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Cardinals rookie LB Zaven Collins arrested for excessive speed and reckless driving


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Reckless driving is so broad and at the officers discretion. Collins has to be careful though, he can hurt someone or himself speeding in that zone. It's only thing to be going 70/80 in the interstate but in a 35 there's a reason the speed limit is that low. 

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On 6/21/2021 at 6:51 PM, kingseanjohn said:

I don't know the details here and I won't pretend to. But I will say that if you aren't accustomed to driving a sports car, you don't even realize how fast you're going at times. Not saying that's the case here, but I'd believe it.

Exactly. My wife got a Genesis G80 5.0. The first time she drove it on the interstate she got up to 110 without knowing it because she was use to driving a 130 horsepower Honda. Powerful but quiet cabin.

But I do think it’s much harder to go 40 over with a 35 mph posting. 

Edited by sammymvpknight
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On the surface, probably nothing. It COULD point to bigger issues of immaturity for him. This would be a great opportunity for someone like JJ or Fitz to have a friendly conversation with him about how he’s not invincible and making good decisions.

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I was hit by a drunk driver 2 days ago. My car is f'd up and my wife and I are seeing a doctor to help with the pain we are in. Drunk driver is also getting sued. It's not fun getting hit by a car. If the guy wants to drive like a tool then he deserved to be chased down and arrested. So many places you can drive your car and test it out without endangering other people lives.

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1 hour ago, TENINCH said:

I was hit by a drunk driver 2 days ago. My car is f'd up and my wife and I are seeing a doctor to help with the pain we are in. Drunk driver is also getting sued. It's not fun getting hit by a car. If the guy wants to drive like a tool then he deserved to be chased down and arrested. So many places you can drive your car and test it out without endangering other people lives.


Yeah, that sort of speed is just ridiculous and unacceptable.  The "we were all young once" doesn't really fly if you kill someone.

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Do you know how fast you're going son? I've been following you from miles back to catch up.

"Well officer, my speedometer only goes up to 95 and it was buried" My exact quote when I was pulled over on a freeway with 55 posting in the late 80's/early 90's Sega did a video game commercial about a year later that looked pretty similar to my experience. 

Friend's were in the back seat and told the officer because it's how I drive. I walked a straight line and did a jump turn to walk it back and the officer knew I wasn't drinking. Just a young kid being stupid. So he explained that 20mph over a speed limit moves it to possible assault with a deadly weapon, could take me in to jail now and that my ticket would cost more. I was respectful, I wasn't afraid and he wrote me a ticket for 73 so only 18mph over the posted limit. I thanked him and it kept me paying attention to ever going 20mph over the speed limit again.

So I see what happened to Collins as a good thing. Nobody hurt and hopefully something similar was explained to him. If so he might pay attention for the rest of his life like I did. It's really what/how your perceive events that matter even more than the events themselves. Do you learn, pay attention, realize possible consequence, have a story to tell that makes others remember...OR Do you blame something else and say that 'THAT' is why you were pulled over. THAT is why things always go wrong. It's possile that something DID assist in how things go down but to remove PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY from the equation would be a mistake. If so then you'll get more of what you FOCUS on. Believe that and LEARN...

No suspension, not a big deal and not a bad thing if learned from. 

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On 6/23/2021 at 1:27 PM, TENINCH said:

I was hit by a drunk driver 2 days ago. My car is f'd up and my wife and I are seeing a doctor to help with the pain we are in. Drunk driver is also getting sued. It's not fun getting hit by a car. If the guy wants to drive like a tool then he deserved to be chased down and arrested. So many places you can drive your car and test it out without endangering other people lives.

Agreed. The deflective comments in this thread are asinine. If you are doing 76 in a 35 done you darn sure know it and it is intentional. You think the rules don't apply to you. 

I had one boss in Las Vegas who asked several questions about driving during the interview. It was a long interesting interview that covered many topics that seemingly were not related to the job, which was sportsbook supervisor. However I could tell what he was doing. He was probing for personality tendencies, ones he wanted and ones he didn't want. He emphasized to me months later that he wanted nothing to do with aggressive drivers because that tendency links to so many negative traits. Sure enough, that was the best staff I was ever a part of.

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On 6/23/2021 at 1:27 PM, TENINCH said:

I was hit by a drunk driver 2 days ago. My car is f'd up and my wife and I are seeing a doctor to help with the pain we are in. Drunk driver is also getting sued. It's not fun getting hit by a car. If the guy wants to drive like a tool then he deserved to be chased down and arrested. So many places you can drive your car and test it out without endangering other people lives.

Agreed. He did something reckless and could have seriously hurt someone. I am glad no one was harmed. I get he is young and got millions in the bank. Not everyone can handle that but he has not played a snap yet. Anyways hopefully this was a wake up call. And really glad you are ok @TENINCH!

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