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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

If you write anything that includes a comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated without considering when the vaccinated group got their shot, everything you note in terms of case transmission will be skewed. I'd consider the timing of vaccination a more important covariate than all of the bolded reasons the spread might be higher.

That is true, NFL isn't requiring boosters yet

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2 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:
1 hour ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

they get angry and come at you from all different directions w/o even thinking lol.

There are usually a great deal of thought put into posts in this thread, with sources and data to back them up.

Correct me if I'm wrong @BobbyPhil1781, but I don't think you're speaking solely about this thread, correct?

I've met some people who are completely uninformed on a LOT of COVID things in the crowd he's speaking of tbh.

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6 hours ago, WizeGuy said:

So because your mom is masking up in public- that means more unvaccinated people are?  My buddy's unvaccinated, and has been living life normal since everything opened up. 

Also, I know nurses whose husbands will never get the vaccine. They live in counties that are way less vaccinated than my county. I hear all the time how they're out at bars, and that they'll never wear masks again. NY just mandated masking again- guess what county said they wouldn't follow the mandate? I'll give you 3 guesses.

This isn't to say that vaccinated people don't spread it. Biologically- they're less likely to since they're less likely to be infected and clear the virus quicker. But to think unvaccinated people are doing everything in their power to stop transmission is misguided. Many people, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, are taking risks now. You want to minimize your chances of catching the virus and dying- then get vaccinated. It's for the good of your community, and I'll tell you why...

Here's a tidbit of information for you to think about- I work at a hospital in upstate NY. We recently had to shutdown elective cases again because our hospital is swamped. 80% of our ICU is unvaccinated patients. If those people had taken the vaccine, then we wouldn't have shutdown elective cases. Elective cases being shutdown is detrimental to our community. That's on the shoulders of the unvaccinated. The data doesn't lie, and this is straight from my health directors mouth, so there's no media bias in those stats.

But, I don't despise them. Yesterday I witnessed a pregnant woman who is on ECMO. She's likely not going to survive. It hit me really hard because I have a two year old. Odds are- she's unvaccinated. I don't despise her- I feel really ******* sad for everyone involved. 


I'm guessing one of them is Rentler County as I used to call it. Many places in Albany County are like what you described. Even the idiots with money in Saratoga county.


best advice I can give you is move out of that hell hole of a state.

Edited by BullsandBroncos
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I respect the challenges mods must be facign around off-topic conversations - but surely there has to be somewhere we can talk about Baker Mayfield and how his positive test impacts the Browns/Raiders game. Can someone reopen the Browns thread in news? @TheKillerNacho

And frankly, can't we just start temp banning the consistent offenders instead of shutting down meaningful threads?

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45 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

There are usually a great deal of thought put into posts in this thread, with sources and data to back them up. 

Some posts, absolutely. Shane, Rams, and Wize are fantastic resources for information. They have helped me understand quite a bit. Then you have your brown-nosers and egotistical dbags who clog it up w/ nonsense. That causes me to clog it up w/ more resources just so no one thinks I'm blame-free lol.

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43 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong @BobbyPhil1781, but I don't think you're speaking solely about this thread, correct?

I've met some people who are completely uninformed on a LOT of COVID things in the crowd he's speaking of tbh.

You're correct. This goes back to a discussion I accidentally started a little bit ago that got this thread locked b/c people want to point fingers so I'll refrain from adding more :)

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8 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I respect the challenges mods must be facign around off-topic conversations - but surely there has to be somewhere we can talk about Baker Mayfield and how his positive test impacts the Browns/Raiders game. Can someone reopen the Browns thread in news? @TheKillerNacho

And frankly, can't we just start temp banning the consistent offenders instead of shutting down meaningful threads?

I'm really worried the season is going to get derailed due to COVID. London is getting CREAMED (cases wises) by Omicron right now. It'll be the most prevalent variant soon enough. Just in time for the playoffs. The NFL is going to have to tighten ship if they want to prevent major outbreaks. 


12 minutes ago, BullsandBroncos said:

I'm guessing one of them is Rentler County as I used to call it. Many places in Albany County are like what you described. Even the idiots with money in Saratoga county.


best advice I can give you is move out of that hell hole of a state.

Aw man, I love NY, though. I could never move out of this state. So many beautiful areas that are such short drives away!

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8 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I respect the challenges mods must be facign around off-topic conversations - but surely there has to be somewhere we can talk about Baker Mayfield and how his positive test impacts the Browns/Raiders game. Can someone reopen the Browns thread in news? @TheKillerNacho

I'll defer to @TheKillerNacho but it's critical that people talk about it and not about their thoughts on vaccines, variants and things of that ilk.

If that does not happen, we lock the thread - period, end of story.

10 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

And frankly, can't we just start temp banning the consistent offenders instead of shutting down meaningful threads?

I'd love that idea, but I can't really make that happen...

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12 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I respect the challenges mods must be facign around off-topic conversations - but surely there has to be somewhere we can talk about Baker Mayfield and how his positive test impacts the Browns/Raiders game. Can someone reopen the Browns thread in news? @TheKillerNacho

And frankly, can't we just start temp banning the consistent offenders instead of shutting down meaningful threads?

It will just get derailed into non-football discussion which is what this thread is for. The MODs do have a challenge in keeping everything related to the sub-forum everything is posted in but ultimately, the general public has a hard time following instructions so here we are lol. You can talk about Baker here. I think the Raiders might actually win another game this season as a result of this outbreak. I had them done for the season prior to getting this news.

Edited by BobbyPhil1781
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55 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

I'm no scientist, but my logic tells me that a dominant strain that is far less severe is obviously preferable, correct?

Depends on what the ratio is, really. If it's 8X as transmissible but only half as deadly, then we're in deep doo-doo. I'm just pulling numbers out of thin air to make a point. 

Omicron worries me because my hospital is already feeling this surge. We've stopped elective cases already. It's becoming clear that Omicron is extremely transmissible. To the point it seems like Delta pales in comparison. We're going to need it to be quite a bit less severe to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed, imo.


Many areas in the north are dealing with Delta surge right now. It could get ugly again, especially states like Michigan, which are severely under vaccinated.

@ramssuperbowl99remember when we all thought this was over by June?! This virus is a diligent little bastard. I'd admire its diligence if it wasn't a mindless virus wreaking havoc on my community! 

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14 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

@ramssuperbowl99remember when we all thought this was over by June?! This virus is a diligent little bastard. I'd admire its diligence if it wasn't a mindless virus wreaking havoc on my community! 

I would say that's more humanity failing than the virus succeeding.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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