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You Have 24 Hours (Final Challenge on 250).


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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

Your host has learned from his mistakes.   

You’re doing great

Shark Tank and Food Chain we’re both very entertaining

We are in the midst of a lull, but hopefully things will pick back up, especially as people start dying in the concurrent mafia game

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43 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

We will move on to a completely separate challenge after this and not use any of the submitted challenges.  Mostly because most of them sucked, would take too long or were a sports challenge. 

Awwww, come on! I liked my roulette game!

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Alright, everybody passed except for Counselor.  If I don't post your challenge, feel free to post it, but I think the only ones I don't have listed below were pick a number games. 





(Player 1)

Restricted rock paper scissors.
Got this idea from a show but think it would work well.  Each player is given a rock, scissors, and paper card to start the challenge, and each can only be used once. They also receive their three opponents (in order) via PM. Since it's an odd number game, the three highest scorers will receive a bye in one of the pairings, where they automatically score a win. The goal is to not get the least points in three games.  Wins score 3 points while ties score 1 (losses are none). Each player has 12 hours to PM the card to play against the first opponent. They then learn if they won, lost, or drew. They then have 12 more hours to select their second card (and the remaining card is played third).
Players can communicate with each other in any medium.  Allies therefore can share with others what cards someone has left or to coordinate ties with each other to make sure they both improve their odds at advancing.
There should be some decent incentive towards scoring the most points, and perhaps even second and third. Point total ties are broken by which players submitted their cards quickest on average.
Player 2
Challenge: "Don't drink the poison"
All 17 players are sitting in the room, with a cup of indeterminable liquid in front of each. 16 of the liquids will be safe, the 17th will contain poison. The person with the poison WILL know that they have the poison
All players must choose to drink another player's liquid. Once someone has drank from a cup, nobody else can drink from the same cup.
The player who is tricked into drinking the poison dies. The catch is, if the final remaining cup is the one with the poison, the poisoner must be the one to drink the cup and die. In this scenario, the player who didn't get a chance to drink, will be considered to have "not submitted moves" and will be subject to the host's discretion of consequences.
Player 3
    •    This is easy for me! I’d have everyone guess the winners of the nfl games for the week. If it needed to be 24 hours we’d just do Sundays.
    •    To prevent ties, we’d set them up as a confidence pool. Your least sure winner would be for 1 and the most sure would be the most points. 
    •    For example today, I put the Bills as my top choice of 14 points on them and only 1 on the Cowboys tonight. It’s a confidence pool. I get 14 points when buffalo wins but only 1 if Dallas does.
    •    Tiebreaker #1 is the best win/loss record.
    •    tiebreaker #2 Guess who scores the most points
    •    tiebreaker #3 Guess who scores the least this week
    •    tiebreaker #4 coin flip
    •    least points dies
Pickle Rick

You wanna win a car, then step right up.  Pretty simple here.  You gotta play to win though.  Make your way to the car and lay claim to your throne.  The winner will be the player who can place their hand on the car for the longest amount of time.  The player with the least amount of time will get run over by the winner 
1. Each person will have 2 attempts to place their hand on the car. 
2. All you have to do is submit 2 times that you would like to place your hand on the car.  The competition with begin hypothetically at midnight (0000) and run through 11:59 pm (2359).
3. You must submit your times in MILITARY TIME
4. When you place your hand on the car, the player already with their hand there will get a shock to the nuts and be thrown back to the waiting section, stopping their time and beginning yours. 
5. You can knock yourself off, but instead of going back to the waiting section you will get back up and start your second time. 
6. You time will be your combined times for both of your attempts. 
7. The most time wins the car, the least dies.
Player 5

I Spy With My Little Eye
Rules:  Cannot communicate with others outside the thread in any form, or provide additional details.
Spy:  You declare your location to give people a baseline for the type of object you are giving a clue about (e.g., I am in my Office).  Identify something by a physical characteristic (color, shape, etc).  They must tell you in a PM the item that they are spying to ensure that they do not cheat.
Guessers:  You must guess the object the spy is referring to based on the clue.  There is no limit on guesses.
If the Spy’s item remains unidentified after X-amount of guesses (50?  75?) the individual is safe from elimination.  If the item is guessed correctly, then the correct guesser is safe, and the guesser gets to choose the next spy.  Continue until there is only one loser.
Player 6

