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Mafia Rules and Registration/Discussion Thread


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On 4/16/2020 at 1:04 AM, SwAg said:

Whenever you post something I don’t like, you have to watch that video you quoted.

I didn’t like this post.

3,2,3,4-4,2,3 AND These men are PAWNS! I put a price of 20,000 dirham on their heads. Next they will be hailed as the true messenger of GOD! They were just a couple of songwriters, who came to Ishtar, to break into show business. Easy boy, easy boy, easy boy, easy boy! What the hell's the matter with him is he blind?! Well yeah he is, bu-but he's in perfect condition. So how did they wind up on everyone's hit list? Your life is in danger. Behave normally we have guns pointed at your back. No don't put your hands up you idiot! Oh little darlin'. My little darlin'. I can't believe these men may control the fate of the Middle East. Oh where, ar-are you? Do it! Ayiyiyiyiyiyi schmechahii buttahotsfayaaah! This is unbelievable. HOOPA HOOPA HOOPA Kno-ow well-a. That my love-a Are the two American messengers of god dead yet? Is this the oasis? Does this look like an oasis to you? Yeah look at the birds! Are those vultures? YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH Wa-as just fo-or you He's aiming at us! Would you stop being paranoid! Run schmuck, they're trying to kill us! Warren Beatty. Dustin Hoffman. Isabelle Adjani. Your girl? How did she get to be your girl? ONLY YOU! I think they're wonderful! Ishtar: Written and directed by Elaine May Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha this is some of our best work!

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1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

Already have a 'burn notice' game as a platform. Just need to make it silly.

I know y’all motherlovers ain’t moving in on my turf, I done already laid claim to seasonal installments.  If I gotta tell y’all one more again, imma give a hurtin

Season 2 is also ready to be added to the list since it was added in the spur of the moment after the last theme was announced. @The Orca

Edited by SwAg
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On 4/2/2020 at 11:35 PM, The Orca said:

21. @SwAg Burn Notice Season 2 Mafia: Orca still cant die 


4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I know y’all motherlovers ain’t moving in on my turf, I done already laid claim to seasonal installments.  If I gotta tell y’all one more again, imma give a hurtin

Season 2 is also ready to be added to the list since it was added in the spur of the moment after the last theme was announced. @The Orca

Added it 

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44 minutes ago, Whicker said:

It feels like the move has really hurt activity


17 minutes ago, daboyle250 said:

That and the draft probably

combo of both IMO.  

I am not sure why moving the game to get different forums more active then involves a more complex version of a mafia game.   Seems backwards to me.  

My thoughts would be to do a TAST game that is the full flavor and multi- roles that are more complex.   The down time element should be for a more basic straight forward set up with cleaner roles and less hidden/complex aspects.  

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27 minutes ago, squire12 said:


combo of both IMO.  

I am not sure why moving the game to get different forums more active then involves a more complex version of a mafia game.   Seems backwards to me.  

My thoughts would be to do a TAST game that is the full flavor and multi- roles that are more complex.   The down time element should be for a more basic straight forward set up with cleaner roles and less hidden/complex aspects.  

I agree.

I think if we were able to reskin the OW Mafia 2.0 (shameless promotion for my game idea, I know) with football players of the relevant team, that would be a good way to promote the game in subforums. Newer players would be free to ask about roles. There'd be no confusing gambits, and people would have a chance to play as a player or character that they liked. Also a draft style might be intuitive for a fantasy website, and I've had multiple people ask for me to make another one.

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