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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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2 hours ago, WizeGuy said:

Dexamethasone is first life-saving coronavirus drug - BBC News

Just came here to post this also. Great for those with severe cases as it's cheap and generally effective based on this article. Not 100% but honestly, if you said "hey this can increase your chances of survival, want it?" I'm sure most would oblige. 

Edited by JTagg7754
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6 hours ago, N4L said:

I haven't paid much attention to the mols but the fact the US is tier 1 with a score of 2 is laughable given the recent spikes in different areas 


MoL is a measure of rate of case growth.  If a country has a very large number of cases it can gain a very large number of cases and still be growing in a slow and controlled way.  China has more people and only 50 new cases yesterday and the two days before that, but because it only had 50 known active cases in the entire country to begin with that is hugely concerning and indicates we might be seeing a fresh outbreak in Beijing.  In the US cases have plateaued and are growing very slowly and new cases are 1/2 what they were a month and a half go, new deaths 1/3 of that.

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1 hour ago, theJ said:

Some areas are spiking, while others are declining.  Honestly the country is so large, with such a big population that's so spread out that it's hard to boil down a whole country to a single number.

Right, which is why we post all the state level detail too, places like Arizona are clearly not Tier 1.  But I will note:

- Hospitalizations continue to decline by about 10% a week over the full country, this is a better measure than cases because it is not impacted by testing, and the hospitalizations are really only spiking in a half dozen states

- Cases have hit a plateau but still are much lower than they were at the peak

- Deaths are 1/3 of what they were and are continuing to decline

- Positive test percentage the last few days has continued to decline and testing continues to expand

Its true we have real issues in a few states but the narrative that this is a full blown second wave is not accurate yet, the overall numbers have been OK, not great but OK, for now.

Edited by mission27
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7 hours ago, N4L said:

I haven't paid much attention to the mols but the fact the US is tier 1 with a score of 2 is laughable given the recent spikes in different areas 

Also hilarious you are tagging a Canadian poster and telling him what a great job Canada is doing literally every day while simultaneously talking about how Canada needs to open it's borders or else. Just lol 

tough day at the office?

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On 6/15/2020 at 7:40 AM, acowboys62 said:

Hope y’all lives are staring to get to back to a more “normal”. I know here in Nj people have effectively said F you to the powers that be and we might as well be open. Been seeing what a few of you mentioned a 100 pages ago, people are starting to not wear masks in stores even though they are required and I’m seeing employees not wearing them. This is petty and stupid and I hate the masks. On the flip side we were told we’d have killed everyone after Memorial Day so I get the frustration. 

It's amazing the difference in areas I see in this. I live in Richmond, VA. When I go to the grocery store, every employee has a mask on. I would say 90% of the people do. I visit my mom a lot lately because of her treatments for cancer. She lives in a smaller town near northern Virginia. I would say most of the employees wear masks, but only maybe half of the people are (even with the big giant signs out front saying they are required). I just don't get it. 

As to your last sentence, we were also told by the govt our max death expectancy was 100,000 so... I dunno. 

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4 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

As to your last sentence, we were also told by the govt our max death expectancy was 100,000 so... I dunno. 

I would suggest it might've been about that. Unfortunately the government can't be held accountable for low-IQ citizens. There's only so much they can do there. Even if they mandated everyone wear a mask or be fined (I'm 1000000% OK w/) for 3 weeks, you'd still find people who refuse b/c of "muh rights". I'm all about ones rights but drastic times call for drastic measures.

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12 hours ago, JoshstraDaymus said:


Honestly, miserable. I haven’t slept a full night in a few days, and I’ve been sleeping on the couch. It’s a little hard to breathe. At first I thought I was just retaining water in my chest due to heart failure but my test came back and that explains the breath shortness and the exhaustion. I threw up a few days ago, and I lost my voice, haven’t been able to talk since and my throat is hella sore

Sorry, broken record time.

Sleep on your front, side, or sitting up. Do the deep breathing exercises.

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It seems others have already posted all of the new news so all I have the daily updates.



Maybe free:


Beijing carries out mass testing as coronavirus spreads in the Chinese capital


Beijing has set about testing hundreds of thousands of people for the novel coronavirus in an exhaustive effort to stamp out a new eruption of the disease in the Chinese capital.

After dozens of cases were reported over the weekend, continuing into Monday, Chinese authorities mobilized almost 100,000 community workers to test everyone who has worked in or visited the Xinfadi market in the southwest of Beijing.


Xinfadi is the largest fruit, vegetable and meat market in the capital, which is home to about 21 million people, and supplies 70 percent of the city’s fresh vegetables and 80 percent of its fruit.

But after discovering more than 90 new infections linked to the market over the weekend, and 36 more being reported Monday, Beijing’s health authorities are taking military-style action to try to ensure the virus doesn’t spread further.


“These clustered cases are highly correlated with the Xinfadi agricultural wholesale market, which has a highly mobile crowd and poses great outbreak risks,” Vice Premier Sun Chunlan said at a State Council briefing, according to state media reports Monday. “We have to take firm action and resolute measures to effectively stop the epidemic from spreading,” she said.


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