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Raiders DE Carl Nassib announces he's gay


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Massive respect for Carl to announce he is Gay. Seeing him articulate it in a positive and quite selflessness way hopeful allows people to express their own beliefs or sexual preferences free from discrimination. 

I played football (soccer) to a decent level. In my time in locker rooms it was evident some players were gay. It really wasn’t something that was discussed and to be honest was brushed under the carpet. Almost like a ‘we haven’t got a problem with you’ but don’t want to discuss it attitude. I must admit I was also in that category but I was young and in that type of ‘jock’ culture (similar to the military) you didn’t feel confident to step up and speak out like maybe you could. 

15 years on I certainly feel things have changed for the better. Seeing the BLM movements taking off and other LGBTQ movements actively looking to make change is something we should all feel proud of. Doing whatever you can will help. I have three children and feel education starts at home and by teaching them respect for others is the least I can do. 

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1 hour ago, RamblinMan99 said:

What I’m about to say here should not be considered insensitive by any means and should be part of the discussion.  

What about the players on the team who are openly uncomfortable with having somebody like that on the team? 

Pardon my French, but those people can **** right off. 

And the people who don’t feel comfortable with a gay teacher at their kids school? And the people who don’t feel comfortable with a gay person bagging their groceries? And the people who don’t feel comfortable with a gay man at a locker next to them at the gym?

They all can do the same, with urgency.


1 hour ago, RamblinMan99 said:

I feel like they are now in a position in which they are forced to conform to that even though they know that they are deeply uncomfortable with a homosexual being on the team, and fear of being thrown out of the league if they dare speak their concerns to NFL ownership. 

They should be scared. Their views are hateful and antiquated and we are trending towards a society where openly mocking and shaming those hateful believes is acceptable  and expected.  Y

1 hour ago, RamblinMan99 said:

This is not about whether or not it is right that he is gay or if he and his kind deserve employment rights, because those are entirely different discussions.

Attempting to say someone is “wrong” for being gay is an indefensible stance, so I’m glad this isn’t about that.

I also will admit I am relieved to see that I won’t have to argue against forced unemployment for the LGBT community, 

Do you known how you sound when you use phrases like “his kind”? Gross.

1 hour ago, RamblinMan99 said:

But football is a contact sport and I’m  just thinking about the other players on the team and the other players in the league as a whole.  

Any player who doesn’t want to share the field/locker room with a gay man should out themselves immediately. 

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2 hours ago, Dome said:

That is literally what being dismissive means, as in, the dictionary definition… “indicating a lack of interest”


So yeah, you are being dismissive of something that is a huge deal to a lot of people. 

If the best you can be is dismissive, best just bite your tongue. 

No, its just ignorant to define people by their orientation like you and others apparently do.

I dont care about players being straight either.   Is that dismissive too, or are you only applying it to the group youre currently white knighting for?

Its hilarious how you dont even realize its attitudes like YOURS that continues to make players coming out such a big deal....because you ridicule people who DONT make a big deal of it.    

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2 hours ago, RamblinMan99 said:

What I’m about to say here should not be considered insensitive by any means and should be part of the discussion.  

What about the players on the team who are openly uncomfortable with having somebody like that on the team?  

I feel like they are now in a position in which they are forced to conform to that even though they know that they are deeply uncomfortable with a homosexual being on the team, and fear of being thrown out of the league if they dare speak their concerns to NFL ownership.  

This is not about whether or not it is right that he is gay or if he and his kind deserve employment rights, because those are entirely different discussions.  

But football is a contact sport and I’m  just thinking about the other players on the team and the other players in the league as a whole.  

I suppose having this thought process would have stopped players who were black/people of colour from coming into the league back in the 40/50’s. 

People need to address their own issues if they feel playing with/against a player who is Gay will somehow be any different from a heterosexual player. Just madness!! 

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2 hours ago, RamblinMan99 said:

What I’m about to say here should not be considered insensitive by any means and should be part of the discussion.  

What about the players on the team who are openly uncomfortable with having somebody like that on the team?  


What about them?  Are you seriously implying we need to make sure to consider how homophobic people are going to deal with this?

2 hours ago, RamblinMan99 said:

I feel like they are now in a position in which they are forced to conform to that even though they know that they are deeply uncomfortable with a homosexual being on the team, and fear of being thrown out of the league if they dare speak their concerns to NFL ownership.  

