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WEEK 9 · Sun 11/03 · 4:25 Broncos


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I don’t know why these dudes are even on Twitter within 10 minutes of a game like that. Gets his Twitter suspended from the locker room. Should have still been getting his *** reamed for his play out there that’s how fresh it was. Just added embarrassment on the day. 

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25 minutes ago, NateDawg said:

You can’t justify the trash that Whitehead was tweeting.  No translation needed.  The original part was directed towards Dustin Fox who commented that Whitehead was having an awful day tackling. This was a public tweet and was not some sort of message to Whitehead. 

The whole thing culminated in him saying “imma kill you B&$@!, that’s on blood,” among other ridiculous things.  No one is justifying the interactions done by some bystander towards him and that circumstance. But whiteheads response is completely inappropriate, and your translation is far too generous.

Ultimately I agree that his horrible play more than merits his getting cut.

hahah.. enjoy taking the emotional people twitterverse seriously man. I can't engage in that internet cesspool even to review certain stuff when told by people to check it out. Twitter and reactions when people or fans are angry is madness.

Imagine getting death threats, hateful messages of all varieties, the heart of human darkness spewed at you from random people who mostly find life to not have the significance or meaning they'd like so they invest their emotions heavily in a sport that ultimately has nothing of value to do with their existence.

It has to be insane. The tweet I translated was one I saw in a link posted on the forum that included him saying "take it in blood.. i had a broken hand. I haven't seen any others. "My translation of that one  takes into account that context of insanity w/ some historical context.

If Whitehead actually did tweet "imma kill you B&$@!, that’s on blood,” then his judgment and how emotional he gets needs to be addressed by teammates and/or others. However, if you want to believe that Whitehead is literally threatening to kill someone then you can go about believing that, but it stands to reason that taking that as a literally ignores how human language is used combatively especially when in a serious aggressive argument with another person/others within the context in which a person themselves has been receiving hateful/threatening messages from a wide-variety of sources.

Players that play poorly get death threats, evil wishes messages all the time. What's true is that Whitehead if he indeed tweeted all of those various things needs to learn how to deal with such things a lot better and how he deals with things should be addressed with him by various people assuming he's still going to be apart of the team.

Edited by Mind Character
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He gone. A lack of composure emotionally after a tough loss.

I wouldn't be shocked to see him put on I.R. then waived injured or out-right cut. He's a Wilks favorite schematically and of course would be interesting to see Dorsey cut him when he's accepted worse.

My guess is that that if Eric Murray is out a prolonged period of time Dorsey won't make a move.

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54 minutes ago, Mind Character said:


He gone. A lack of composure emotionally after a tough loss.

I wouldn't be shocked to see him put on I.R. then waived injured or out-right cut. He's a Wilks favorite schematically and of course would be interesting to see Dorsey cut him when he's accepted worse.

My guess is that that if Eric Murray is out a prolonged period of time Dorsey won't make a move.

Boy bye. 

He needs to be cut.


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I take no pride in saying this as I root for you guys to do well, but the Niners game on Monday Night broke this team. The team was already dealing with inept coaching, but getting thoroughly dominated like that really killed the confidence of the team. The team has no swagger and Mayfield from that game on has been a bottom 5-7 QB in the league. I pray you guys can get it together and somewhat salvage the season. Just seemed like it was last week when you guys dropped 40 on Baltimore and dominated them… 

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If Jermaine Whitehead is still on the team tomorrow, I'm going to boycott this entire FO and coaching staff. SEND A MESSAGE NOW. He's terrible/has a terrible attitude and is clearly a hateful human being. Let's look at his "apology":


"Crazy world. They line it up and say anything in the book too you," he said in the caption of a photo of himself walking outside with a suitcase in his right hand and a cast on the left one.

Translation: I am not responsible for my actions and outbursts. Please feel bad for me. The media and fans are really the villains and to blame for this.


"They tell you take the high road, when yo whole life you was taught to meet fire with fire.

Don't people understand that I'm trained to be an aggressive alpha on the field and shouldn't have to actually be a human being or functioning member of society off of the field?


I do apologize for my performance,

I had a terrible game.



Excuses incoming! Also, I will NOT apologize for my actions or behavior. I will NOT apologize for my hateful and racist comments. I will NOT apologize for what I said, because I meant it and actually hate Dustin Fox and the media.


having a broke hand and a strong fear of letting my team down is my downfall.

The only reason I can't tackle/had a bad game is because I'm hurt. Please feel bad for me. I'm actually "a warrior".


Whatever happens happens. Ain trippin.

I'm currently daring the Browns to cut me. I bet that Dorsey won't, because he lacks any type of moral compass. Let's play chicken!


They probably gone still talk crazy


The media will spin my hateful comments and lack of an apology to tell the truth, in that I refuse to take responsibility for my actions.




ANOTHER excuse incoming!!!!


this me getting smoke off my chest. I don't need one like.. this from me to me!

I'm allowed to vent! I'm allowed to be angry! I'm allowed to spew hatred.


Keep ya head up homie, can't nobody f--- with you.

It's not your fault as I give myself advice in some type of out of body entity experience.


I dare em to try."

I'm going to DOUBLE DARE the Browns/Dorsey to do something. I bet they won't!


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The fact that Whitehead hasn’t been cut yet is disappointing.

He’s simply not good enough to be able to get away with this crap and it sends a bad message.

I don’t think we need choir boys, but we do need people who know how to behave like adults.

Threatening people and racial slurs on social media can’t be tolerated, ESPECIALLY from a below average player.

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Gotta stop blaming Baker.  He was great last year and the best QB ranking against the Pats this year.  You just don't go from great to lousy that fast.  It's the system or the coaching.  We have lots of talent that we just don't know how use and the poor OL just makes it worse.

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Baker has continued to get a little better week by week. Besides the almost int beginning of game and not going to OBJ at the end he held up his end of the bargain pretty well.TE could've easily gotten his feet down in the end zone. Another great throw that was dropped. No turnovers.

This team reminds me of the '17 Browns. Could only play three quarters and as a result that bad plays that naturally happen every game are amplified and it becomes very difficult to win. 

18 swings around and they play 4 q's, still come up short because of the kicker but then Baker comes in and they win games.

Here we are in 19 and for some reason they forgot they have to play hard all 60 minutes to win. The Bal game is the only game we've seen them truly focused the entire time. 

It isn't Kitchens, coaching, player A or B, or execution in general - on this surface it appears to be all these things, but all teams have bad plays, players, and coaching mistakes.The difference is that these 3 to 5 win teams bring it for 4Q's every game. 

That's the silver lining in all this. Even with us shooting ourselves in the foot we were still right there in the end. Meanwhile you got other teams playing as good of team football as they can play and yet don't seem all that impressive. This team is a far cry from the bad Browns teams of the past.

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