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It Mafia - The Losers have won, Derry is saved!


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What the ****? No Woz death? Lame, I'm out

I'm doing my best here guys, their will be a Woz kill later


WTF? Did he just correct the host's grammar? SCUM!

Really guys?

Ok well how about Mwil, that guys is giving me the heebie jeebies

Why? What did I do?

Well you lied about being close to the hammer, here are posts as proof

Wait but you intentionally manipulated these posts and put them out of order


Mwil23 was shocked by the days turn of events. As the crowd turned on him, he turned to run only to find that he was blocked in on all sides.

"No...no. This can't be right. This isn't what I saw! Please, I can help you rid the town of this evil curse, just give me a chance!"

His pleading was no use. Two white men emerged at the front of the crowd, a fat one and a muscular one. They lifted Mwil23 up and hung the noose around his neck and began hoisting him up.

"We told you boys to get out of Derry! You shoulda listened!"

Mwil23 is dead. He was Di ck HalloranShining-Aligned.

It is now Night 1. You have 30 minutes to get your moves in.


@TheKillerNacho, @Counselor, @Matts4313, @Pickle Rick, @Dome, @The Orca, @Malfatron, @squire12, @Forge, @theuntouchable, @bcb1213, @Whicker, @Llamalover, @SwAg, @Nazgul

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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Why don’t you just tell us matts sent you a complaint because he’s too big of a ******* ***** to openly whine about the decision.

wrong. I would btch in thread, but I didnt btch at all. I didnt even realize he called for an overtime. 

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On 9/23/2019 at 12:56 PM, rackcs said:

Welcome to Derry Matts4313! You are…

Autumn Page, Losers-Aligned

You are pretty new in town and don’t know many people. You’ve found it hard to make friends so far since pretty much everyone else in Derry has known each other their whole lives. You’ve tried to get to know people by learning as much about them from gossip. This has turned you into even more of a social pariah as you’ve become known for being a gossiper. Each night you will choose a person to spread gossip about. That person will take one less vote to lynch the next day.

Win Condition: Survive and beat the evils of Derry
Night Action: Gossip about (Player X)
You may communicate with: Nobody


Just now, Matts4313 said:

Use my move on Malf 

Move sent in. 

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