Yes, exactly.  They are now, hopefully, forced to deal with their immaturity, insecurities, emotions, etc and proceed as an adult or fine new employment.  I’d say that’s probably a little overdue, no?

2 hours ago, RamblinMan99 said:

This is not about whether or not it is right that he is gay or if he and his kind deserve employment rights, because those are entirely different discussions.  

What exactly is “his kind”?  He’s a person.  A human being. His sexual preferences don’t make him some other “kind”.

2 hours ago, RamblinMan99 said:

But football is a contact sport and I’m  just thinking about the other players on the team and the other players in the league as a whole.  

Thinking about them how?  If you wouldn’t mind, spell out your concerns specifically.

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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

Good for him, very good for him. I honestly hope this leads to positive change in NFL locker rooms everywhere. 

Absolutely, but I hope that positive change carries over to the coaches, front offices and ownership groups just the same.

Just a guess, but I’d imagine the younger generations are probably more ok with this than some of the older ones.  And those older generations are the ones who hold the majority of the power.

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33 minutes ago, 43M said:

No, its just ignorant to define people by their orientation like you and others apparently do.

I dont care about players being straight either.   Is that dismissive too, or are you only applying it to the group youre currently white knighting for?

Its hilarious how you dont even realize its attitudes like YOURS that continues to make players coming out such a big deal....because you ridicule people who DONT make a big deal of it.    

Hit the nail on the head, especially the bolded.

To me, this isn't a big deal. I understand that as a society, we are not quite there yet so I give him a ton of credit for making the announcement, but I couldn't care less what he does off the field as long as he's a good person.  

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4 hours ago, Matts4313 said:
5 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Now many people will say "I dont care what happens in their bedroom, can they play?"

Thats the wrong way to look at it. That feels like you just dont want to hear about it and just want to put your head in the sand and pretend homosexuality doesnt exist in the game you like to watch.

Thats an odd assumption. Not being interested in someones sexuality =/= dismissive or purposely wanting to ignore it. It could be just a true statement that can be taken at face value. Which is a much more progressive stance than the one you are labeling people. As Nassib himself said - he is excited about the day it is no longer news. For some people, that day has already come. Its not news and its no big deal to them individually. 

Regardless of the intent of the post, thats what it *feels* like when I read comments that feel the need to say that. And in many (not all) cases, I bet thats exactly whats going on.

Kind of reads like the "I don't see color/gender" when dismissing barriers overcome by minorities/women in areas where they previously werent able to be.

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22 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:


What about them?  Are you seriously implying we need to make sure to consider how homophobic people are going to deal with this?

Yes, exactly.  They are now, hopefully, forced to deal with their immaturity, insecurities, emotions, etc and proceed as an adult or fine new employment.  I’d say that’s probably a little overdue, no?

What exactly is “his kind”?  He’s a person.  A human being. His sexual preferences don’t make him some other “kind”.

Thinking about them how?  If you wouldn’t mind, spell out your concerns specifically.

Ok first off,  somebody has every right to be homophobic if being around homosexual people makes them uncomfortable.  No, it’s not immaturity/insecurity.  There are still millions of heterosexual people who are very sure of themselves and still feel that way.  

They don’t have to make homophobic slurs or enact violence against that group of people, but they have every right to disassociate themselves from homosexuals.  

And, given the fact that the NFL is a source of employment for the heterosexual players just as much as it is for the homosexual player, they have a right to voice their concern.  No, they should not ever have to fear losing their job.  


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3 minutes ago, RamblinMan99 said:

Ok first off,  somebody has every right to be homophobic if being around homosexual people makes them uncomfortable.  No, it’s not immaturity/insecurity.  There are still millions of heterosexual people who are very sure of themselves and still feel that way.  


That’s the literal definition 😂 

  1. 1. 
    uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence
3 minutes ago, RamblinMan99 said:

They don’t have to make homophobic slurs or enact violence against that group of people, but they have every right to disassociate themselves from homosexuals.  

Absolutely.  They can disassociate THEMSELVES.  THEY can leave.  I’m fine with that.

3 minutes ago, RamblinMan99 said:

And, given the fact that the NFL is a source of employment for the heterosexual players just as much as it is for the homosexual player, they have a right to voice their concern.  No, they should not ever have to fear losing their job.  


Concerns about what, specifically?

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Wait, I’m sorry, you’re saying there are people ARE sure of themselves and homophobic?  Why?  I thought it was just a typo, but now I’m not sure.

I mean, other than bigotry, what other reason would there be?

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