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Australian Survivor!! Now - Tribal!! Final!! Congratulations to our Sole Survivor - Outpost31!!

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here come the results

i do have to say that as ET was late to clarify his answer the other day (ie clarified it past the deadline for that phase), his point is awarded to 2T1T. we're going in to this tied at one all with nine stories on each tribe live

tribe 2twins1tribe

  1. @swoosh
  2. @The Orca
  3. @Pickle Rick
  4. @Malfatron
  5. @MookieMonstah
  6. @daboyle250
  7. @Outpost31
  8. @gopherwrestler
  9. @TLO
  10. @FinneasGage
  11. @mission27

tribe death to swooshy

  1. @Matts4313
  2. @TedLavie
  3. @Wyld Stallyns
  4. @theuntouchable
  5. @JoshstraDaymus
  6. @Ragnarok
  7. @bcb1213
  8. @MWil23
  9. @ET80
  10. @SwAg

apologies for the late results, i'm down the coast with no wifi; i'll put the results up in one big post.

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2T1T has put in true for every first story. D2S has put in false for every second story. let's run through all the true stories:

On 6/23/2020 at 10:40 AM, Shady Slim said:

the stories for 2T1T


1. One time I was at a Christian Bible camp in Montana. There were about 50 cabins, but not all of them were occupied and there were about 200-300 kids at the camp. One side was girls, the other side was boys. There was a moose one night right in the middle of the cabins. It was cool. Anyway, the cabins weren’t in the best shape. They had like a whole big restroom area with showers and 4 or 5 stalls and urinals. One of the sinks must have been too close to some wiring or something because when you touched the faucet it would give you a shock. It wasn’t a light shock, it was a good shock. You felt it. It was the shock like when you lightly bite on your two pinky fingers for 30 seconds and then interlock them and then pull. That kind of shock. Naturally, all the kids in the cabin thought it was the greatest thing ever so it became a game. One kid filled up the sink with water and then when you touched the water it gave you a shock. It soon descended into a dare game. How long could you hold your finger in there? Then it got worse. Someone put their nose in it. Then their whole hand. We were running out of appendages until someone suggested someone put their penis in. The room went dead silent. Then a couple chuckles. Then outright laughter. Nobody would do it. I knew it was my time to shine. But someone beat me to it. They would do it. They walked up, everyone watching (from behind), but he took too long and chickened out. That’s when I told everyone to clear the room, I was going in. Long story short, I did it. I put it into the sink, but nothing happened. My penis is either impervious to electric shock or for some reason I was protected by God.


1. I visited Ireland. While there I ended up joining a Bachelor Party with the two girls in I was hanging with in our tour group. The night was straight out of the hangover. They got us into this secret nightclub that was under a normal restaurant, completely underground. A lot of...interesting things took place and I woke up in our hotel room with an odd assortment of people with very little recollection of what took place that night.


1. i went with my girlfriend to a state park and we stayed after night and got followed by a bear. We managed to escape, but she moved back to Equador shortly after


(2) in thailand, i got drunk and ended up in a boxing ring going against a conor mcgregor lookalike from ireland. i suffered a concussion, but was rewarded with free booze.


Story 2: My brother and I was out on a beach on Padre Island helping another grad student collect data for his Master's Thesis. We were pretty far down the shore, so much so that we had not seen another person for what seemed like hours. It was hot as hell, as this was in August and we were way down in southern Texas. The heat index had to be reaching 115, easily. After a few hours of working, we saw a man from off in the distance walking towards us, he was walking south and was all by himself. It took the man a while to reach us but he finally did. He stopped to talk to us for a little bit. The man had a backpack on but didnt look to be prepared to be out on the island all by himself with very little supplies in the dreaded Texas heat. We asked him what he was doing all the way down here away from everything. He said that he was getting away from society and all of the chaos that it brings. We asked him if he had supplies and other things and he said he was all good. Then we noticed he had no water with him, we asked him if he would like any water, his response startled us, he told us he had been walking for almost a month and hadn't had any water. He went on a short lecture about how our bodies are mostly water so we dont need to add water to it and the water people drink is actually poison. Soon after finishing his lecture on not needing water we wished him luck and he continued on his way further south and into no man's land with only a backpack, no tent or shelter and no water.


Story 2: In college one Spring Break, my brother, a friend, and myself had the bright idea to go storm chasing. We had the whole week planned out. We rented a car and packed up for an adventure. Once we get to our first destination we came to the annoying realization that the weather that week wasnt going to cooperate. As such we had a contingency plan already in place. We kept driving out west and were going to go site seeing to national parks and some other select locations. I was driving to Flagstaff one day. About 60 miles outside of Flagstaff I was just cruising enjoying the drive. I look up and a cop passes me going the other way, I start getting more alert. I look in the rearview mirror and start screaming "****, ****, ****!!!". My brother starts asking me what is wrong and our friend who is in the back seat looks puzzled. I start freaking out and tell them the cop slammed on the breaks and turned around when it had an opening. My brother and our friend flip around in their seats and start looking behind me at this point. There was a pretty long line of cars behind me and coming the other way.

