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Former NFL player Phillip Adams found to have severe CTE / Discussion on CTE and the future of the NFL


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2 minutes ago, BigTrav said:

Matts asks what the 30% increase was on…

incog answers that it is from the previous measurement 


maybe Matts wishes to know what this previous measurement was?

There is no previous measurements. Which makes the 30% another bogus number. Cogyboy just doesnt want to admit that. 

They are saying what ever your personal starting point is, they think it grows 30%. But my counter is that the previous starting point could be 1%. Which would make it 1.3%. 

For someone else it could be .001, so the growth is even more microscopic. The counter of that is obviously you could start at 20%, which would make this much more scary. 


But I am assuming we all start at 0%.... trying to guesstimate that there is some magical 30% growth is just completely illogical and irresponsible. 

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11 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

There is no previous measurements. Which makes the 30% another bogus number. Cogyboy just doesnt want to admit that. 

They are saying what ever your personal starting point is, they think it grows 30%. But my counter is that the previous starting point could be 1%. Which would make it 1.3%. 

For someone else it could be .001, so the growth is even more microscopic. The counter of that is obviously you could start at 20%, which would make this much more scary. 


But I am assuming we all start at 0%.... trying to guesstimate that there is some magical 30% growth is just completely illogical and irresponsible. 


Edited by incognito_man
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3 minutes ago, incognito_man said:


say you're dumb without saying you're dumb

If you are saying its plus 30% total percentage points, that means if I start at 0, I end at 30%. Is that what you are saying?


And once again - I ask you a direct question. You respond by calling me dumb. You dont answer it, you name call.


Thats the biggest loser mentality you can have. Because I well educated, in a high paying job and deal with complex financial situations on a daily basis. My IQ is high. I graduate with honors both HS and College. My ASVAB was for the level of working on nuclear submarines. So if I am dumb, you are a fing moron. And with that, we can go ahead in lock this up. You just couldnt stop with the name calling, could you?

@ET80 => Ill take my warning now. I could take this clown calling me stupid any more. 

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13 minutes ago, ronjon1990 said:

Vincent Jackson, it's reported, also had level 2 CTE

Note: The researchers at UCLA got shut down because they were making unsubstantiated claims about their technology- that doesn't mean it doesn't work - it just means they lack the clinical proof to back up their sales pitch. That being said...

Let's say Mr Vincent Jackson could  take an approved test to give him an indication of brain injury. Would any NFL player curtail their career over those results ? It wouldn't be a definitive yes/no result but rather a sliding scale of a degeneration/ impairment. That makes it even tougher to decide.

Some players may take a fatalistic approach: " the damage has been done, might as well enjoy what's left of my career" .  I can see wives freaking out about the results and I can see still others that wouldn't want to know the results either way - because there isn't a treatment available yet.

So even if we had the ability to diagnose CTE in living players, I'm not sure how many would give up their Wicked Mistress, the NFL. We already know how hard it is for healthy guys to walk away.

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5 hours ago, Apparition said:

A little under 6% of the population is shown to have signs of CTE. 

Playing football increases the likelihood of an individual from that random sampling to have those signs by 30% per year played. I don't know how much clearer this can be expressed.

Compounded, that’s huge. 10 years compounded? That’s…. Close to 40-50% of players with some form of CTE.

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3 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

Vincent Jackson, it's reported, also had level 2 CTE (or whatever they're saying about level or stage, I can't remember). 

Yep. I was just read about this.

She said they sometimes discussed the dangers football presented, notably after he saw “Concussion,” the 2015 movie about Dr. Bennet Omalu, who first diagnosed C.T.E. in former N.F.L. players. Vincent Jackson had read studies that showed football players’ risk of severe cognitive decline later in life was associated with the length of their careers. He refused to allow their children to play tackle football until they reached high school. (Two of the Jackson children play flag football.)

Head Injuries and C.T.E. in Football

The risk of head injuries in football is high, and the permanent effects have started to become clear in recent years.

Diagnosed concussions, however, are not reliable indicators of C.T.E. About 20 percent of people found to have C.T.E. had never had a diagnosed concussion, according to doctors at the C.T.E. Center at Boston University, who analyzed Jackson’s brain.


A more direct association are the thousands of smaller, subconcussive hits that Jackson would have absorbed in his two decades of practices and games. Players cope with these hits in any number of ways — painkillers, recreational or medical marijuana and other treatments. According to his widow, Vincent Jackson’s relief was alcohol. Late in his career, she said, he told her that his brain “felt fuzzy” at times and that alcohol cleared it up.


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6 hours ago, incognito_man said:

yeah, no chance i'd let a son (if I had one) play a repeated contact sport with severe CTE risk. Just couldn't fathom risking that.

Not even just CTE, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let my theoretical son play football and he ends up like Daryl Stingley.

A much as I love this game, it's just too freaking dangerous.

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