50/50 Roulette
This game MUST be done IN THREAD, tagging the people you will "put up" for EITHER immunity OR elimination. Here's how it works:
Each person must nominate two people IN THREAD to be put up for this challenge. Once the names are compiled, the host will compile all names (most nominations). In the event that a player fails to put up two names, THEIR name will be added to the nomination automatically. Also, in the event of a tie, ALL tied names will also be added to the nomination/compilation of names.
Once these names are final, the host will go into chatty and will place each name into the randomized generator. The first pick will be for IMMUNITY. That player wins this challenge/is safe with those names NOT nominated and automatically is exempt/safe for the next challenge.
Next, the remaining name(s) will be put into the randomized generator, and the name selected will be eliminated. (In the event that there is only 1 name, no tie, no one else refused to nominate 2, etc. that player is automatically eliminated).
After the nomination phase, SwAg and Nacho are chosen (no tie for 2nd).
MWil forgot to nominate two players, his name is added.
SwAg/Nacho/MWil are chosen.
1st random generator chooses Nacho. He advances and gets immunity next round.
2nd random generator chooses MWil. He will be eliminated.
In the event that there is a tie for ALL players (A 17 way 1st place tie), TWO people will be chosen to be eliminated instead of 1.
Let me know if this doesn't make sense.
Player 7

The point is to not be the last person. You submit answers for rounds 1&2 initially. 
17 players (or however many) choose a number 1-16. If a player is the only person to choose a number, they are safe. 
Inevitably there will be people grouped together. Those players will advance to round 2. 
Round 2 everyone guesses the amount of groups (17 players means maximum groups are 8). You then take the difference between the number of groups that there are, and the number they guessed and then multiply by their original number. The lowest number is the looser of the game
Three people choosing the same number means they just count as 1 group 
For example, someone chooses 17 for their original number, then 5 groups. Someone else chooses 17 so they move onto round 2. Then there are 3 groups based on real pairings. So it's 5-3= 2 *17 =34 
If someone's number = 0 then they are not the looser, bc it means they guessed the number of groups correctly. 
If two people tie for the lowest non 0 score, then the person whose original number is lowest, is the non looser. 
So you want to choose higher numbers for the tie breaker, but the incentive to big bigger numbers means you're more likely to get paired up with someone 
player 8

rebus comp!
players will answer 20 rebus questions. one point gained per question. No working together. If you get the least amount correct, you die
A rebus is a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters; for instance, apex might be represented by a picture of an ape followed by a letter X.
other examples:
FAREDCE which means "red in the face."
WINEEEE which means "win with ease."
JOBINJOB which means "in between jobs."

