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So far this year, I've been to 6 new restaurants, 2 with my parents, sister, niece and nephew for breakfast.  I'm ahead of my goal of one new restaurant a month.  I'm sure my nephew and I will try a new place at some point this month. 

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On 5/3/2024 at 7:19 AM, naptownskinsfan said:

It kinda does.  The forum software, Invision, is set to scale to the device you are using.  I know you’re more referring to an app that gives you notifications, but I am not sure those exist for forums sadly. 

Bummer! I'll bookmark it on the tablet & phone..  :) 

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It’s time now to give my son The Talk and I feel like my blood pressure is going to go through the roof. Any dads on here able to give me any tips? 

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2 hours ago, Ty21 said:

It’s time now to give my son The Talk and I feel like my blood pressure is going to go through the roof. Any dads on here able to give me any tips? 

You only get one special sock and are responsible for cleaning it

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7 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

You only get one special sock and are responsible for cleaning it

It was a good idea to ask here 😂 I ended up immediately talking w him and explaining that it was normal and explained the base stuff. He’s only ten so I didn’t want to get too in depth. Just covered succubi and gonorrhea 

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3 hours ago, Ty21 said:

It’s time now to give my son The Talk and I feel like my blood pressure is going to go through the roof. Any dads on here able to give me any tips? 

Youll be good. It's more awkward for him than you most likely. It's just something that needs to be gone over, let him know if he has any man questions that you won't make fun of him and everything is totally cool fidential between you. No question is dumb, worrying about something but not asking you is the dumb thing.

My son and I have had a few drives where he asked a ton of questions. Now if he has anything It's easy for him to ask.

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51 minutes ago, Ty21 said:

It was a good idea to ask here 😂 I ended up immediately talking w him and explaining that it was normal and explained the base stuff. He’s only ten so I didn’t want to get too in depth. Just covered succubi and gonorrhea 

As long as the bases are covered. 😆

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5 hours ago, Malfatron said:

You only get one special sock and are responsible for cleaning it

i had like 20 under my bed and one day i came home to my mom under my bed pulling all of them out and that was probably a top 25 "i'm doomed" moment i've had 

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16 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

i had like 20 under my bed and one day i came home to my mom under my bed pulling all of them out and that was probably a top 25 "i'm doomed" moment i've had 


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Appraisal on the house we are under contract to buy came in 18k under the contract purchase price. There's a review on appraisal going on right now and they did find discrepancies, both favorable and unfavorable, so so we'll see what happens on Monday.

I'm really hoping it comes up just a bit after review, maybe another 5k, and we can find a happy medium and be done with it. Sellers are obviously upset it came in low, and so are we since we don't want to have to cover that difference, but we're doing our best to work around it and make this work. 

It's all I've been able to think about lately.

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Posted (edited)

So no one probably cares about this or thinks it's as nuts as I do, but Sperm Whales, which everyone knows mostly eat giant squids and colossal squids in the deep oceans, are hard to observe hunting, if not downright impossible.  The darkness and immense pressure of the areas they hunt squids in makes it impossible to film.  It's long been wondered how exactly they hunt, since their teeth are conical, not useful for gripping prey, and it doesn't appear likely that they can suction feed either.

But, scientists have been tagging them for a while, and have found out that when they dive, they kind of just sit still in a single area for long periods of time.  This has led to the conclusion that the sperm whale, maybe the largest carnivorous/macropredatory animal to ever live (pending reliable size estimates and confirmation of feeding behaviors of perucetus and ichthyotitan), is an ambush predator.

So sperm whales just dive down to the super dark areas of the ocean, where a 65 ft giant animal can actually hide, and wait for a giant squid to swim by, and then they just come up and just gobble it up by being bigger and faster.  That's insane.

Edited by Daniel
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almost every time i get home, my neighbor is in his truck listening to music. he always says something ridiculous as i'm getting out. like "another day down for the champion" while pointing and winking is what he did today lol. i always just go dap him up and tell him something real brief like you're the best guy in town and then go inside. almost every day since like january that's the only kind of communication we ever have. thinking about how important he is to my functioning at this point. 

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