzma had LeBron James and again developed as a Robin scorer to LeBron's Batman.

As far as the original statement and notion that Kuz is a mediocre scorer only, I mean that's just untrue. To say he can't assist and doesn't rebound or defend is false.


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11 minutes ago, stl4life07 said:

Without Kyrie the Celtics was well, the team that was a typical Stevens type team. I would say I want to see how Stevens does when he has a superstar to coach. He didnt have to deal with that at Butler because he wasnt getting #1 prospects. He didnt have to deal with that in Boston before he got Kyrie. I would say look at Heyward but he is a Brad Stevens guy from his Butler days in which is one of the reasons why players look at Boston and see Stevens differently. Again he totally handled the Heyward situation bad and you know it. Heyward wasnt horrible for most of last season yet Stevens kept starting him and playing him heavy minutes when he totally didnt deserve it. Im not saying Stevens cant coach all Im saying is he got exposed last season for how he handled certain situations like the Heyward situation and for the first time in his coaching career he was coaching a superstar in Kyrie. He showed yes for him its easier to win without the superstar Kyrie because he has been doing that since his days at Butler. The special coaches like Doc, Phil, Pop has the ability to coach the superstars like an MJ, Kobe, Shaq, Duncan. We havent seen that with Stevens yet so again people just give Stevens a pass and look at Kyrie for all the Celtics problems. Im certainly not. Im not saying Kyrie doent hold some fault because he couldve handle certain things better himself but again its not easy to coach superstars and if we are going to crown Stevens as the next great coach in the NBA has to do a better job because every time a superstar come through Boston and it doesnt go right what then? Is every superstar going to be blamed for Boston not living up to expectations. If Kemba who is an all-star doesnt let Boston to a better season than Kyrie is people going to say well Kemba has never been a winner any way in the NBA and still not hold Stevens accountable. Like those are the things Im thinking about about want others to think about as well. 

You said Stevens didn't know what he was doing. Hayward also only started 18 games out of 72. He averaged 25 mpg. Sure, the entire team is to blame for underachieving because they're professionals but it sounds like you're crapping on Stevens for Kyrie being a **** because other coaches have coached problem players better than Stevens did Kyrie. It's not like Kyrie didn't demand a trade from his former team. This wasn't like Kyrie was a star teammate before and just didn't get along with Stevens. We knew Kyrie was a negative type of presence. Most of us applauded him for wanting to get out of LeBron's shadows and thought it was LeBron who was the issue. Turns out, Kyrie just seems like one of those people that no matter what aren't happy with what they're doing 

Edited by Troy Brown
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1 minute ago, Troy Brown said:

You said Stevens didn't know what he was doing. Hayward also only started 18 games out of 72. He averaged 25 mpg. Sure, the entire team is to blame for underachieving because they're professionals but it sounds like you're crapping on Stevens for Kyrie being a **** because other coaches have coached problem players better than Stevens did Kyrie. It's not like Kyrie didn't demand a trade from his former team. This wasn't like Kyrie was a star teammate before and just didn't get along with Stevens. We knew Kyrie was a negative type of presence. Most of us applauded him for wanting to get out of LeBron's shadows and thought it was LeBron who was the issue. Turns out, Kyrie is just seems like one of those people that no matter what aren't happy with what they're doing 

Well the one thing we KNOW for sure is that Kyrie for the first time since his coming out of high school when he choose Duke, he gets to choose where he wants to play. He didnt get to choose Cleveland because he was drafted there and he didnt get to choose Boston because he was traded there. So we can say what we want too about Kyrie personality but when he chooses Brooklyn we wont see a player who doesnt want to be a part of the Nets because he chose to go there. So we will see not just a happy Kyrie but a motivated one. Ive been on the record of saying all along that he just didnt want to be in Boston and I dont even recall Boston being one of the teams on his list he had when he was in Cleveland as a destination. When you dont want to be somewhere sometimes you act like it. Plus its not just Kyrie wanting to be in Brooklyn the players will also welcome him too because unlike the Celtics players the Nets players dont feel like they can do it without Kyrie. The Celtics players was 1 quarter away from going to the Finals without Kyrie so when he came back they was like we dont need you. The Nets arent going to have that same mindset because the last image the Nets players have was getting blown off the court Game 5 against the Sixers. Kyrie plus another all-star is going to help change that. 

