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Death Note Mafia - TKN Edition (Kira and Sakura TV wins!)


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1 minute ago, swoosh said:

Has there been? I thought it was only untouch. Regardless, the murderer can't be me. It can't be buff. Who could it be if it's not you?


On 1/20/2021 at 10:34 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

The officers facing the Task Force were getting complacent after the quiet night prior. But despite being empty handed the first two nights, a lot of blood was spilled as most of the officers slept.

Firstly, there were two victims of inexplicable heart attacks last night. Alarmingly, both were prominent figures from Wammy's house. The first was Wammy, aka Watari hismelf, @JoshstraDaymus. He was Task Force aligned. The second was L's most likely successor @The Orca, aka Near, SPK aligned. An unpenetrated bullet-proof vest was found on his body.

But there were even more deaths to more conventional murder methods - specifically, a lethal gunshot. @kingseanjohn, aka a Civilian named Aiber, was the first of such victims. Thankfully, the night got a little brighter for the fate of the world as the second two victims were among the Task Force's and SPK's most wanted. Firstly, @Blue, aka Kiyomi Takada, Kira aligned, better known as the "Voice of Kira" on TV was ended with a gunshot to the temple. Secondly, @SwAg, Near's greatest rival and the SPK's nemesis, Mello who was, of course, Mello aligned was also killed via gunshot. Oddly, the Death Note that intelligence claimed was in his possession was not at the site of his corpse....

After a mixed and very bloody night, and both of L's successors now dead, how will the Task Force and SPK respond to handle any additional threats?

Sakura TV's headline this evening was:

"malf is not task force"



  Reveal hidden contents

@JoshstraDaymus was:


"I'm a little curious as to why you're withholding this information." - Watari

You are aligned with the Task Force: Eliminate all threats facing the Task Force. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. The SPK (including Mello) is allied with the Task Force and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Passive powers are always active, and Day actions are instead used during the day.)

  • Bestow Ice Cream: Once per night, target another player. That player will be given the ability to either use a single night action twice or use two separate night actions (if they have one). Additionally, that player will be able to ignore all restrictions that would prevent them from using abilities that night (for instance, being out of X-shots, a cooldown, odd/even night restrictions, etc). You cannot use this ability on that player again this game.
  • Bestow Arms: Once per game, at night, you may target another player to give them a gun and a bullet-proof vest.
  • L's Heirs (PASSIVE): If L dies at any point, and you're still alive, all reports L received throughout the game are sent to both Near and Mello if one or both are alive.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active, and need not be used.)

  • none!

@The Orcawas:

Department Head

"If you can't win the game, if you can't solve the puzzle, you're nothing but a loser." - Near

You are aligned with the SPK: Eliminate all threats facing the SPK, including Mello. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. The Task Force is allied with the SPK and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Passive powers are always active, and Day actions are instead used during the day.)

  • Connect the Dots: Twice per game, at night, target another player to get a report on a random player aligned with that player.
  • Sense Motive: Once per game, at night, target a player and a statement they made in a post to discover whether they likely believed what they said, or not.
  • Jail: Once per game, at night, target a player. That player is roleblocked, and all other abilities targeting that player during the night will fail.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active, and need not be used.)

  • Bullet-Proof Vest (PASSIVE): Protects the wearer against a single attack before breaking. Does not protect the wearer from being lynched.



"Well... this might seem like a little bit sudden, but I'd like to be honest with you." - Aiber

You are aligned as a Civilian: You must survive until the game's end. You are not a threat to either the Task Force or SPK.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Passive powers are always active, and Day actions are instead used during the day.)

  • Con: Once per night, you can reroute target player's actions (both their role ability and any item they're using) to another target player. You can't reroute a player twice in the same game.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active, and need not be used.)

  • none!


Kiyomi Takada

"You're the only man I've ever actually admired... and now to find out that you're Kira... it's too amazing for words!" - Kiyomi Takada

You are aligned with Kira: Those loyal to Kira must outnumber all other living players (excluding Neutral-aligned players).

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Passive powers are always active, and Day actions are instead used during the day.)

  • Investigative Reporting: Once per night, target a player to receive a report on their alignment and win condition. The second time you use this ability on the same player, all abilities that player has will be revealed to you. The third time you use this ability on the same player, their character name will be revealed to you.
  • Kira's Influence: Once per game, at night, target another player. If that player is Sakura TV, Civilian, or Murderer aligned, they are converted to the Kira alignment and join your faction's chat. You do not get another attempt at this if you use it on an ineligible target.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active, and need not be used.)

  • none!



"I'm not a tool for you to use to solve your puzzles!" - Mello

You are aligned with Mello: You win if and only if the SPK wins while Mello is still alive, and count as SPK for this purpose. However, SPK-aligned players lose if Mello is still alive when that happens.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Passive powers are always active, and Day actions are instead used during the day.)

  • Kidnap: Once per night, target a player. That player is roleblocked. If anyone visits you during the night that isn't aligned with you, or you are lynched the following day, that player is killed. If that player survives, you cannot use this ability the following night.
  • Investigative Gambit: Twice per game, at night, target 5 other players. If any targets cannot be reached for whatever reason, others are chosen randomly to bring the total to 5 (you are told who the randoms are). You receive a report containing the number of distinct alignments among the five players, and the ratio of players per alignment (you do NOT learn what these alignments are). When the number of other players in the game is 5 or less, this ability targets all other players.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active, and need not be used.)

  • Death Note: See below image for details about all of the powers of this item.


Day 2 ends Thursday at 9 PM ET.

3 in one night

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1 hour ago, Counselor said:

This sarcasm is why the Bills lose today

It was not sarcasm, and I'm hurt

I'm saying that its helpful because I walked away from the post-night thinking you two were confirming each other via your radios or whatever

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Just now, Counselor said:

So Death Notes are items as shown in the autopsy. So Swoosh did not use one last night and Buff did not use one the night before. 


@Pickle Rick you got about an hour to come up with an explanation on why I shouldn't lock on Daboyle.

After that, I'm getting drunk and watching football. Maybe order some wings. Let's get it. 

Go Bills. 

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50 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

@Tk3 I'm going swoosh, unless you feel bbb is the better options.  

I'm guessing now 

TK - tf
Pickle Rick - tf
Counselor - spk
Gopher - spk
Forge - sikura tv
Daboyle - kira
Swoosh - kira
Bigbadbuff - murderer
Whicker - fbi/yotuba or whatever 

This is PRETTY close to my current beliefs

Although I believe Daboyle is actually Yotsuba, which is aligned with Daniel, per Squire

For me it's this order

  1. Daboyle(Yotsuba)/BBB(Kira or murderer)
  2. Daboyle(Yotsuba)/BBB(Kira or murderer)
  3. Swoosh (probably Kira or murderer, possibly Task Force, although that would really cast doubts on the next two)
  4. Whicker/Gopher (hopefully we don't even get to this point of having to doubt either of them)
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