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Covid19 Megathread: Titans Shutting Down Facilities Due to Many (8) Positive Tests


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4 minutes ago, TwoToneBlue said:

He corrected his tweet. 

Shane Bowen, our LB coach/sorta DC was the one who tested positive. He did not travel with the team and no players tested positive from the regular pre-game Covid tests from the league. 

If someone has a source to the answer, I’m wondering if there is any data on how long it takes to test positive after being in contact with someone who is Covid positive? I assume tests are positive prior to onset of symptoms. If we know that it takes longer, the league really should not have allowed this game to go on. 

i may be mistaken on this, but i believe with the rapid tests they use, there’s a period of a couple days right after infection where the viral load might not be high enough to register with the test. that’s the tradeoff between the quick saliva tests and the nose swab PCR tests- you get much quicker results but less sensitivity. it really feels like a glaring issue with league protocols where they just crossed their fingers and hoped for the best. the game shouldn’t have been allowed to continue.

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4 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

So do the Titans' players have it or not? I'm confused at this point.

3 players and 5 staff members have tested positive since the game. they likely had it before the game but testing didn’t catch it for the reasons i mentioned above.

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4 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

So what's the deal with the OLB coach? Was he the "patient zero" in this case?

that’s what it seems like. he tested positive before the game and didn’t travel with the team. what’s confusing about this whole thing is why a positive test in an organization doesn’t immediately shut down the game. it should be common knowledge that rapid tests might not catch spread of the infection that early on.

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Really wish the media would learn the nomenclature. They didn''t "test positive for Covid", they tested positive for the virus designated Sars-Cov-2 (or a piece of RNA there of). Covid19 is "Coronavirus Disease 2019", a set of clinical symptoms associated with the virus. You can't be tested for that, it's just a syndrome of connected symptoms.

If you have a positive test - assuming you're not one of the false positives, which can be caused by myriad factors - then you have (or have had at some point in the past) come into contact with the virus (or possibly one of the other coronaviruses, it's not a good test). You don't have "Covid" unless and until you display the symptoms - which most people won't (asymptomatic in anything up to 80% of cases).

The media conflating asymptomatic carriers with people who actually have a disease has caused so much unnecessary confusion and fear during this whole ordeal.

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16 minutes ago, RUGmen said:

And do they have any symptoms? Let’s thank the media for blowing up everything whenever there is a case somewhere.

I’m still convinced these tests are totally inaccurate which have been proven countless of times.

Absolutely right.  They are talking about all the new positive tests, but what they aren't mentioning is that they are doing about 18x as many tests as they were doing in March.  That being the case, of course there are going to be more positive tests.

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i get how players could get infected - they obviously don't have to wear masks while playing so they're more vulnerable. but the fact that five staff from from a team tested positive just shows to me that they must not be wearing masks in meetings/indoors/etc. 

transmission rates are close to zero when everyone wears a mask and tries to social distance. it seems so careless to risk so much for the slight inconvenience of wearing a mask at work.

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Still better to be safe than sorry though. Let's just hope that everyone is healthy and there is too much fallout from this. They handled the Terrell instance very well so let's hope Tennessee did w/ this. The fact that the coaching seemingly didn't travel is a big step in the right direction. 

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5 minutes ago, whitehops said:

transmission rates are close to zero when everyone wears a mask and tries to social distance. it seems so careless to risk so much for the slight inconvenience of wearing a mask at work.

Yea there's really no evidence to support this claim.

There's some talk about rescheduling the game. In the possible scenario the Steelers would play the Titans in week 7 and Baltimore in week 8. Baltimore would get their bye in week 7 before the Steelers, Steelers would have three straight road games and have their bye at the most useless point in the season (week 4).

That hardly seems fair to me as a Steelers fan.

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