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53 minutes ago, stl4life07 said:

Well the one thing we KNOW for sure is that Kyrie for the first time since his coming out of high school when he choose Duke, he gets to choose where he wants to play. He didnt get to choose Cleveland because he was drafted there and he didnt get to choose Boston because he was traded there. So we can say what we want too about Kyrie personality but when he chooses Brooklyn we wont see a player who doesnt want to be a part of the Nets because he chose to go there. So we will see not just a happy Kyrie but a motivated one. Ive been on the record of saying all along that he just didnt want to be in Boston and I dont even recall Boston being one of the teams on his list he had when he was in Cleveland as a destination. When you dont want to be somewhere sometimes you act like it. Plus its not just Kyrie wanting to be in Brooklyn the players will also welcome him too because unlike the Celtics players the Nets players dont feel like they can do it without Kyrie. The Celtics players was 1 quarter away from going to the Finals without Kyrie so when he came back they was like we dont need you. The Nets arent going to have that same mindset because the last image the Nets players have was getting blown off the court Game 5 against the Sixers. Kyrie plus another all-star is going to help change that. 

The majority of players get drafted and traded to teams they don’t want to be. But act like professionals and are motivated to play. Sounds like your just giving Irving an excuse because he didn’t get to choose where he wanted to play. Which happens to the majority of players.

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1 hour ago, stl4life07 said:

Not to mention the Nets have a coach who actually knows what he is doing. He wont force guys into the lineup like Stevens did. People blame Kyrie for the Celtics struggles but how about Stevens doing things like forcing Heyward into the starting lineup playing heavy minutes while he wasnt playing well. Atkinson wasnt making those same mistakes last season. If Dinwiddie was playing well guess who was coming off the bench? D'Lo. When D'Lo was playing well and Dinwiddie wasnt, guess who was coming off the bench? Dinwiddie. Heck Atkinson was rolling with Harris when he was on at times over D'Lo and Dinwiddie. Atkinson wasnt playing a guy just because. The Nets are a team and the Celtics are just a group of household names that were high draft picks and has potential. Thats why the Celtics underachieved last season with a star in Kyrie and all that talent and the Nets overachieved with no stars and no household names. Now the Nets get a star (the same star the Celtics had) and possibly another star, LeVert is going to continue to show why he was the Nets best player last season and not D'Lo and the Nets are going have a strong chance to be better than the Celtics not just this season but for many years to come and then the narrative will be maybe it really wasnt Kyrie after all as the reason the Celtics didnt live up to expectations in the 2018-2019 season. Some already know that but most dont.  

Did Brad hook up with your mother or your wife?

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5 hours ago, showtime said:

Kemba Walker is a good player, but he's clearly a downgrade to Kyrie Irving.  Honestly, I'm kind of surprised by this move by the Celtics.  Why use a max on Walker of all players?  They don't need a player like Walker or Irving.

I agree with everything mostly except the part about this being a downgrade. I think the Celtics will be a slightly better team when all is said and done. I also think longer term the Celtics made out lucky not having to commit to a clearly declining Al Horford and injury risk Kyrie Irving, on top of the poor road performer Terry Rozier, inconsistent Aron Baynes, and lazy defender Marcus Morris. The only bad things left that need to be sorted out still is a Jaylen Brown attitude adjustment, Brad Stevens in-game substitution adjustment for when guys suck, and Marcus Smart's overall decision making that usually leads to lost momentum, (offensively shooting three pointers/too often not looking to pass or rely on a midrange jumper or low-post game or attacking the paint/flopping and getting called for it/off court anger management).

3 hours ago, Troy Brown said:

My mind is blown that Kyrie is STILL getting any love. We have now seen Kyrie fail twice to be a #1 option, we've seen him demand a trade, and then we've seen him pout his way out of another. Ya'll WILD 

Kyrie has earned love but he has also earned blame. The Celtics issues last season were because of the organization. Player management by Ainge at the top could have been better as well as on the court by Stevens. The players themselves like Marcus Morris, Terry Rozier and Jaylen Brown to name a few could have been better teammates going as far back in some instances to 2017 as soon as the trade was made and Brown commented on twitter rather selfishly. The fans of the team could also be more realistic with the players on the team instead of hyping everyone up to be an All-Star. All over everyone deserves blame for the awful season the Celtics had despite going to the playoffs and winning a round.

1 hour ago, Utley said:



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30 minutes ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

No question that Kyrie is the better talent than Kemba, but Kemba could be a better fit in Boston. Kemba is a very similar player to IT.

I don't even know how to word this. Kyrie is more talented, yes, but is he a better player? Kyrie is just such a dumb stubborn player it feels like. He also brings a whole new meaning to pulling a randy moss.

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1 minute ago, dtait93 said:

If Brad Stevens can reign in Smart’s stupid shot selection then Boston will be back in the ECF. Excited to see Kemba with some actual talent around him.


10 minutes ago, DoleINGout said:

The only bad things left that need to be sorted out still is a Jaylen Brown attitude adjustment, Brad Stevens in-game substitution adjustment for when guys suck, and Marcus Smart's overall decision making that usually leads to lost momentum, (offensively shooting three pointers/too often not looking to pass or rely on a midrange jumper or low-post game or attacking the paint/flopping and getting called for it/off court anger management).


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