They tell me they see nothing and no cop. About every 5 min, or whenever there was an opening for the cop, I could see him getting into the oncoming lane to pass a vehicle, headed my way. I'm freaking out and losing it, asking them what I should do. After about 30 minutes they were thinking I was crazy because they hadnt seen the cop, then they saw the cop finally. They kept telling me it's fine, while I kept freaking out. Then my brother asked me why would the cop even be pulling me over. I told him, no idea, but I was going 100 MPH when I first saw him. At this point my brother and friend are having a blast laughing their *** off. At the 45 minute mark, roughly 60 miles since the cop first turned on his lights and turned around, the cop is 2 cars behind me. I'm freaking out cause this cop has been following me for 60 freaking miles with his lights on and there are only 2 cars between me and him. He had to be coming for me. I look in the rear view mirror and see the cop get over to pass a car again and I'm losing it. We are almost into Flagstaff at this point. There is no where to turn or get off the road. It's just a straight freaking road. I'm basically having a heart attack at this point. I look up again and see the cops lights going and a siren now, then I see the car behind me pull off to the side. The cop pulls over behind the car as well. The car behind me looked almost identical to mine, so I was still freaking out, I floor it and get into Flagstaff. Pull over at a restaurant and toss the keys in the air and tell them I'm done. They were still laughing, for almost an hour straight at that point.


2. Last year, I was in attendance for WWE Wrestlemania at Metlife Stadium in New Jersey. After the event ended I was stranded alongside thousands of other fans in the rain for over two hours who were all trying to get back to NYC as NJ transit ended up being overwhelmed by the number of passengers and the trains came far and few between. Unfortunately, I had a train ticket that was scheduled to take me back home, departing at 3:15AM. I had planned it out so I can take the train back to the hotel, take a shower, check out, and wait for my train. With only forty minutes left, my train finally arrives and takes me back to Penn Station. In the time between the end of the show and the train arriving, I failed to go to the bathroom, as going would lose my spot in line for the trains so I really needed to go. Luckily not too long after, I found myself arriving at Penn Station with roughly 20 minutes left before my train home departs. I sprinted as fast as I could to my hotel, despite the pressing need to pee. When I got into my hotel room, I immediately slammed open the bathroom door to get in and finally pee. However, the bathroom door collided with the hotel room door and I ended up smashing three of my fingers. Despite the pain, I was able to pee an Austin Powers-esque amount of pee and stuffed all my clothes into my backpack, check out, and get back to Penn Station and my train with less than 5 minutes to go before departing.


(1) I just built a new house, house was vandalized by looters before It was finished. Delayed process by a couple months.


(2) One time TLO and I were at a bar in LA with this rocket scientist. We met a guy with a spray painted porch SUV who works in video production. TLO me and the rocket scientist convinced him we run a CBD cheese stick company out of Vermont and got invited to a party in Hollywood. We met one of the Kardashians there and then TLO and I ate too many pancakes and vomited in the back of said Porsche.


so they have 5+1=6

On 6/23/2020 at 10:50 AM, Shady Slim said:

the stories for D2S


2: I got into a fight with a professional wrestler at a bar


Story 2: I once went on a business trip to NYC. I stayed at the waldorf astoria. I got super drunk and ended up at a bar sitting next to Amy Schumer.


Story 1: Faith Hill used to babysit me before she was famous.


Story 1: I was a catcher for a future MLB all star


Story 2: I once made a 600 foot slip and slide going down my grandmothers hill, and in the process of going down said slip and slide, my speedo tore off in front of dozens of people.


Story 2: I graduated at least magna *** laude from three top-35 universities in the United States. 


Story #1 I met Herman Moore at an autograph event when I was 8 years old. I told him his ears looked like they could take wind and carry him away.


Story 1: I was pulled over for running a red light after leaving a bar while heading to Taco Bell. I mixed up how far away I was from the bar and used a friends house as my point of origin. Hadn’t even passed his house yet. The officer asked for the IDs of the occupants of my car and after reading my friends name back to dispatch the dispatcher told the officer we were good to go. He asked me twice if I was good to drive before letting me continue on.


Story 1 I once became almost by accident a kop leader on a French cup final (soccer), hence leading a crowd of thousands singing and cheering

well would you look at that - we have another tie!! 

we go to the tiebreaker; fool shady is the name of the game. i will not enter your discords between now and tomorrow from this point forward.

both tribes have 22 hours, so they have until 8PM EST, to do either a true story or a lie, for one of their tribe members. only has to be one.. it has to be at least 1000 words in its length and must get posted in the thread by the deadline. also post in your discord if it is a true story or a lie. once you have posted it in the thread i will guess to you by pm if it is true or a lie; if i get yours wrong and the other tribe's right, you are the winner. if it is a tie, the winner is by submission time, so whoever gets their story in the thread first, it's like the fastest finger. the reason i want you to put in your discord whether the story is true or a lie (and this has to be in at the same time as your story - else you haven't submitted) is so i can verify the answer you give, whether true or a lie.

so just to recap

-you need to have a thousand word story (minimum of a thousand), just one, that happened to one of your tribe members (or didn't if it's a lie)

-come up with it in discord, post it in the thread.

