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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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1 minute ago, Heimdallr said:

1) We aren't testing at nearly the rate China did

2) We don't have nearly the control over our population that China does

3) We have numerous leaders that want to prioritize the stock market over health

We are going to be on a much different timeline than China. 

People need to realize that without a vaccine, social distancing doesn't reduce the number of cases we will see. It only extends the timeline so we can better prepare and don't get hit all at once. Most people WILL get infected sometime in the next 12-18 months. The MN Governor explained it very well:


in re vaccine - if the treatment is successful enough this will also change the timeline significantly since we will be able to gain hospital capacity

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15 minutes ago, mission27 said:

November in China though is probably comparable to January in the US.  There were a few cases circulating but not widespread community transmission until a month or two later. 

January lockdowns in China are also about 2 months ahead of what we did in mid-March.

So based on that timeline I'd say we peak sometime in April and start to really get this under control in early to mid May.


China went into complete lockdown, though. We aren't going to the same extreme in even the states that are locking-down. On the plus side, we also didn't have livestock for sale on the streets, which is why Wuhan got his so damn hard. It's impossible to compare our situation to China's.


There are also reports that the virus is making a come back, and the Chinese gov't is trying to cover it up again. Hopefully that isn't true.

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6 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

How long are test turn around taking in your neck of the woods?  My wife and essentially half the hospital are waiting on results from an incident on Tuesday and then sent "rush" request tests today that they already said possibly next week.  Absolutely pathetic on the turnaround times.  I work in commercial real estate which I have always thought was archaic and ancient in how it functions, but healthcare right now (in my area of NJ at least) is looking awful. 

No clue, I’m not working inpatient any longer.

As far as the healthcare system, this is pretty unprecedented in modern times.  It’s not gonna run smoothly.

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22 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

2) We don't have nearly the control over our population that China does


People keep saying that, but what does that mean exactly?  Unless people in China were ordered to stay in their homes, and not even leave to get food, it seems that the results turn out the same.  People still leave to get food and other necessities, mingle, and pass it around.  Same as America.

I just can't imagine that they weren't given some ability to move around.  Otherwise we'd be hearing about the hundreds of thousands or millions that starved to death.

EDIT: also, you don't have to answer that yourself.  It's a phrase that's been parroted around in each of these three threads, so i suspect some are just saying it because others have.  But i'm genuinely curious.

Edited by theJ
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3 hours ago, Heimdallr said:


Bro, have you ever tried baking bread from scratch? It is TOUGH. I don't know why bread doesn't cost $20 per loaf. The reason men don't bake is because they are too stupid and impatient to pull it off.

Because machines do all the labor.

I just run my smoker a day.

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4 minutes ago, theJ said:

People keep saying that, but what does that mean exactly?  Unless people in China were ordered to stay in their homes, and not even leave to get food, it seems that the results turn out the same.  People still leave to get food and other necessities, mingle, and pass it around.  Same as America.

I just can't imagine that they weren't given some ability to move around.  Otherwise we'd be hearing about the hundreds of thousands or millions that starved to death.

EDIT: also, you don't have to answer that yourself.  It's a phrase that's been parroted around in each of these three threads, so i suspect some are just saying it because others have.  But i'm genuinely curious.

China deployed their military to Wuhan and told them to kill anyone leaving the area. That's not gonna fly in the States.

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12 minutes ago, theJ said:

People keep saying that, but what does that mean exactly?  Unless people in China were ordered to stay in their homes, and not even leave to get food, it seems that the results turn out the same.  People still leave to get food and other necessities, mingle, and pass it around.  Same as America.

I just can't imagine that they weren't given some ability to move around.  Otherwise we'd be hearing about the hundreds of thousands or millions that starved to death.

EDIT: also, you don't have to answer that yourself.  It's a phrase that's been parroted around in each of these three threads, so i suspect some are just saying it because others have.  But i'm genuinely curious.

I'm not posting this to endorse any news outlet, but as a way to answer your question. Donald McNeil pretty clearly outlines the drastic steps that the Chinese government has taken.



Edited by JDBrocks
Sorry, wrong clip!
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37 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I mean, that is the timeline that was the basis for the social distancing strategy and the timeline we've seen play out in the major hot spots

Italy is clearly stabilizing and the rate of infection is slowling dramatically 

We'll see what happens... if its not working we need to re-evaluate our approach.. .if it does work though it should work by May, if we arent coming out of it in May I think we're in deep trouble and need to consider alternatives 

Worst case scenario: we'll have to cycle through lockdowns until a vaccine is available. Lockdown for a month-> ease lockdowns for a month.  This will prevent hospitals from being overrun. This is assuming that we don't build immunities after first infection.

This doesn't seem to be the case. I just did some research on it. Apparently patients infected with SARS, which is of close relation to COVI-19 (comes from the same family, so to speak), will be immune to the virus for 8-10 years. From what I've read, immunity from COVID-19 will last at least 1-2 years, which should give us enough time to find a vaccine.


If this is the case, then we can sprinkle in workers who have already had the virus. This is where testing becomes vital because a lot of people don't show symptoms. If people do truly gain immunities, then we can test as many people as possible to see who has had the virus. People who test positive can go back to work after being isolated while those who test negative can stay isolated. This is how the virus will die. It will eventually run out of bodies to spread to, which is what keeps it alive.

Edited by WizeGuy
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33 minutes ago, Xenos said:

I Hope by May as well. Though I fear the need to "reopen" the economy by Easter will set us back.

Lucky for us Trump has no jurisdiction on what the states do , as far as quarantining. He can, however, cater to the states that listen to him. Politics is a dirty, dirty game...

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10 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

Lucky for us Trump has no jurisdiction on what the states do , as far as quarantining. He can, however, cater to the states that listen to him. Politics is a dirty, dirty game...

FYI - We're not doing politics in this thread, its been locked twice already and we'd rather keep this one rolling along
Thx for understanding

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4 minutes ago, TVScout said:

awesome news, cant wait to get one.  my wife and i think we already had it, would be dope if i could donate blood or something

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My wife has a lot of the symptoms this afternoon. Bollox.

Is there any point isolating her in another part of the house? Or should I expect that me and the kids will get it/already have it?

Fortunately we've been married a long while, so we're usually at least 2 metres apart anyway.

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1 minute ago, Mega Ron said:

My wife has a lot of the symptoms this afternoon. Bollox.

Is there any point isolating her in another part of the house? Or should I expect that me and the kids will get it/already have it?

Fortunately we've been married a long while, so we're usually at least 2 metres apart anyway.

still worth isolating, but prob expect that youre already infected

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