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Science Mag. writer Jon Cohen with an article on the undercounting of deaths in India and other countries


"New analysis bolsters idea that country’s seemingly low death rate was misleading.
India has “substantially greater” COVID-19 deaths than official reports suggest, says Prabhat Jha of the University of Toronto— close to 3 million, which is more than six times higher than the government has acknowledged and the largest number of any country...pressures were such that they said, ‘Anything that’s going to come out is going to be embarrassing.’”

"A worldwide comparison of all-cause mortality before and during the pandemic, posted in eLife 6 months ago, suggests undercounting is widespread. Russia had 4.5 times more deaths than normal, far beyond its official COVID-19 tally, and the trend has continued, the researchers recently tweeted. Tajikistan, Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, Belarus, and Egypt also had profound disconnects.

Global toll estimated at 5.45 million deaths to date.

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Among fully vaccinated American adults, the risk of severe illness or dying from covid-19 remains “rare,” according to a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday.

The study looked at people who had completed a primary vaccination from December 2020 to October 2021 across 465 U.S. health-care facilities. It found that out of more than 1.2 million adults, a tiny portion faced severe illnesses, such as those requiring ICU admission, (0.015 percent) or death (0.0033 percent).

However, it found that the risk of severe illness was more likely for those who were vaccinated but older than 65, immunosuppressed or suffering from certain underlying health conditions. The study recommends those groups “receive targeted interventions,” including greater precautions to reduce exposure to the virus, additional primary and booster vaccine doses, and chronic disease management.


The World Health Organization warned Thursday that although omicron may be less severe than previous coronavirus variants, it is still serious and deadly.

“While omicron does appear to be less severe compared to delta, especially in those vaccinated, it does not mean it should be categorized as ‘mild,’ ” WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news briefing in Geneva. “Just like previous variants, omicron is hospitalizing people, and it is killing people.

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23 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

This is best case scenario. Tbh May as well let Omnicron run rampant and just return to normal as much as possible afterwards. Basically what happened with the Spanish flu

might as well just **** on your local health care people while you are at it

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

This is best case scenario. Tbh May as well let Omnicron run rampant and just return to normal as much as possible afterwards. Basically what happened with the Spanish flu

As long as you ignore the studies showing about one in five people having lingering cognitive problems and 50% of people having a lingering effect of some kind.

As long as you ignore the fact that covid isn't simply "death or the flu," sure. Let's all get it. What's the worst that could happen?

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1 hour ago, squire12 said:

might as well just **** on your local health care people while you are at it


28 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

As long as you ignore the studies showing about one in five people having lingering cognitive problems and 50% of people having a lingering effect of some kind.

As long as you ignore the fact that covid isn't simply "death or the flu," sure. Let's all get it. What's the worst that could happen?

I’ve had it three times, I’m fully vaccinated and boosted, and data shows cloth masks and the vaccine are not working against this variant, I’m not saying that this is awesome news. I’m saying that this is mutating to a much milder and less lethal variant, ergo good news. Come on guys, let’s not pretend that I’m saying something else here.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:


I’ve had it three times, I’m fully vaccinated and boosted, and data shows cloth masks and the vaccine are not working against this variant, I’m not saying that this is awesome news. I’m saying that this is mutating to a much milder and less lethal variant, ergo good news. Come on guys, let’s not pretend that I’m saying something else here.

It's also good news that people are acknowledging this. I always said this is a three year process and now two are down so I expect a little more resistance before it is over. I also expect the 'vax' to be renamed a symptom mitigating booster shot which is all it is at best. 

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2 hours ago, ET80 said:


Seems like the media is click baiting. This is the stuff that annoys me. There’s no confirmation it’s true yet it’s spreading throughout social media and causing panic.

Edited by Blackstar12
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13 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

As long as you ignore the studies showing about one in five people having lingering cognitive problems and 50% of people having a lingering effect of some kind.

As long as you ignore the fact that covid isn't simply "death or the flu," sure. Let's all get it. What's the worst that could happen?


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6 hours ago, Blackstar12 said:


Seems like the media is click baiting. This is the stuff that annoys me. There’s no confirmation it’s true yet it’s spreading throughout social media and causing panic.

Good to know it's been dismissed.

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