Player 9

Well guess I'll make it for either.  You pick which works best in the time allotment 
Tuesday night contest 
The Points Don't Matter 
Pick one player from each group.  Each rebound, block, steal and assist counts as one.  The player with the the least amount is eliminated! 
Group A
LeBron James 
Kahwi Leonard 
Brandon Ingram 
Serge Ibaka
Group B 
Kyle Lowry 
Jrue Holiday
Rajon Rondo 
Patrick Beverly 
Group C
Anthony Davis 
Paul George 
Derek Favors 
Pascal Siakam
Group D
Marc Gasol
Zion Williamson 
Dwight Howard 
Ivica Zubac
Wild card 
Any player from above 
Tie breaker 
Totals amount of rebounds for the clippers 
Wed night 
Group A
Jaren Jackson Jr
Jimmy Butler 
Andre Drummond 
Myles Turner 
Group B
Kevin Love 
Aaron Gordon 
Karl Anthony Towns 
Kyrie Irving 
Group C 
Kemba Walker 
Joel Embiid
Bradley Beal 
Luka Doncic
Group D 
Julius Randle 
LaMarcus Aldridge 
Mike Conley jr
Ricky Rubio 
Group E 
Jusef Nurkic
Damien Lillard 
Rudy Gobert
Zack Lavine
Wild card 
Any player from above 
Tie breaker 
Total amount of rebounds from the Bobcats 
Player 10
My game idea: Price is Right. If this has been done before I promise you I didn't know. Come up with 5 items for players to guess the price for. They have to get as close as possible without going over. The goal is to get the lowest number possible. If the item is $49.99 and a person guess $45, they get 4.99 points. Someone who guesses $49.99 gets 0. And the penalty for going over is $20 (or higher, up to you I guess). This would dissuade people from going for the easy $1 answer because that difference would likely be over $20.
    •    The goal of this game is to be the last person holding their weiner.
    •    Each night every player will try to take a bite of another player's brat.
    •    If your meatstick is fully devoured, you’re out!
    1.    To start each round, the player list will be randomized and posted in the Chatroom.
    2.    Players will attempt to bite the brat of the player below them on the list, with the last player on the list trying to bite the first player’s brat. This will happen via dice rolls made by the host.
    3.    After all the players have attempted to bite a brat, the host will determine if any brats have been completely devoured and remove those players from the list. Then the next round will begin. This will go on until all players have died except one lone victor.
    4.    If all players end up dying in any given round, the round will be replayed. 
Good luck!
Player 11
Build Your Brats! All bonuses stack.
Brat (Pick One):
Original Brat (7 bites)- Classic pork sword, can’t go wrong.
    •    No Bonus
Beef Brat (8 bites)- Feeling beefy? This hunk takes a whole extra bite to eat. But you can’t get the premium toppings.
    •    8 bite brat
    •    No access to Premium Toppings
Beer Brat (7 bites)- For the drunks. 
    •    +25% chance each round that the bite attempt misses
    •    20% chance they drunkenly take 2 bites if the attempt doesn’t miss
Hot Link (7 bites)- This’ll be the hottest weiner you ever wrapped your lips around. Might be too spicy for some. 
    •    +30% chance each round that the bite attempt misses
    •    10% chance each round that you die of heartburn.
Toppings (3 topping points to spend, you may double or triple up on a topping):
Regular (1 point each)
Mustard - A classic. Can’t go without
    •    When a player takes a bite of your brat, they’ll get mustard on their shirt. There’s a 50% chance they’ll leave to clean it and if they do their next attacker will have time to pick all the toppings off before their attempted bite.
Ketchup - For the heathens and Communists. Nobody wants that ****.
    •    +15% chance each round that the bite attempt misses, players that do take a bite have a 20% chance of taking two, cause they’re fatties 
Sweet Relish - Disgusting stuff.
    •    When a player successfully bites your brat, there’s a 10% chance they’ll vomit. This will eliminate them from the game.
Fresh Onions - Strong smelling onions.
    •    +10% chance each round that the bite attempt misses, however there’s also a +25% chance that your bites will fail because they smell you coming from a mile away
Sauerkraut - Defend this stuff with your life.
    •    20% chance each round you’ll take a bite out of your attackers brat when they move in for a bite of yours
Premium (3 points each)
THC Infused Bacon Crumbles - Munchies. Mmmmmmunchies.
    •    Anyone who takes a bite of this brat will try to take two bites of a brat in the next round unless that brat is yours again, in which case they will wait one more round before biting a brat. They cannot bite your brat two rounds in a row.
Anchovy Aioli - Nah. Hard pass.
    •    +35% chance each round that the bite attempt misses.
EZ Cheez - If you like bad food, you’ll love this.
    •    When a player takes a bite of your brat they’ll get constipated. +75% chance they’ll skip a bite next time they see you.

Player 12

Each fight in the arena will consist of 10 rounds of "moves". The battle will run much in the way of rock, paper scissors.  Your choices are ATTACK, STRONG ATTACK, BLOCK/COUNTER, AVOID. A successful attack will drain the other players health by the amount of your strength points. A successful strong attack will drain their health by 2 times their strength points. If your ATTACK is blocked, you will lose health by 1/2 the other players strength. If your ATTACK is avoided no health points are lost. If your STRONG ATTACK is blocked, they will be overpowered and you will deal half damage. If your STRONG ATTACK is avoided you will deal no damage and your next move is null.  Example (both at 10 strength)  Round 1  Player 1 attack  Player 2 block  Player 1 loses 5 health  Round 2  Player 1 STRONG ATTACK  Player 2 AVOID  Round 3  Player 1 attack (stunned)  Player 2 :strong attack  Because player 1 is stunned, player 1 loses 20 health when player 2 uses STRONG ATTACK in round 3. If you have any questions regarding the battles please feel free to PM me.
each player has 100 health and 10 strength. 


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Speak A Name

For this challenge, all you have to do is tag players in the game.  Any time you tag a player still alive in this game, that counts as one.  Maximum of one tag per post.  15 of you will live, 1 of you will die and only @ET80 and I know which.  He has been told which player will die and which will live.  He can tell you the truth, he can lie, but he cannot show you my PM that confirms which. 

You Have 24 Hours

1. @TheKillerNacho
2. @theuntouchable
3. @rackcs
4. @SwAg
5. @Pickle Rick
7. @kingseanjohn
8. @Llamalover
. @bcb1213
10. @Malfatron
11. @Whicker
12. @Dome
13. @jasonwbantle
14. @Cheesehawk
15. @N4L
16. @Tk3

The challenge after this one is titled:

Poetic Justice

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