-also put in your discord in your moves tab if it's true or if it's a lie (i will not look)

-once it is in the thread i will guess if it is true or false

-fool me and you win. if you both fool me, or neither of you do - submission deadline is the tiebreaker

-therefore if you're first in and you fool me you win automatically

the deadline is saturday EST 8PM.

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I was never that close to my paternal side of my family growing up, so I was ecstatic to be going to see my dads family in Maryland for a huge family reunion for the first time ever. My mom was hesitant to let me go because my dad has a history of being somewhat unreliable and who knows what could happen, this was our first time going across state lines together since we were all a family when I was very young.

Leading up to it, my dad was working on getting his life back together some, and he got himself a job and had access to a car. It should be noted this car didn’t belong to him or his wife, but his mistress. I swear this is important. 

Prior to the day we left, I had just gotten some money and was so excited to go see them all and get to know the family I didn’t know, and I had spent tons of money on brand new clothes and YuGiOh cards to show to my cousins who were about the same age as I was at the time. Granted I didn’t know if it was something they were into but I was, so I figured as much.

I stayed at my dads house that night, I was unable to sleep, I was so excited. I’ve often dealt with an identity crisis not being able to properly identify with one half as I am a biracial man.

The morning comes, and we leave his mistress’s home to go get my stepmother. I wish it was just the two of us, because she as a woman was insufferable. She’s dramatic even to this day and I cannot stand her. She’s a truly foul person.

I remember the day like it was yesterday, it was raining while we were on Route 30 between Lancaster and York PA, and it only worsened when we got onto interstate 83 going south toward Baltimore. My fathers family is pretty much all inside the Washington DC area and to a person my age, the trip takes forever even in good weather conditions.

About half way through the trip, the windshield wiper falls off inexplicably. It’s a pouring heavy rain, and visibility was at an absolute minimum, couldn’t see a thing. My stepmom asked my dad to turn back around, but we were in the middle of a storm, turning around would do nothing. He said we could find the nearest motel and stay there for the night and continue the next day if it came down to it, but he got off on exits looking for an auto parts store. At various parts of the time on the highway he would get out and wipe off the windshield. For people who aren’t familiar, our trip shouldn’t have been more than about 2 hours. At this juncture between the stopping and the rain and everything we were approaching 4 or so. I was miserable and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, my hands were below my mouth, I was hunched over and my ears were ringing. I didn’t quite realize it right away, but I looked and my hands were completely red. I had a full pool of blood in my hands. Scared, I screamed out, or tried to. I heard my dads voice frantically screaming “Joshua!” and I was completely confused. I couldn’t see anyone. I passed out from pain.

The door of the car I was inside was ripped off, and I was rescued by paramedics. I came to slightly as the heavy rain was drizzling on my face. I remember trying to speak again, to no avail. At that point one of the paramedics said “Just use your fingers to signal to us, your jaw is completely broken”

Covered in blood, new clothes and things destroyed , I was found pinned next to a suitcase inside the car prior to them moving me to the EMT and speeding toward Sinai hospital.

I would go in and out of consciousness for the next few hours, with doctors in the ER trying to make sure they slowed down my blood loss and keep me somewhat comfortable. 

When I came to once most notably, I had thrown up all over some medical equipment and was hearing a very loud argument in the room near me.

My mom had driven down with my grandma in a panic, and got to the hospital. My parents have a rough relationship and my grandma has a way of instilling the fear of god into people. After they barked at each other for awhile, my dads friend came from PA and picked him up, and took him back. He left me in the hospital.

For the next few days, I would be poked and prodded and then taken for oral surgery. I was woken up early for surgery on the Saturday prior to Easter and wheeled down to the operating room. I looked at my family as I was taken in and the next thing I knew I was gassed and wouldn’t wake up for several hours.

My doctor came to me and explained everything that happened, and I was devastated. Not being able to y’all or sing is a truly devastating prognosis for me. I was in choir at church youth group, chorus in school, and I also played the saxophone. With my jaw wired shut I was unable to do any of that.

The next day, I was discharged. On the way out my mom asked me if I was prepared to see myself for the first time since the accident. I said no, but on the way out I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I didn’t recognize me, my face was massively swollen and in pain, my lips plumped up far past it’s normal sizing. I broke down.

I would have my jaw wired shut for 8 weeks, and was too embarrassed to go to school for about 3 of those weeks.

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